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Talking Politics

I would love to see the costing of Labors renewable push ,,OH thats right they don't have one ,Just spend spend spend .
@Sintiger Lets see at the elections if communities of the planned nuclear areas want them .
I wasn’t comparing them to Labor Bengal just stating facts. Any lack of costings by Labor is heavily criticised by the coalition and then they do it themselves. Mind boggling really.

I remember last year hearing an interview with the mayor of one of the bigger towns in Gippsland when this was mooted and he was dead against it and he said it has been discussed at the council level and there was virtually no support. Victoria has a no nuclear policy as a state as have many states in Australia.

There are more hurdles to this than the grand national.

My post is not about the rights and wrongs of nuclear, it is not something that I know much about, it is about the politics.
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Old fart a long long time ago actually was for a time a site rep for the old BLF which got deregistered n all their mob went into the CFMEU, the only thing apart from the name that's changed over the years is that they've gotten a *smile* load stronger n play a heap nastier. Never had anything to do with any form of union ever since way back as a young bloke. But the CFMEU's game hasn't changed much since them good old days.

So you know nothing about contemporary government infrastructure projects and contracting arrangements then?
I wasn’t comparing them to Labor Bengal just stating facts. Any lack of costings by Labor is heavily criticised by the coalition and then they do it themselves. Mind boggling really.

I remember last year hearing an interview with the mayor of one of the bigger towns in Gippsland when this was mooted and he was dead against it and he said it has been discussed at the council level and there was virtually no support. Victoria has a no nuclear policy as a state as have many states in Australia.

There are more hurdles to this than the grand national.

My post is not about the rights and wrongs of nuclear, it is not something that I know much about, it is about the politics.

All states in Australia have total nuclear power generation bans through legislation so that's another regulatory hurdle that Dutts has to overcome.
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Yep, no costs, an unrealistic time frame and completely tax payers funded. The party of free market economics are fans of socialism when it suits them. Oh, and to cap investment in renewable at the same time. They're hypocrisy knows no bounds.

And Willo claims the CSIRO report "didn't do it's homework".
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Good ol TM. Facts dont deter him, they can be easily countered by the use of vague hand wavey generalisations like "the CFMEU is bad and always get their own way". No examples of course. So actually working in the sector is irrelevant to TM, he has the vibe down just from sitting in his cosy armchair at home.

That's strange given you claim the CFMEU controls the Labor government on Victoria.

PS hi Bengals, still waiting on just one example of when the Vic Labor Government jumped when the CFMEU said so.

It's starting to feel like you don't have one.
Labor MPs have blocked a parliamentary push to establish an inquiry into trade union intimidation and union boss John Setka.
Senior Liberal MP David Davis on Wednesday moved an upper house motion calling for a select committee to inquiry into union issues.

In particular he wanted recent examples of union intimidation and threats, including recent comments by Mr Setka, to be probed.

He also wanted the committee to examine whether current laws were sufficient and adequate to deal with Mr Setka’s alleged threats and intimidation

Dutton has dropped the ball here. Nobody under the age of 40 will vote for this bin fire energy policy. He’s just consigned the Libs to opposition for years to come.
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When you think about the Lib’s Snowy Hydro 2.0 project, it’s no wonder Dutton’s not releasing costings yet

Dutton said an opposition government would build nuclear plants with a Commonwealth-owned corporation, such as Snowy Hydro. The Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro project has blown out from an initial cost of $2 billion to $12 billion, while the construction deadline has been extended by seven years, to 2028.

When you think about the Lib’s Snowy Hydro 2.0 project, it’s no wonder Dutton’s not releasing coatings yet

Here's a real life new nuclear power plant being built in the UK. It gives some indication of how these construction projects tend to go

French utility EDF on Tuesday again pushed back the start date on its long-delayed 3.2-gigawatt (GW) Hinkley Point C reactor plant in Britain to at least 2029, with a new estimated cost of between 31 billion and 34 billion pounds based on 2015 values.

The project in southwest England, Britain's first new nuclear plant in more than two decades, was at the last update expected to start operations in June 2027, with an estimated cost of 25-26 billion pounds, which also was a revision of a previous 2025 start date at a cost then estimated at 18 billion pounds. EDF had initially said it would be powering British homes in 2017.
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Here's a real life new nuclear power plant being built in the UK. It gives some indication of how these construction projects tend to go

French utility EDF on Tuesday again pushed back the start date on its long-delayed 3.2-gigawatt (GW) Hinkley Point C reactor plant in Britain to at least 2029, with a new estimated cost of between 31 billion and 34 billion pounds based on 2015 values.

The project in southwest England, Britain's first new nuclear plant in more than two decades, was at the last update expected to start operations in June 2027, with an estimated cost of 25-26 billion pounds, which also was a revision of a previous 2025 start date at a cost then estimated at 18 billion pounds. EDF had initially said it would be powering British homes in 2017.
This is pretty standard. Thats the nude emperor factor, Dutton keeps saying we need to look at this, its been looked at, inside and out, globally, for 50 years.

This is a hoax to keep burning hydrocarbons. Dutton might actually think this is possible and will work, but it won't. Thing is, in this post-truth Trump world, its possible he could convince a narrow majority and win an election. Thats concerning to me.
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Old fart a long long time ago actually was for a time a site rep for the old BLF which got deregistered n all their mob went into the CFMEU, the only thing apart from the name that's changed over the years is that they've gotten a *smile* load stronger n play a heap nastier. Never had anything to do with any form of union ever since way back as a young bloke. But the CFMEU's game hasn't changed much since them good old days.
Is that you Norm?
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So you know nothing about contemporary government infrastructure projects and contracting arrangements then?
Well in Victoria, I'm pretty sure that old mate Dan tried to hand all of it over to Chinese ( govt ) belt and road companies. Got me a felling Jacindasrella will be doing the same with the next fancy big build hole in the ground. Somehow strangely and without any precedent or understanding of how, the CFMEU always get control of all the big govt. construction sites in Vic. Funny how all them open and unrestricted ethical uninfluenced jobs just progress to collective finger up arse mutual gratification.
But hey, there's a rule book out there somewhere that says this *smile* can't possibly happen so Old Fart knows nothing because the rule book says it's impossible.
Believe according to that Rabbitburrow bloke that Ants are pretty good at hiding under rocks n in holes in the ground for long periods of time n then they scuttle around crazily when someone shifts the rock n sunlight suddenly hits on them.
O.K. So we got no nuclear n obviously that fancy new snowy hydro is another over priced n disfunctional pile of crap. We already know that sunshine n wind are only part time energy solutions that also have issues regarding parts, rare metals and replacement plus environment, scenery, farming displacement etc. Gas , coal and oil are all totally unacceptable 'coz all of that *smile* is killing the world.
So the next and simple question is.
What the *smile* have we got that is a viable and functional alternative to help the world keep the lights on and industries operating??????
Anyone got an actual real time answer that isn't just a failed pipe dream??????
Well in Victoria, I'm pretty sure that old mate Dan tried to hand all of it over to Chinese ( govt ) belt and road companies. Got me a felling Jacindasrella will be doing the same with the next fancy big build hole in the ground. Somehow strangely and without any precedent or understanding of how, the CFMEU always get control of all the big govt. construction sites in Vic. Funny how all them open and unrestricted ethical uninfluenced jobs just progress to collective finger up arse mutual gratification.
But hey, there's a rule book out there somewhere that says this *smile* can't possibly happen so Old Fart knows nothing because the rule book says it's impossible.
Believe according to that Rabbitburrow bloke that Ants are pretty good at hiding under rocks n in holes in the ground for long periods of time n then they scuttle around crazily when someone shifts the rock n sunlight suddenly hits on them.

Ok, let's summarise.

So Dan was going to sell everything to the Chinese but didn't. Jacinda Allen will also do this - sell it all to the Chinese, but then not sell.

There's also some rule book somewhere that says something about farts. Then something about ants and rocks and sunlight.
Ok, let's summarise.

So Dan was going to sell everything to the Chinese but didn't. Jacinda Allen will also do this - sell it all to the Chinese, but then not sell.

There's also some rule book somewhere that says something about farts. Then something about ants and rocks and sunlight.
Close, you forgot about rabbits and burrows
Ok, let's summarise.

So Dan was going to sell everything to the Chinese but didn't. Jacinda Allen will also do this - sell it all to the Chinese, but then not sell.

There's also some rule book somewhere that says something about farts. Then something about ants and rocks and sunlight.
FMD Antsy, I thought I was fairly vague at times but you've well and truly got me covered.
Oh n by the way I'm pretty sure Dan was all happy n ready to sell up to Grandpa Xi but old mate Scummo pulled the pin on him doing that a bit before he got kicked out of orifice. Jacindarella hasn't yet sold her big hole in the ground job to the Chinese because she ( us taxpayers ) haven't got the money to pay for the hole digging just yet, but she's working on it.
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Old fart a long long time ago actually was for a time a site rep for the old BLF which got deregistered n all their mob went into the CFMEU, the only thing apart from the name that's changed over the years is that they've gotten a *smile* load stronger n play a heap nastier. Never had anything to do with any form of union ever since way back as a young bloke. But the CFMEU's game hasn't changed much since them good old days.
As an aside undoubtedly the BLF were “colourful” in their methods and the way they did business and of course Norm and his boys made a few bob on the side. However in hindsight some of the black bans they put in place protected some of the more historic sites of Melbourne from development.
The regent theatre, the city baths and many other areas and buildings were protected by the BLF. I am pretty sure they put black bans on areas around Royal parade as well.
Not sure anything so altruistic has come from the CFMEU.
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Well in Victoria, I'm pretty sure that old mate Dan tried to hand all of it over to Chinese ( govt ) belt and road companies. Got me a felling Jacindasrella will be doing the same with the next fancy big build hole in the ground. Somehow strangely and without any precedent or understanding of how, the CFMEU always get control of all the big govt. construction sites in Vic. Funny how all them open and unrestricted ethical uninfluenced jobs just progress to collective finger up arse mutual gratification.
But hey, there's a rule book out there somewhere that says this *smile* can't possibly happen so Old Fart knows nothing because the rule book says it's impossible.
Believe according to that Rabbitburrow bloke that Ants are pretty good at hiding under rocks n in holes in the ground for long periods of time n then they scuttle around crazily when someone shifts the rock n sunlight suddenly hits on them.

The CFMEU get control of the government projects? You know all the projects I see have "Lendlease" or some other construction company on their hoardings. The CFMEU represents the workers on many sites, they do not run a construction business. Given how dangerous the construction business can be, and has been in the past, it is no wonder that strong and often militant unions have established in the construction industry. For all of their faults the construction unions have made work safer for construction workers, and have made what can be a pretty crap job working outside in all sorts of weather doing hard manual labour at least well paying.

Setka is not popular amongst unions, but I do find it strange that Richmond supporters would have a problem with him going after the head of AFL umpiring - one thing I do support him on.