RemoteTiger said:
In the debate last night IMO Kevin Rudd was the only one with substance - he has outlined his future plan for Australia - Educaton Revolution dove tailing into the Taxation Reforms dovetailing into an Australian wide Broadband. Further he is removing the ground troops from Iraq - he is banishing AWAs - he has defined the ALPs policy to combat climate change - he has put a stake in the sand concerning hospitals and health - he is outling his major policies to guide Australia into the future -whilst maintaining a surplus in the budget.
* Education Revolution?
Let me guess.....give the kid a laptop with an ALP homepage, teach him to read on "", on how to run a good national economy and you have your 'educational revolution'. ;D
Rudd today announced the slogan for his 'educational revolution'...he called it his "toolbox for the 21st century" and this is right up there with "no child will live in poverty by 1990" and Mark Latham's "climbing the ladder of opportunity'.... :rofl
Gimme a break!
* Tax Reforms?
That wouldn't be the tax reform that was 91.5% copied from the Libs one, would it? :
As Costello said...if we were in school, the ALP would have failed their test due to plagiarism.
* Iraq?
He is sitting on the fence on this one.
If he was fair dinkum about getting the troops out of there, he would bring them ALL home...but no...he is leaving all the support teams and aircraft/ships over there to continue their duties, and only bringing the combat troops home.
Gutless....he wants to appease the 'anti war' lobby, but hasn't got the balls to go the whole way.
And this is also contradictory to his gaffe:
* Banishing AWAs?
We'll see...but hey, with 70% union officials on board, there'll be too many strikes to worry about who is on what agreement anyway.
* Climate change?
If we had signed Kyoto as Rudd is declaring he will do, then we would be punishing our own businesses and economy, because the USA and China have NOT signed it. Rudd saying that these two superpowers didn't sign it because we haven't signed it also, is a load of crap.
Howard is doing EXACTLY the right thing by waiting until we have an international agreement where ALL countries are involved....not just signing this soft Kyoto one, where the only things that will suffer are the still high gas emissions because the largest causes for this have NOt signed the agreement, and the Australian economy.
Also, Rudd is rushing around promising targets for 2050...yet has not looked at the goals we need to reach between now and 2050, and more importantly, the economic impact this will have on OUR economy, due to the more expensive 'cleaner' technology we would have to use to reach these goals.
The Government are looking at the economic impact and doing it properly, not just half-arsed targets and pie int he sky figures that Rudd is carrying on with.
Also, the Government have said that will aid people who may struggle due to the rise in costs because we will be using cleaner technologies...what has the ALP got for these low income families?
And people go on about the ALP looking after the working class families and the Libs losing the other eye mate, you might see the whole picture next time.