Lynch !! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Lynch !!

If you have strained a hammy, aside from running fast, the next worst thing you could probably do to aggravate it would be - squat and lift a large human being and then carry them. Before then squatting again to put em down,,?
Squats do work the hammies. Very strange the whole thing
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Maybe because he wanted to play in his mate's 300th, he was training the house down, and it wasn't the bad leg that got injured anyway?

Or if he came back through the VFL there's nothing to say he just wouldn't have got the same injury anyway?

Or that like it or not, we probably don't want to win too many games for the rest of the season anyway to maximise our access to quality draft picks, so Lynch out for a couple more weeks probably isn't that much of a big deal?

I'm fine with it. He's a footy player earning good coin to play footy.
Some questions...Since it happened to his other leg then was that leg neglected in his rehab program? Did he have too much game time in his first game back, on a cold night, so fatigue had set in? Does he have tight hamstrings which can be an issue for tall men? Does he have a stiff low back or low back joint/nerve complications? Our rehab and conditioning team need to provide some possible answers.
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Been a few of those start up players for Mold Coast that have wound up with long term ongoing soft tissue injuries. Both Prestygiocomo n the Lynchman have struggled with these soft tissue issues in between helping us win some premierships. Sadly the problems just keep on getting worse as they near the end of some fairly wonderful careers. Got me a feeling that both of them are fairly well cooked n the best we'll get from them from here on in is maybe one or two minor cameos.
Doesn’t matter if it was the other knee, still means insufficient preparation.

Blind Freddy was asking lynch to come back after the bye, but the medicos/coach didn’t have the credability to stop him.

Prestia’s management has been the same

Easy to be crictical in hindsight - but when everyone knows it’s a bad decision before the he facts then something is wrong
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As far as we know, none officially as yet. Bloke only bent the knee not that long ago so the deed has probably not been done yet.
It sounds like the club needs to buy him a "Where Did I Come From"? book.

I can just see it now, Adem sitting him down and flicking therough the pages and Lynchy lookingat the pictures all wide eyed and asking "Does that really go in there?"
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If you have strained a hammy, aside from running fast, the next worst thing you could probably do to aggravate it would be - squat and lift a large human being and then carry them. Before then squatting again to put em down,,?
Squats do work the hammies. Very strange the whole thing
Thought crossed my mind