Life, The Universe and Everything Else | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Life, The Universe and Everything Else

KnightersRevenge said:
Just to be pedantic 4.5billion is approximately the age of the Earth. The big bang happened about 13.7billion years ago. While I'm no expert I don't think the conditions at the centre of a black hole are considered to be the same as the big bang. A singularity gave rise to the big bang. Super-massive black holes may have singularities at their centre but they aren't considered to be the same thing. Who knows? Our best understanding of the laws of nature don't apply in these regions so turtles are as good an explanation as any.

If turtles are a possibility then I guess intelligent design can't be ruled out.
The singularity at the centre of a Black Hole is quite different to the conditions of the Big Bang.

A black hole is a gravitational singularity at which the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite.

The Big Bang occured when Dustin Martin tried to don't argue Stewie Dew.
KnightersRevenge said:
Just to be pedantic 4.5billion is approximately the age of the Earth. The big bang happened about 13.7billion years ago.

yep, you're right. i got earth's age mixed up with the age of the universe. i wrote my post on saturday arvo when i was bored, hungover and being lazy, i didn't bother to double check the age. i just went by my hazy mind.

KnightersRevenge said:
While I'm no expert I don't think the conditions at the centre of a black hole are considered to be the same as the big bang. A singularity gave rise to the big bang. Super-massive black holes may have singularities at their centre but they aren't considered to be the same thing.

not disagreeing because i simply don't know. i'm only going by what stephen hawking said on the tv show, which was - the conditions of a black hole is the same as the conditions pior to the big bang. i'm sure its more complicated than that. but thats what he said.
Ian4 said:
yep, you're right. i got earth's age mixed up with the age of the universe. i wrote my post on saturday arvo when i was bored, hungover and being lazy, i didn't bother to double check the age. i just went by my hazy mind.

not disagreeing because i simply don't know. i'm only going by what stephen hawking said on the tv show, which was - the conditions of a black hole is the same as the conditions pior to the big bang. i'm sure its more complicated than that. but thats what he said.

Fair enough, far be it for me to contradict Prof. Hawking. Though he does wander in the direction of philosophy a bit too much for my liking.
KnightersRevenge said:
Fair enough, far be it for me to contradict Prof. Hawking. Though he does wander in the direction of philosophy a bit too much for my liking.

I find that he tends to equate physics to philosophy a lot. No doubt there's significant overlap, but he tends to reach for philosophical conclusions based on mathematical models.
Ian4 said:
yep, you're right. i got earth's age mixed up with the age of the universe. i wrote my post on saturday arvo when i was bored, hungover and being lazy, i didn't bother to double check the age. i just went by my hazy mind.

If I'd a been on the sauce we could have had wide ranging and dangerously inaccurate ramble over on pissheads drunk posts thread.
Check out this site for mystic awesomeness. :angel:
evo said:
Check out this site for mystic awesomeness. :angel:

I believe you mock, evo. Very narrow minded of you.
Azza said:
I believe you mock, evo. Very narrow minded of you.
Mocking false prophets and charlatans is a very noble and wise tradition stretching back millenia. Buddha would've approved

"Infinity is inherent in pure opportunities" =thus spake simulation Chopra

"The secret of the universe comprehends your own energy" - also spake simulation Chopra

words to live by.
evo said:
Mocking false prophets and charlatans is a very noble and wise tradition stretching back millenia. Buddha would've approved

"Infinity is inherent in pure opportunities" =thus spake simulation Chopra

"The secret of the universe comprehends your own energy" - also spake simulation Chopra

words to live by.

I'm not altogether sure that random words can't be interpreted by the brain to provide insight. Shades of the Rorschach test?
Azza said:
I'm not altogether sure that random words can't be interpreted by the brain to provide insight. Shades of the Rorschach test?
I guess that is plausible given the Roscharch test is used to reveal thought disorders.
evo said:
I guess that is plausible given the Roscharch test is used to reveal thought disorders.

Haha, Really?

I was actually being flippant on Chopra, but not so much on the drawing meaning from randomness. People are naturally prone to making connections between observations whether there’s a relationship or not, and the way they do it is illustrative. Surely as a psych/phil type you’re not going to deny that?

I’ve mucked about with tarot myself, and it’s amazing how often a consistent pattern appears. Sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s nothing more than the mind mapping itself out.

If people are prepared to pay to use Chopra’s stuff as meditations, why not?
Azza said:
If people are prepared to pay to use Chopra’s stuff as meditations, why not?

Chopra's entitltled to bilk the gullible if he wants, good luck to him.

What sticks in my craw in particular with him though is the way he tries to scientfically legitimise his waffle by linking it with still speculative theories in quantum mechanics.

He is also gives a bad name to genuine mystics who have had something interesting to contribute over the ages, for example Rumi.
evo said:
Chopra's entitltled to bilk the gullible if he wants, good luck to him.

What sticks in my craw in particular with him though is the way he tries to scientfically legitimise his waffle by linking it with still speculative theories in quantum mechanics.

He is also gives a bad name to genuine mystics who have had something interesting to contribute over the ages, for example Rumi.

I don't really know enough about him. You reckon he's a complete fake?
no, not a complete fake. He is actually clever and well read. He knows just enough of the eastern foundational texts to make him appear totally legit.

Let's face it, guys like him are in the right place for the right time. As Christianity wanes somewhat, and economic materialism is proving to many people unfulfilling, "reconnecting with the universe" via easterm metaphysics is the perfect alternative. Guys like him provide the access for a few dollars without the customer having to do much of the actual groundwork. LIke Dr Oz, Oprah loves him.

Sit back, relax and have all the"big Questions" answered for you.
evo said:
no, not a complete fake. He is actually clever and well read. He knows just enough of the eastern foundational texts to make him appear totally legit.

Let's face it, guys like him are in the right place for the right time. As Christianity wanes somewhat, and economic materialism is proving to many people unfulfilling, "reconnecting with the universe" via easterm metaphysics is the perfect alternative. Guys like him provide the access for a few dollars without the customer having to do much of the actual groundwork. LIke Dr Oz, Oprah loves him.

Sit back, relax and have all the"big Questions" answered for you.

Oprah and Chopra - what more could one ask for?

At least eastern metaphysics provides mysticism without the need for a very anthropomorphic god - people are showing a bit of sense there!