Victorian Election 2010 | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Victorian Election 2010

mb64 said:
Bad move by ALP if they give this goose the leader's job.

He was so painful to watch on election night on the ABC :pullhair
rosy23 said:
Unbelievable arrogance and stupidity of Ted to announce shafting the pipeline before the minister's have even been sworn in to have official discussions with. Same with his announced refusal in regard to the new N/V Irrigation Upgrade without even discussing it with the Canberra people managing it. I hope he can remember how dire the state's water situation was before the fortunate, timely and very welcome rains. I wasn't in favour of the pipeline but it's there now. Rather than shafting it I'd prefer it was maintained for a while until we see how the future pans out. I hope he doesn't shaft the farmers and the environmental aspect of those who did it hard and paid massive money for water during the pipleline life while he's at it. There was more tot hat project than the water going to Melbourne.
I seriously don't understand the big deal about this
- The Liberals, Nationals & Greens all were against the North-South pipeline, Labor was the only ones who wanted it
- The pipeline is currently not shifting any water at all, it was suspended back in the first week of September, so nothing has changed
- The main electorates that don't want the pipeline are those around the Goulburn River. These electorates are Rodney, Shepparton, Benalla & Murray Valley. Every single one of these electorates elected the National Party by a significant margin. In most of those seats the Nationals were in front by around 70-30. They are only doing what their electorates wanted them to do.

Not only this, but the amount of water that the pipeline was going to deliver is now estimated to be significantly less than what Labor claimed

The power requirements alone to run the pumps are almost 30% of the total power generated by the Snowy Mountains hydro power station. This is just to shift some water around, much of which will just wash out into the ocean anyway.
I understand that the money was spent to build it, but given it's not getting used anyway and there are significant running costs associated with it, I don't see that as a good enough reason to keep it running. It's just another waste of money from the Brumby government, it's called sunk costs. Perhaps in time if we have another 10 year drought then we can fire it back up again, it would be a lot cheaper to restart it than build it all over again and I haven't heard of any plans to tear it down.
big difference between not using it right now because we don't need to use it, and banning it from use for 4 years regardless
Tiger74 said:
big difference between not using it right now because we don't need to use it, and banning it from use for 4 years regardless
Not really because we know we don't need to use if for 4 years.
Even if it didn't rain at all in the next 4 years, we have enough water to last that long
Mighty Boy is not taking the Brumby loss well at all. Must admit I never picked him for an ALP fanboi.
MB78 said:
He was so painful to watch on election night on the ABC :pullhair

He was terrible. As soon as he emerged as the new leadership prospect, all I could think is that nobody else wants the job yet.
evo said:
Mighty Boy is not taking the Brumby loss well at all. Must admit I never picked him for an ALP fanboi.

Me either! He was spruiking Robert Doyle for as long as I can remember so I am a tad confused.
Total Tiger said:
He was terrible. As soon as he emerged as the new leadership prospect, all I could think is that nobody else wants the job yet.
Oh my god, I can't believe I've just realised that it was him on the ABC
That is hilarious, that guy was a complete twat the entire broadcast

He was in as much denial as the Iraqi Minister of Information

ZeroGame said:
- The pipeline is currently not shifting any water at all, it was suspended back in the first week of September, so nothing has changed

Exactly...nice bolding to highlight my point thanks.  Why, when nothing has changed, was there a need to make a big announcement about plugging the pipe?  It was already plugged. 

Same with comments about the Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project. Why not wait until he was at least sworn in and had his meeting with the project managers before making negative announcements, in ignorance, about the scheme?
ZeroGame said:
Oh my god, I can't believe I've just realised that it was him on the ABC
That is hilarious, that guy was a complete twat the entire broadcast

:hihi A perfect description
mb64 said:
Normally aren't Evo,l just don't rate Ted.

Interesting comment MB.

I wasnt a Ted fan either, I could never understand why he didnt take the opportunity to really lay the boots into the ALP over stuff ups like Mikey.
Now I sort of appreciate Ted's position of not just scoring cheap points.
rosy23 said:
Exactly...nice bolding to highlight my point thanks. Why, when nothing has changed, was there a need to make a big announcement about plugging the pipe? It was already plugged.

Same with comments about the Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project. Why not wait until he was at least sworn in and had his meeting with the project managers before making negative announcements, in ignorance, about the scheme?
He was voted in on election promises and is showing that he's acting on many of them immediately, I don't see what the issue is.
Plenty of sour grapes in here if you ask me, this is storm in a teacup stuff
Michael said:
Interesting comment MB.

I wasnt a Ted fan either, I could never understand why he didnt take the opportunity to really lay the boots into the ALP over stuff ups like Mikey.
Now I sort of appreciate Ted's position of not just scoring cheap points.

Well said.

ZeroGame said:
He was voted in on election promises and is showing that he's acting on many of them immediately, I don't see what the issue is.
Plenty of sour grapes in here if you ask me, this is storm in a teacup stuff

Totally agree.
ZeroGame said:
He was voted in on election promises and is showing that he's acting on many of them immediately, I don't see what the issue is.
Plenty of sour grapes in here if you ask me, this is storm in a teacup stuff

Tigerbob said:
Totally agree.

So his election policy about plugging the pipe was something that Labor had already done but he was acting on it anyway? :hihi

I didn't ask either of you about sour grapes but I will now. How do you come to that conclusion when a) I was against the pipeline in the first place, and b) I didn't have a preference for any candidate or party so didn't vote. What exactly are the sour grapes?
rosy23 said:
So his election policy about plugging the pipe was something that Labor had already done but he was acting on it anyway? :hihi

I didn't ask either of you about sour grapes but I will now. How do you come to that conclusion when a) I was against the pipeline in the first place, and b) I didn't have a preference for any candidate or party so didn't vote. What exactly are the sour grapes?

Sorry Rosy, my post had nothing to do with your post, just Zeros general comment about not seeing what the issue is, in general people have been very quick to knock Ted (don't know if your one, don't care really, it's a general comment) but all he has done is what he has said he will do. I like Zero, cannot see what the fuss is.

In fact I can't believe people can have a go at him, he has been very gracious in Victory, has not boasted about anything, even when he was applauded on his first day he told his members to cut it out. He has literally rolled his sleeves up and done what he said he will do. He has been a breathe of fresh air as far as I am concerned. Early days and nothing to excited about, but gotta admire a polly who isn't talking himself up and is just getting on with the job.

Was unsure on Ted as the right man to lead our state and the Lib party, but he has impressed me and I am feeling confident more and more each day. Has already surpassed Brumby.
I remember when Kennett came in. He'd been in opposition forever and always sounded like a whinger and so so negative all the time. He only got elected because the Cain/Kirner government had nearly bankrupted us. Day 1 of getting into power, he morphed into this natural born leader who held strong convictions and he had a plan and the where all to implement it. I've got that same feeling about Baillieu.