The reality is, we aren't a bad team. There has been a lot of hyperbole posted on here tonight. I might log off, its prime time for some people on here to spit what they want.
We are still a good team, we got up to 40 points up and GC were always going to get a run on, I'm not sure why people didn't expect that but we should have been good enough to protect that lead, and thats where scoring our chances comes into it. We weren't kicking shots from the pocket, we kicked almost all of them from within the corridor, we butchered them and those goals to hit back when GC were on top were super important, shame those chances fell to George and Aarts in the main. The game wasn't in being able to preserve a 40 point lead, GC were never going to play as bad in the 2nd half as they did the 3rd, but it was about maintaining them at arms length.
Of the 6 behinds were scored in the 2nd half, I'd hazard a guess that we should have kicked at least 4 of them. Thats the game right there, regardless of whether or not we let the lead slip. If people thought that the lead wouldn't be reduced with the team we had out, then you guys are not being realistic. It was our inability to hit back when GC were on top that killed us tonight.