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Talking Politics

You must of worked in a lot of places Sin,your a expert in the health industry,and a expert on how tenders operate for construction.

Your pissing on the wrong tree if you think a entry level nurse earns anywhere near 200k a year,and that includes over time/night shifts etc.
Entry level lollipop holders earn 200k a year and MAY do 2 nights a week,,,thats ridiculous the mind boggles as to what qualified tradies working on the big builds are earning,,no wonder there is no investment into new projects from private and even the federal.government.

Lollipop holders get allowances as well,the Qld code is similar to Victoria.

Nah, worked in the health industry and my role included construction tenders. Only an expert when I have experienced it, unlike some.
Read my post again. Didn’t say an entry level nurse gets $200k a year.
So when you started talking about lolipop men and linking their pay to the vic governments connection to the CMFEU there wasnt really any basis for that connection?
Do your own research ,lm sure you will find plenty more sites .

My doctor bulk bills and has for years,even thought l have private health insurance.
Not sure what that means. If you are talking about a GP thats got nothing to do with private health insurance.

Every GP bills Medicare at the scheduled fee, some don’t charge extra (called bulk billing) and some do which if it is a GP is not covered by Private health insurance.

Bulk billing has been hit hard by Medicare scheduled rates freezes going back 10 plus years ago making bulk billing less economic for GPs.
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Nah, worked in the health industry and my role included construction tenders. Only an expert when I have experienced it, unlike some.
Read my post again. Didn’t say an entry level nurse gets $200k a year.
I read your post ,and we are talking about entry level,,lm sure workers with qualifications on the Government big builds ,are getting way over 200k a year.
Taxpayers are getting ripped off,it's as simple as that .
It looks like the federal government is trying to split the CFMEU,,:ROFLMAO:

Not sure what that means. If you are talking about a GP thats got nothing to do with private health insurance.

Every GP bills Medicare at the scheduled fee, some don’t charge extra (called bulk billing) and some do which if it is a GP is not covered by Private health insurance.

Bulk billing has been hit hard by Medicare scheduled rates freezes going back 10 plus years ago making bulk billing less economic for GPs.
Yeah forgot to add,,private health for specialists ,if needed
As I said before and will say again Sinner, regardless of what's written in the rule book, try getting any of this past the CFMEU. Simply does not happen, 'coz the CFMEU plays the game by their own rules and everyone else can simply tag along like good little Noddy dogs or suffer until such time as they learn to nod along to the CFMEU's beat.

Good ol TM. Facts dont deter him, they can be easily countered by the use of vague hand wavey generalisations like "the CFMEU is bad and always get their own way". No examples of course. So actually working in the sector is irrelevant to TM, he has the vibe down just from sitting in his cosy armchair at home.

I read your post ,and we are talking about entry level,,lm sure workers with qualifications on the Government big builds ,are getting way over 200k a year.
Taxpayers are getting ripped off,it's as simple as that .
It looks like the federal government is trying to split the CFMEU,,:ROFLMAO:

That's strange given you claim the CFMEU controls the Labor government on Victoria.

PS hi Bengals, still waiting on just one example of when the Vic Labor Government jumped when the CFMEU said so.

It's starting to feel like you don't have one.
The CFMEU has its problems sure, (my beef with them is they support logging of old growth forests and coal mining), as do Gina Rinehart, PWC, the AFL etc etc . but In the competitive Jungle that is a capitalist economy whinging about the CFMEU for getting good wages for their workers is a bit like non-Sydney supporters whinging about the Sydney midfield being too fast and kicking too many goals.
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Am I right in saying that the coalition has announced a nuclear build policy that they haven’t costed and the locations are to be in places that don’t want them?
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Good ol TM. Facts dont deter him, they can be easily countered by the use of vague hand wavey generalisations like "the CFMEU is bad and always get their own way". No examples of course. So actually working in the sector is irrelevant to TM, he has the vibe down just from sitting in his cosy armchair at home.
Old fart a long long time ago actually was for a time a site rep for the old BLF which got deregistered n all their mob went into the CFMEU, the only thing apart from the name that's changed over the years is that they've gotten a *smile* load stronger n play a heap nastier. Never had anything to do with any form of union ever since way back as a young bloke. But the CFMEU's game hasn't changed much since them good old days.
Am I right in saying that the coalition has announced a nuclear build policy that they haven’t costed and the locations are to be in places that don’t want them?

Yep, no costs, an unrealistic time frame and completely tax payers funded. The party of free market economics are fans of socialism when it suits them. Oh, and to cap investment in renewable at the same time. They're hypocrisy knows no bounds.
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Yep, no costs, an unrealistic time frame and completely tax payers funded. The party of free market economics are fans of socialism when it suits them. Oh, and to cap investment in renewable at the same time. They're hypocrisy knows no bounds.
They have also virtually guaranteed that the teals will be re-elected.
3 things:

1. I am done with Albo. An estimated 2,000 suicides from Robodebt and not one person will be made accountable for it. Yes i know the NACC made the call and not him, but clearly Albo's first priority is looking after the political brotherhood and not the best interests of the country. And clearly the so-called "NACC with teeth" is a load of *smile*. The Royal Commission showed that the former LNP government knew it was illegal and proceeded anyway. There needs to be repercussions for that.

2. Dutton and his talk about walking away from the Paris agreement, then backtracking. Unbelievable.

We deserve so much better from our politicians.

3. The salty reaction and meltdown from the Andrews haters form his Kings Birthday gong is hilarious. :rotfl2

Given that the Andrews Government:

1. Had the most COVID deaths out of any state
2. Largest number of lockdown days in Australia (some say the world)
3. Out of all states, has the highest state debt burden, highest tax burden and highest energy price increases.
4. Out of all states, Victoria is ranked second last in per capita state economic growth, wages growth, retail trade, and productivity growth.

do you really think he deserved the Companion of the Order of Australia?

When Andrews came into power, every Victorian had $3,592 of state debt. In 2028 it is forecast to be $24,774 per Victorian. In 2027, interest payments on the debt are forecast to be $25 million per day, yes per day.

I'm not a Andrews hater, he did some good things. I've voted for Labour before and I've voted for LNP before (won't be doing this while Dutton is LNP leader). I prefer to judge leaders by their performance.

Ian, given the above 4 points, could you advise why you believe he deserved the Companion of the Order of Australia?

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Given that the Andrews Government:

1. Had the most COVID deaths out of any state
2. Largest number of lockdown days in Australia (some say the world)
3. Out of all states, has the highest state debt burden, highest tax burden and highest energy price increases.
4. Out of all states, Victoria is ranked second last in per capita state economic growth, wages growth, retail trade, and productivity growth.

do you really think he deserved the Companion of the Order of Australia?

When Andrews came into power, every Victorian had $3,592 of state debt. In 2028 it is forecast to be $24,774 per Victorian. In 2027, interest payments on the debt are forecast to be $25 million per day, yes per day.

I'm not a Andrews hater, he did some good things. I've voted for Labour before and I've voted for LNP before (won't be doing this while Dutton is LNP leader). I prefer to judge leaders by their performance.

Ian, given the above 4 points, could you advise why you believe he deserved the Companion of the Order of Australia?

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Couldn’t give a toss about AOs or those sort of awards, they are given away a lot to those who lobby the hardest.
All I would say is that we have had Sir Henry Bolte and Sir Joh Bjelke-Peterson amongst others so this country has plenty precedent for giving *smile* premiers awards and titles
Am I right in saying that the coalition has announced a nuclear build policy that they haven’t costed and the locations are to be in places that don’t want them?
Yep, no costs, an unrealistic time frame and completely tax payers funded. The party of free market economics are fans of socialism when it suits them. Oh, and to cap investment in renewable at the same time. They're hypocrisy knows no bounds.
I would love to see the costing of Labors renewable push ,,OH thats right they don't have one ,Just spend spend spend .
@Sintiger Lets see at the elections if communities of the planned nuclear areas want them .
Am I right in saying that the coalition has announced a nuclear build policy that they haven’t costed and the locations are to be in places that don’t want them?

And with an impossible timetable for reactors that don't exist yet.
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