Tambling (merged) | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.

Tambling (merged)

Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

geoffryprettyboy said:
Tambling is a show pony in one of those suburban circus' that come around every 6 months.

he cant even do that very well....
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

One incident I recall from the game had our illustrious captain marking just outside the defensive 50, went back and looked up to see Tambling running into space, a fair gap to his opponent...but Johnson turned to look sideways and any forward momentum we would've have was lost...

Typical Johnson behaviour or an indication that even the players are losing faith in Tambling?
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

How the club fell and signed him up for another three years is beyond me.

Today highlighted so much.

But in fairness we are too blame in part as we are not making him work hard enough to realise his potential. We have shown faith in the kid and it is time for him to deliver. Give the club something back.

For mine he needs to go back to Coburg and stay there till seasons end , sit down with him after the last game , map out a plan for him next year and really lay it on the line what is expected from him next year and beyond.

Tough, but so be it !
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Five more pages on Richard Tambling, equals the amount of touches against Hawthorn today.

It would be extremely difficult to find a positive for RT from todays game. But, whilst you might think this sounds crazy, there is something Bling can take away from the match.

The MCG can be a cruel place to get a kick, especially when you're team mates are chasing opposition players all day and the ball just aint coming your way. Standing on the edge of centre square waiting for the bounce of the ball in the middle with no opponent and 40K people looking on, doesn't help either.

There is a fashionable comment often used by coaches in our modern game today. It's not all about how hard you work when you have the footy, it's equally important to work even harder when you dont.

When Tambling sat on the pine in the last quarter, he helplessly looked on and watched the Tigers surrender to the Hawks. He would have also noticed Richmond superstar Nathan Brown come to the bench after showing signs of fatigue (and a slight limp) - Browny kicked 2 goals and helped set up a few others.

Not even the presence of Nathan Brown in the last quarter could have helped Tambling's cause - Our game today (along with the MCG) doesn't carry passengers.
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Lazy lazy Tambo. I hate players who give less than 100%. He was running at 50% at best today.

There were a few times where he was loose, but he wouldn't call for the ball and then the player carrying the ball for us would kick to a contest and turn it over when they could've used Tambling.

Most games, unfortunately, Tambo puts in a few great passages of play but then goes missing for the rest of the game. Is this Krakouer Mach II in terms of great ability but no determination??
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

benny_furs said:
Tambling will still be a superstar, he will be our best youngster.

Deledio had 6 possies earlier in the year too and bounced back with the best month of his career.

Gotta admire your "Intestinal Fortitude" there Benny , if nothing else.

"Superstar" ............"Best Youngster" .............Some BIG comments for young Bling to live up to there.

How about we have him "Just get a Kick" or even "Apply a Tackle" on a semi-consistent basis before worrying about where he's going to put all those B / F Trophies and Brownlow's that you have penciled in for him.

Love the fact that someone see's an "Upside" to the Kid , but honestly Benny , a SUPERSTAR.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never gonna happen in a Richmond Guernsey , that I'll guarentee.
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

maverick said:
I blame the club. Every scout who saw this kid as a junior said he would be a gun. We have not facilitated his development. I feel sorry for him.

I'm with you Mav.........................Step up to the plate "Recruiting Guru's" and explain yourselves because after 3 years , we deserve an answer , not only in the recruiting of Tambling but quite a few other "Questionable" selections as well.
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

So , the question that keeps burning a hole in my Brain........................

Who was responsible for the 3 year extension and on what logic was it based ?

Seriously , does anybody know ?

Miller , Wallace and Assistants , Match Committee , President , Treasurer , The Chick who answers the phone on Membership Details , I need to know.

What could they have possibly been thinking...................?????

One of Life's little "Unanswerable Gem's" no doubt.
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

jackfrost said:
that I'll guarentee.

Guarantee huh? So, you'll give me 1000000/1 that he'll never be a superstar for Richmond if you're that confident, won't you? Let's define what he needs to do to become a superstar so I can have a $1 on it.

jackfrost said:
So , the question that keeps burning a hole in my Brain........................

Who was responsible for the 3 year extension and on what logic was it based ?

If you decide to give a young player a certain amount of time to develop, doesn't it seem logical to sign him for that amount of time?
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Guess I 'd need to see how YOU define "Superstar" Disco , before plonking down those Odds Mate.

But since you've asked , let me go ahead and give you a list of who I would put in that Category. (Only players I've seen in person , by the way)

Royce Hart , Kevin Bartlett , Malcolm Blight , Gary Ablett , Leigh Matthews.

There ya go Disco , 5 players i would classify as SUPERSTARS.

And yeah , if Bling (whilst in a Richmond Jumper) can be mentioned in the same sentence as one of these blokes , I'd happily find you a Mill. to pay off my Debt.
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Surely there's been more than 5 superstars play in the last 40 odd years jack.

I think benny's definition is the most relevant.

Anyway, I wasn't serious. I just think it's stupid to say you can guarantee anything about the future of a 20 year old player.
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

I'll gaurantee that he won't be a superstar!

Like I've said to others, I won't be going anywhere, we'll see Richard's journey in the AFL as JUST an ordinary player.

I've got my knife & fork with me all the time. :rofl
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Just compare Tambling's pitiful performance yesterday to Franklin's. Guess which club has its act together and which one is a baket case.

When I first saw RT play he could run like the wind. Today he looks as though he couldn't give a stuff. That makes two of us mate. But the morons gave you a 3 year contract so why do you care. I couldn't be bothered watching any more of the s@#% that Richmond is serving up. This is their lowest point ever in my opinion.

Even Wallet's mates at 3AW are now starting to to question his coaching. Of course we're lumbered with him for another two years. What joy! Mercifully Miller is slowly being shown the door. Are any of the people responsible for this disaster up for election at the end of the year?
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Giving him a 3 year extension was a massive mistake. We just keep repeating our mistakes over and over again. We never learn.
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

geoffryprettyboy said:
FullBackFwd said:
Rough Head 5, Bud 4...


How does the 'theory' go again...................you gotta give the kids a few a years to get their feet.

Yeah right.........................it's the coach that adds the spark.

And the bigger guys take longer to develop!
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Disco08 said:
Surely there's been more than 5 superstars play in the last 40 odd years jack.

I think benny's definition is the most relevant.

Anyway, I wasn't serious. I just think it's stupid to say you can guarantee anything about the future of a 20 year old player.

Since '67 Disco , those are who'd I would CLASS as SUPERSTARS that I SEEN play the Game ( always a subjective matter , that's just my Opin.)

I believe the "Word" is handed out with way to much flippancy Nowaday's to be honest.
Everyone of those Blokes could WIN a Game off his own boot, and not just once in a Blue Moon , so to speak .
No easy task when you take into account the number's that take the field for a game of Footy.

Having not seen a Game "LIVE" for the last 19 Years (since '88) , obviously I'm limited and somewhat hesitant to name any Recent players.
From what I've seen over that time though , James Hird would go close to giving it a Nudge.

Superstars > Champions > Great's > Good.

There are the Categories I'd be willing to use to judge players and believe me , Superstars is going to have the least amount of members by a LONG , LONG way.

I agree that's it's harsh to say that a 20 year old isn't going to make it at this level , but from what I've seen of Tambling , I'll stick to my original statement with absolute conviction. I have NO FEAR that this Kid will not be even be a "Good" Player in his time with this Club.

He need's to be surrounded by a Strong Supporting Class and that isn't going to be our Strong Point anytime soon. That's what I base my opinion on.

That's not to say that he couldn't end up somewhere else and completely turn his fortunes around (One G. Ablett immediately comes to mind) but it is very rare and takes a whole lot of sacrifices from that player to reach those lofty goals.

Bling hasn't shown me ANYTHING to suggest that he has that type of Desire.

Let's be honest , good , hard-working player's in ordinary sides can be tagged as Champions simply because they stand out more and have no-one to compete against except there own standards. That's why a Heap of Brownlow's over the years have gone to Good-Honest Types rather than "The Best".

I could see a player like Bling going along "Very Nicely" in the current Geelong Side for example. Will he or would he be capable of that in THIS Richmond side...........NO WAY.
He doesn't "create" , he's a receiver who has the ability to finish and that's fine , there's been plenty of those over the years who've made good livings but they didn't play for teams that are as poor as this current Richmond Squad.

That's why I think it's in both parties "Best Interest" to cut-the-cord now whilst he is still of some value , let's get some Big , experienced Bodies, they don't have to Gun's , just Hard-Nut's , and see where that leads us. Youngun's aren't gonna help , 50 gamer's with good size is what we need , so what's to lose, it's not like we could go any worse.

Still don't get how Benny's "definition" is more relevant but that's fine , your welcome to your opinion.

I'll be the First to stand-up and admit "I was Wrong" if Bling turns it around , no problem , just can't see it happening though.

Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

jackfrost said:
That's why I think it's in both parties "Best Interest" to cut-the-cord now whilst he is still of some value , let's get some Big , experienced Bodies, they don't have to Gun's , just Hard-Nut's , and see where that leads us. Youngun's aren't gonna help , 50 gamer's with good size is what we need , so what's to lose, it's not like we could go any worse.

That strategy would get us straight back to 9th, where we belong :-\

Serious question, if Bling had been a 3rd round draft pick would we be okay with his 3 year contract?
Re: Tambling - FIRE UP!

Im sure even Tambo would appreciate to be led by example.Thats where the problem with Tambling lies.Not the kid himself