Sydney is an interesting anlysis.
The safest Liberal, largely wealthy, anglo-saxon electorates, which typically have large chunks of cashed up baby boomers, voted overwhelmingly yes (Warringah being one of them). The multicultural, working class electorates of western Sydney that are the safest of ALP seats (and have come to represent modern Australia), that the political left fawn over, voted strongly no.
It brings me to a related point. This issue has had many more generally leftist activist types piggy backing onto it, using it as a grandstand to convey their wider prejudices. This morning I've seen many comments inferring, "sucked in to the pale, stale old bigots of white Christian baby boomer Australia." When in actual fact, polling continually showed that multi-cultural Australia actually supported SSM in lower numbers than the general populace. But this is an inconvenient truth to the "White-Anglo males, the root of all bigotry in the world" narrative.