Beanie n Bazza, both next gen key forwards.. Beanie's easy got another season of pure development in him n young Bazza three or four. As Jaaack perhaps starts to creak n fade or Ty maybe struggles for form Beanie will get some limited senior games this year n maybe next. Griff covers a slightly different role as he's high forward, ruck n hole filling key defender all rolled into one, a big mobile swingman.
Beanie wants more opportunity he's gunna need to grow a body n tank n offer a tandem to Griff as the Eevan slows down, give himself another string to his bow. Jaaacks only 27 late this year so got some time to go, Eevan's turned 29 earlier this year, heading for creakiness, n Beanie turns 21 late this year. Beanie needs to find a way to bypass the Hamster n be in position to take a support / share mobile ruck combo role with the Griffinator. If Ty holds some form perhaps a threesome combination, all capable of swinging ruck / forward n at least Griff a bit of defence.
If the game swings back with slightly less rotations with the fatigue factor opening up games then the old fashioned power forward will come back into play in a big way. There's always a place for the likes of Tomahawk, Tippet, Cloke type forward beasts, a solid two or three years while building himself into an AFL player could see Bazza Mckenzie become such a type.