Scientology | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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They have been taken to court by countries for a reason, they are a fraudelent crock. If you fall for that *smile* you almost (genuinely poor misguided people aside) deserve to lose your money.
Back in 1981, on my first trip overseas on my own, my first stop was in Auckland, New Zealand.

Having the afternoon off, before continuing on my trip, I decided to have a stroll around the main drag of Auckland. I came across a sign that said Free IQ Tests.

Well, I had a few hours to kill and who am I to knock back a free anything?

I vaguely recall the IQ Test, but for the next 10 years I received an annual birthday card asking me if I was ok with life.

They also gave me a copy of the L.Ron Hubbard book to read on my travels. Read a little bit but got diverted by the pleasures of overseas travel.

I always had a giggle to myself whenever I saw or read anything about Hubbard and his Scientology.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
I'm interested to know whether anyone on PRE adheres to Scientology and would like to provide more information on the quoted tenet, e.g. who or what is Xenu?
Poster Tigerforce is very high in the organization ;)
Tigerdog said:
They have been taken to court by countries for a reason, they are a fraudelent crock. If you fall for that sh!t you almost (genuinely poor misguided people aside) deserve to lose your money.
Spot on again td
ZeroGame said:
It really just looks like a system that preys on the weak and those who believe they can get to a position of power and influence just by opening their wallets.
As opposed to other organized religions.....

The Catholic church expect a lifelong 'tithe'. That's gotta add up to some pretty hefty money over a lifetime. Moreover, it's adherents are overrepresented in poorer nations.

One has to admire L.Ron's audacity. His basic contention was that religion is so absurd that anyone with a bit of literary acumen could create one.....and he did.
There is a great spoof on Scientology in a South Park episode where they explain the beliefs as a sort of joke and then write on the bottom of the screen that this what they actually believe !! Scary stuff and makes you wonder about the IQ of some people . They did a similar one on Mormons as well with Joseph Smith looking inside his hat at the sacred stones.

However a friend of mine once said if you explained many of the world's religions in the same way to someone who had no knowledge of them , they may seem as unbelievable .

Food for thought .
Sintiger said:
There is a great spoof on Scientology in a South Park episode where they explain the beliefs as a sort of joke and then write on the bottom of the screen that this what they actually believe !! Scary stuff and makes you wonder about the IQ of some people . They did a similar one on Mormons as well with Joseph Smith looking inside his hat at the sacred stones.

However a friend of mine once said if you explained many of the world's religions in the same way to someone who had no knowledge of them , they may seem as unbelievable .

Food for thought .

Love this take on christianity -

"Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree."
evo said:
As opposed to other organized religions.....

The Catholic church expect a lifelong 'tithe'. That's gotta add up to some pretty hefty money over a lifetime. Moreover, it's adherents are overrepresented in poorer nations.

One has to admire L.Ron's audacity. His basic contention was that religion is so absurd that anyone with a bit of literary acumen could create one.....and he did.

Absolutely gotta agree with you Evo.
Don't see any difference between this and any other Organised Religion.
There all as good as "the man in the sky."

Personally I'm into Karma.
There is no better example of a club that deserves its Karma than the RFC.
While this religion isn't exactly plausible, I can't handle the people that are intolerant of this religion. Don't all religions have ridiculous things about them? I am not trying to stir anyone up, I am just making a point.

I am a light Catholic, and have had the religion shoved down my throat since I was 5.

Catholics believe that Mary was just miraculously impregnated by an angel claiming to be from God. Would it make more sense that she had an affair and didn't want to tell Joesph, so made something up? Again. This isn't me taking a poke at anyone's religion. Its just that people are tolerant of that religion, but not of Scientology.

If people want to believe in something, let them. Don't tell them they are wrong, when there are no hard facts from any religion. Otherwise there would be just one religion.
Disco08 said:
Karma's a crock of sh!t too.
The western charicture of it certainly is. the concept is not meant to be some cosmic retribution system.
Tigertool said:
Catholics believe that Mary was just miraculously impregnated by an angel claiming to be from God.

So, isn't this just as fanciful as what the StKildaFC have been stating over the last year or so?

Except in the StKilda case it's a 17yo minor.

Disco08 said:
Karma's a crock of sh!t too.

On the flip side, Organised Religion has generally handed down our various sets morals & ethics.
One thing about Organised Religions, they're very good at handing down codes of morals & ethics.
It's another thing for the organisations within these religions to stick by their morals & ethics.

BTW, it's through Organised Religion that we have the parable of wandering 40 years in the desert.

Now isn't that appropriate to the RFC?
evo said:
As opposed to other organized religions.....

The Catholic church expect a lifelong 'tithe'. That's gotta add up to some pretty hefty money over a lifetime. Moreover, it's adherents are overrepresented in poorer nations.

One has to admire L.Ron's audacity. His basic contention was that religion is so absurd that anyone with a bit of literary acumen could create one.....and he did.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not religious and agree that the Catholic church is guilty of the same thing, just not sure its as blatent as Scientology is about it and at least the church has a lot of charitible parts to its organisation
Azza said:
Love this take on christianity -

"Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree."

I don't think even most Catholic priests would believe everything in the Bible in a literal sense.

Having read a bit more about Scientology creationism on Wiki, much of it seems to be a product of the age L. Ron Hubbard lived in. The aliens supposedly wore clothes similar to ours, got around in cars, boats and planes, travelled here in a "DC-8-like" craft, and blew people up with hydrogen bombs. Reads like average - or at least dated - science fiction.
Yeah the ol' DC8 airoplane is a dead giveway, eh. ;D

Love this song
PS.You have to jump it forward 25 seconds to make it work. (The scientologists keep shutting the people who post the video down so it's hard to find a good copy. )
evo said:
The western charicture of it certainly is. the concept is not meant to be some cosmic retribution system.

Don't most eastern religions tie it in with reincarnation as well? Again fairly far-fetched and logically challenging if you ask me.
Disco08 said:
Don't most eastern religions tie it in with reincarnation as well? Again fairly far-fetched and logically challenging if you ask me.
Again, it depends what is meant by 'reincarnation' and who is telling the story. If you read the really early Buddhist stuff, it didn't posit literal soul transmigration. Those ideas was something that developed later.

I've just got back from Ankor wat. They had a mix of Buddhist and Hindu creation stories and certainly believed in alot of the supernatural stuff. Whereas if you read early Taoism and Zen, nearly all the masters warn against all that sort of stuff. Buddha grew up in a hindu country which has a lot of Gods, creation myths and what have you. His philosophy is really a reaction to that.