Re: Life, the Universe, and Everything
I agree how we define "good" and "evil" is a social and cultural definition. I do wonder about it though...
If we believe we are all belong to some great earth spirit (not referring to your beliefs here btw), I think how nature works would be an indicator for this. In general, the "natural" world has no evil. Most animals and plants kill or maim for either food or security. We on the otherhand do these things for reasons for greed, pride, power, etc..
Stripes said:Tiger74 said:I have one question for Stripes actually. In your world were our conscious engeries are all interconnected and part of a greater oneness, is there such a thing as "good" and "evil"?
Nice break away thread T74! Would be an impossible task to carve up our cosmic discussions from the Christianity thread.
Firstly, I think the concept of "good" and "evil" is a human concept designed to strike fear into the hearts of many (aka certain religions have successfully done this). There are certainly darker energies that exist but I don't believe there are truly evil energies. Evil is an invention of the human ego mind IMO.
Darker energy gathers in lower emotional states such as hate, jealousy, anger, rage, etc just as lighter energy exists in higher emotional states like love, joy and happiness. The state I referred to on the Christianity thread (ie, pure consciousness and the oneness of being) is of such a high vibrational frequency and enlightened nature that I doubt darker energies could exist within it.
I agree how we define "good" and "evil" is a social and cultural definition. I do wonder about it though...
If we believe we are all belong to some great earth spirit (not referring to your beliefs here btw), I think how nature works would be an indicator for this. In general, the "natural" world has no evil. Most animals and plants kill or maim for either food or security. We on the otherhand do these things for reasons for greed, pride, power, etc..