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Welcome to the Tigers - Daniel Rioli

Total Tiger said:
This smacks of a marketing department decision. The AFL has a history of Aboriginal kids struggling with the pressures associated but instead of nurturing him quietly, we're whacking him in the limelight when he's done nothing yet and thrown him in 17, the first player to wear it since Cotch killed the captain tradition they were trying to get off the ground. No pressure much ::)

wow, wrong side of the hammock ?
Time to bring my duffle coat with the Maurice 17 Mr Magic Rioli on the back out of retirement :hihi
How good does he look in #17. Love the romance of it all. Closest thing to a father son we have so why not. It's the fans that need to contain their expectations and not expect another Maurice. The kid himself seems to have a level head on him and is not getting drawn into other Rioli comparisons. Tread your own path son!
Total Tiger said:
This smacks of a marketing department decision. The AFL has a history of Aboriginal kids struggling with the pressures associated but instead of nurturing him quietly, we're whacking him in the limelight when he's done nothing yet and thrown him in 17, the first player to wear it since Cotch killed the captain tradition they were trying to get off the ground. No pressure much ::)

Oh dear...even though i share your scepticism his demeanour and knockabout attitude to it all is reassuring. Marketing? Of course it is, so what! There are many success stories with young aboriginals too.

He intimated in his interview that he was asked about wearing the number saying he went back and spoke to his family about it so i guess it was a very considered decision.

My only cringe now is the constant haggling in regards to Maurices legacy. I think we've seen 3 4 interviews now, mostly all have the same boring questioning. When does this stop. To his credit he seems to be well drilled and responds appropriately.

I'm only guessing but i hope he is the type that sizzles underneath saying "I'll keep playing along with this questioning because once they see me play, they won't be talking bout my grandfather much anymore" ... :hihi
Wouldn't have it any other way myself, if its OK by Daniel its OK by me.

That photo of Daniel standing in front of the big framed photo of Maurice in the guernsey with 17 on his back, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I saw it. Superb
Col.W.Kurtz said:
Weren't we going to make young players work for a low number?

Yep. I couldn't care less and didn't see the sense when it was announced. Same as the captain 17 initiative. 2 attempts at introducing some manufactured new traditions and 2 strikes. Numbers are just numbers to me. I hope Daniel being given number 17 so early isn't strike 3. I'm more interested in seeing if he can become a long term senior player than the number he wears.
zgod said:
its just a number. it would have no bearing on his career. Doubt he would even feel the slightest bit of pressure from fans regarding the number. The only time he would probably think of it is when he looks up and sees his uncles name on the locker.

Agree, and that will be motivation for him. Go Rio!
ToraToraTora said:
Bris go have a look at Cyril's junior clips. All the tricks on show. How he wasn't No1 is mind boggling.

Exactly (the no1 remark aside) there are so many who are getting giddy because he has the surname Rioli and is athletic. The thing that will make him great if anything does is nothing to do with the Rioli genes per say it is he is so obviously prepared to do extra hard work. He has enough talent that the hard work should be enough.
But that will take time to show itself. He is not the same natural talent as either Cyril or Maurice and anyone who compares them and expects a great first yaer is going to be very very dissapointed whilst Daniel is developing.

I would be surprised if he gets more than a few games. I would not be surprised if he debuts in 2017 not 2016.

Back to the No1 for Cyril remark - he had the tricks to go No1 but was never going to. He interviewed (supposedly on purpose) very poorly for the clubs he didnt want to go to...another clever trick perhaps?
rosy23 said:
Yep. I couldn't care less and didn't see the sense when it was announced. Same as the captain 17 initiative. 2 attempts at introducing some manufactured new traditions and 2 strikes. Numbers are just numbers to me. I hope Daniel being given number 17 so early isn't strike 3. I'm more interested in seeing if he can become a long term senior player than the number he wears.

I completely agree, my only gripe is consistency. The policy to not hand out low numbers was announced with some fanfare as a coaching decision under the current administration.
I wasn't too keen on giving him 17 initially but I have to admit the picture got me all caught up in the romance of it.
Steve Morris got his dad's number because it meant something to the family, and I think the same applies here. It's obviously a bad example because it's a high number but I like to think Steve would have been given a low number had Kevin have worn it.
tigersnake said:
Wouldn't have it any other way myself, if its OK by Daniel its OK by me.

That photo of Daniel standing in front of the big framed photo of Maurice in the guernsey with 17 on his back, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I saw it. Superb
Yes, it was taken in the Maurice Rioli room at the social club. If he didn't quite understand how big Maurice's legacy was at Richmond before, he does now!
Good to see that Dan looks more like grand-uncle Moz than Cyril does. Even Dean Rioli was nowhere near the resemblance.

TigersYellowAndBlack said:
Exactly (the no1 remark aside) there are so many who are getting giddy because he has the surname Rioli and is athletic. The thing that will make him great if anything does is nothing to do with the Rioli genes per say it is he is so obviously prepared to do extra hard work. He has enough talent that the hard work should be enough.
But that will take time to show itself. He is not the same natural talent as either Cyril or Maurice and anyone who compares them and expects a great first yaer is going to be very very dissapointed whilst Daniel is developing.

I would be surprised if he gets more than a few games. I would not be surprised if he debuts in 2017 not 2016.

Back to the No1 for Cyril remark - he had the tricks to go No1 but was never going to. He interviewed (supposedly on purpose) very poorly for the clubs he didnt want to go to...another clever trick perhaps?
Yep have to agree with this. I reckon most likely scenario is that he plays a handful of firsts games, spends majority of 2016 in the twos. Even that though will be quite interesting to watch. No shortage of talls now in the twos whom he will be able to learn his trade crumbing at the feet of.

People forget he was taken no.15 in what was considered a pretty shallow draft. I'm confident he will end up very good eventually, perhaps as he reaches his 20s. But isn't a ready made AFL senior player as early draft picks often are in stronger years. Certainly the club was after a player of this style, but Callum Ah Chee was the one they really wanted. Similar style but more highly rated and likely a regular firsts player in his first year. Given Ah Chee was taken earlier in the draft, Rioli was the consolation prize. Nonetheless, a very solid consolation prize.
TigerForce said:
Good to see that Dan looks more like grand-uncle Moz than Cyril does. Even Dean Rioli was nowhere near the resemblance.


Going by those pics I reckon Cyril looks the image of Maurice. Add a bit of light and shine to his face to match the brightness of the other photos, throw on a Richmond jumper and he looks almost identical in my mind.
rosy23 said:
Going by those pics I reckon Cyril looks the image of Maurice. Add a bit of light and shine to his face to match the brightness of the other photos, throw on a Richmond jumper and he looks almost identical in my mind.

Dunno, I just see Dan's eyes and ^ shaped eyebrows more like Maurice.
One thing's for sure, Bruce won't be able to contain his excitement. I recon he's already preparing his endless pre-scripted list of superlatives, catch phrases and clichés for the first time the Rioli's play each other.

Going to be all too much for Bruce. Better pack some spare underwear in his bag for the big day.
Panthera Tigris said:
One thing's for sure, Bruce won't be able to contain his excitement. I recon he's already preparing his endless pre-scripted list of superlatives, catch phrases and clichés for the first time the Rioli's play each other.

Going to be all too much for Bruce. Better pack some spare underwear in his bag for the big day.

If Cyril is delicious, will Dan become sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!