Scientology | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Tiger Legend
Jun 4, 2006
I'm admittedly ignorant of this so-called religion and have always regarded it as a bit of a loony cult, yet wondered how it seems to attract more than its fair share of high profile people who, presumably, have more freedom to follow their dreams than most of us and possess at least a modicum of intelligence. Without wanting to sound too disparaging when knowing so little, the following which appears in The Age this morning has reinforced my initial impressions.

"The church was founded by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, who declared that the galactic dictator Xenu dumped millions of corpses in volcanoes on Earth 75 million years ago and blew them up with 17 hydrogen bombs. The souls, or ''thetans'', of the dead were contaminated and in turn contaminated humans, who can be cleansed only by Scientology."

I'm interested to know whether anyone on PRE adheres to Scientology and would like to provide more information on the quoted tenet, e.g. who or what is Xenu?
AFAIK Xenu is exactly what the quote states, a powerful alien. I don't understand how anyone with a modicum of sense could take it seriously after discovering that.

Theres also more to the origin of the cult than what that quote said. Hubbard created Scientology after making a bet with other science fiction writers, one of whom was Robert Heinlein, that he could create a religion.
In about 1985, I was stopped by one of these zealots in Russell Street, and I was stupid enough to answer some of their questions and give my (at the time) address. I have not lived at that address for over 22 years, and indeed have not lived anywhere in Australia for 20 years, and yet my mother still gets mail addressed to me there at the rate of at least a letter a week.

When he was still alive, my father used to call them to try and stop it but nothing would. It's clearly just a money making empire so it is quite interesting to note that they waste the postage despite such a small chance of generating anything from the letters. I suppose in a way it was no different to present day "spam", just done in the physical sense.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
I'm interested to know whether anyone on PRE adheres to Scientology and would like to provide more information on the quoted tenet, e.g. who or what is Xenu?

Scientologists are forbidden to share their knowledge, you have to do the courses, each course prepares you for the following course, and so on. And as it happens, it costs serious money for each level. Scientologists cant even discuss matters between themselves, only through their "mediator".
Definitely all about the money and tax benefits of a "church"

It's essentially a cult, it should be banned along with other secretive "religious" groups like "The Bretheren"
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
high profile people who, presumably, have more freedom to follow their dreams than most of us and possess at least a modicum of intelligence.

This is where you went wrong L2R2R.

I've always been astonished that anyone can follow Scientology and keep a straight face. There must be some hidden advantages and goodies that you are not made aware of until you join.
ZeroGame said:
Definitely all about the money and tax benefits of a "church"

It's essentially a cult, it should be banned along with other secretive "religious" groups like "The Bretheren"
Spot on zero
I guess some people have an emptiness inside them that needs to be filled, and for many, Scientology fills the void.

Personally, when reading about the "philosophy" which LTRTR opened with, it sounds like the biggest load of horse *smile* ever. Still, it seems to have sucked a lot of seemingly intelligent people in.
Punxsutawney Phil said:
I guess some people have an emptiness inside them that needs to be filled, and for many, Scientology fills the void.

Personally, when reading about the "philosophy" which LTRTR opened with, it sounds like the biggest load of horse sh!t ever. Still, it seems to have sucked a lot of seemingly intelligent people in.

Some people think most religions are a load of rubbish.
Punxsutawney Phil said:
I guess some people have an emptiness inside them that needs to be filled, and for many, Scientology fills the void.

Personally, when reading about the "philosophy" which LTRTR opened with, it sounds like the biggest load of horse sh!t ever. Still, it seems to have sucked a lot of seemingly intelligent people in.
Sure has
Moulded Souls said:
re. Churches and tax benefits.

Can someone elaborate on this. How come they get tax benefits?

Good question. They do though.

Religious organisations are tax-exempt (source: ATO).

IMO charitable organisations should be tax-exempt, religious or otherwise. However, blanket tax-exemption can be exploited to fund churches or parts of churches that have no charitable aspect. Check out this article from the Sunday Telegraph in regard to Hillsong.
jb03 said:
This is where you went wrong L2R2R.

I've always been astonished that anyone can follow Scientology and keep a straight face. There must be some hidden advantages and goodies that you are not made aware of until you join.

jb03 said:
This is where you went wrong L2R2R.

I've always been astonished that anyone can follow Scientology and keep a straight face. There must be some hidden advantages and goodies that you are not made aware of until you join.
Having never even spoken to a Scientologist for fear of punching them in the face, from what I understand when you join you pay for courses to get you to a higher level. I'm not sure if this is a pyramid scheme or just some dungeons and dragons game with real money going into other peoples pockets. I don't know if upon joining they tell you the benefits of getting to a higher level or the benefits are still unknown and gullible people just keep opening their wallets wanting to find out, or want to see them in the positions of those above them.

It really just looks like a system that preys on the weak and those who believe they can get to a position of power and influence just by opening their wallets.
Whenever I hear or read of Scientology for some reason I always think of ON-J.

And now
Open your eyes and see
What we have made is real
We are in Xanadu
they are a crock of *smile*. As others have said, they prey on the vulnerable. I remember an experience I had with them in '88. I like to think I'm reasonably intelligent (others may disagree). I was on my way back home from uni and was walking to flinders street. Got stopped by 2 reasonably attractive young ladies. Forgot what they were talking to me about, but was something about changing my life. I was curious so walked with them to Russell st, where their headquarters were, I think.Saw the dianetics books in the front windows and should have thought "oh oh", but I was curious. Went inside, the girls disappeared :mad: , a smarmy salesman came out and greeted me. Asked if I was interested in doing their personality test (I think it was called that). We went up 3 flights of stairs, into a small room. He spun some *smile* about scientology. I tried hard to keep a straight face. He explained it thus "Scien" means science, "To" means of, "Ology" means religion, science of religion. Douchebag
I did the test, he told me the results. Was scary because it was very accurate. I found out later it was devised by some English university for unrelated things. He kindly offered to 'cure' me of all my ills. I could do a course for $500, but he highly and forcefully recommended I needed to do the $2500, because I was so sick. I could even pay it off in instalments. Nice of them to offer. I can see how someone with low self esteem would get sucked into something like that.
They should be banned
That just sounds so much like the experience I had .... except I didn't go as far as doing the test.
Bunch of crooks without a doubt. Boggles the mind the high-profile folks who have bought into it . . . literally.
Legends of 1980 said:
I did the test, he told me the results. Was scary because it was very accurate. I found out later it was devised by some English university for unrelated things. He kindly offered to 'cure' me of all my ills. I could do a course for $500, but he highly and forcefully recommended I needed to do the $2500, because I was so sick. I could even pay it off in instalments. Nice of them to offer. I can see how someone with low self esteem would get sucked into something like that.

Much cheaper to pray to Xenu for guidance.