Dustin Martin | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Dustin Martin

I'm not saying anything's especially broken, just that the focus should be on why all these blokes are leaving. Not how they are leaving.

Who cares about crying over "oh Dusty was retiring...now he's not...wha wha wha"..."I feel betrayed". Rubbish. Not the issue.

The issue is why he and others don't want to play for us. Maybe it's a good thing ie clean house. Dunno. But that's what I wanna understand. Not whether Dusty said he's retiring ...now he's not boo hoo hoo.

spot on red

Best case scenario it is a grand plan from Blair, to get us our next champions and leave the door open for these guys to leave, like we did with lids, as this is the only way to get the draft capital we need, to be relevant again.

Worst case scenario, the players do not believe in the new coach, and want out.

What is for sure is, that the strategy set out when Dimma left, has changed, and very very quickly

The question remains, was this pivot our strategy, or was it forced on us, through player unrest

Either way, things have changed, and we did not plan for this, a year ago.

Hopper and Taranto must be extremely annoyed, they have pretty much destroyed their careers
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Hopper and Taranto must be extremely annoyed, they have pretty much destroyed their careers
Don’t agree. If anything we’ve thrown Hopper a lifeline. He ain’t getting a game in the current Giants midfield. It hasn’t panned out as it was sold to them but there are no guarantees in life.
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My opinion; I don't think anything is necessarily wrong. If a guy is in his twilight and coming off a dynasty. Does he stay for the rebuild with a new luitenant or go for a renaissance with his old general? I get it as long as there's no ill will and they're working to get us reciprocal value.
It's time. We're no longer half pregnant. Let it be a beautiful healthy baby.
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Was it a goodbye speech that was mis interpreted ?
Can't categorically say as I've only heard third hand. It was taken as a retirement though and his body was not letting him do what he wanted so no one was surprised.
Maybe Meehan hurt us more than we know, maybe Dimma has played on him being a 4 time Norm Smith. Maybe the whole thing was a ruse.
We'll find out in good time I suppose.
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The clubs last sentence in its statement when Dusty retired.

"Martin has retired with immediate effect"

To those who think it was ambiguous etc, that can't be the case if you read that.
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The issue is not playing on with another club. Hodge did it with the Bears. It's the way it has been done. Just come out and say I want to finish off my career at the Suns and see if I can help out an old friend with my experience on the field. I don't think anyone would have any issue with that.
Don't go through the whole year second guessing everyone and then in the end have a MASSIVE retirement send off only to pop up a few weeks later telling us I'm all good. Ready to go again. It *smile*. It's straight out of Dimwits playbook.
I've never seen a dynasty self implode as ours has done. Coaches jumping ship and telling us I've had enough I'm giving it up knowing full well they had already signed a contract with another club. Can guarantee you Dimma was already leaving for GC in 24 but thought he would go all in with no care about what it meant to the club post his departure. Starting to think Gale was in the same boat with Tassie and thought he would have one last crack. Definitely feels like we have been on autopilot for the last 2 years particularly.
Wondering now if Yze was simply signed up to be the scapegoat while we regenerate the list.
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This place has gone batshit

No, there isn’t something deeply wrong with the club

We just have a bunch of seasoned players who don’t want to rebuild and the club is happy to trade them.

Dusty is so high on the age spectrum that we won’t get anything for him. Who cares?

Club going about the business of setting up for the future but by all means let’s hear some more melts
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The issue is not playing on with another club. Hodge did it with the Bears. It's the way it has been done. Just come out and say I want to finish off my career at the Suns and see if I can help out an old friend with my experience on the field. I don't think anyone would have any issue with that.
Don't go through the whole year second guessing everyone and then in the end have a MASSIVE retirement send off only to pop up a few weeks later telling us I'm all good. Ready to go again. It *smile*. It's straight out of Dimwits playbook.
I've never seen a dynasty self implode as ours has done. Coaches jumping ship and telling us I've had enough I'm giving it up knowing full well they had already signed a contract with another club. Can guarantee you Dimma was already leaving for GC in 24 but thought he would go all in with no care about what it meant to the club post his departure. Starting to think Gale was in the same boat with Tassie and thought he would have one last crack. Definitely feels like we have been on autopilot for the last 2 years particularly.
Wondering now if Yze was simply signed up to be the scapegoat while we regenerate the list.
We are the kings of being mediocre.
Same happened in 81-82.
Replaced Jewell with Bourke,
Jewell had the players, Bourke divided the group. Players walked and it took us 36 yrs to recover.
What's the difference today?
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This place has gone batshit

No, there isn’t something deeply wrong with the club

We just have a bunch of seasoned players who don’t want to rebuild and the club is happy to trade them.

Dusty is so high on the age spectrum that we won’t get anything for him. Who cares?

Club going about the business of setting up for the future but by all means let’s hear some more melts
I don’t have issue with the club. Far from it.

I have issue with those leaving and how it’s been handled.
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Sam Edmund and Wanker saying it was a conspiracy type with Dimma telling Duz to not play much this season, rest his body so that he's ready for next season. Derm reckons someone told him Duz lost weight for next season.
Well he must have had a busy 3 weeks because on his send off from the g he was carrying a few extra kilos.
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We are the kings of being mediocre.
Same happened in 81-82.
Replaced Jewell with Bourke,
Jewell had the players, Bourke divided the group. Players walked and it took us 36 yrs to recover.
What's the difference today?
Judas Hardwick walked. Jewell was sacked. That was the biggest difference. Jewell also didn’t go around trying to poach all our players to the Aints.
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This place has gone batshit

No, there isn’t something deeply wrong with the club

We just have a bunch of seasoned players who don’t want to rebuild and the club is happy to trade them.

Dusty is so high on the age spectrum that we won’t get anything for him. Who cares?

Club going about the business of setting up for the future but by all means let’s hear some more melts
I’ve no issue with players leaving, and how the club positions itself, that is a seperate thing to this. Those players made the club aware if their desire to leave at the exit meetings, as per the correct process.

I do have an issue with the club declaring a player retired, holding functions, selling merch and marketing to the members and fans this income stream, only for the player not to be retired on a technicality. To me that stinks, if it’s the way this plays out.
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This place has gone batshit

No, there isn’t something deeply wrong with the club

We just have a bunch of seasoned players who don’t want to rebuild and the club is happy to trade them.

Dusty is so high on the age spectrum that we won’t get anything for him. Who cares?

Club going about the business of setting up for the future but by all means let’s hear some more melts
In complete agreement.
I’ve no issue with players leaving, and how the club positions itself, that is a seperate thing to this. Those players made the club aware if their desire to leave at the exit meetings, as per the correct process.

I do have an issue with the club declaring a player retired, holding functions, selling merch and marketing to the members and fans this income stream, only for the player not to be retired on a technicality. To me that stinks, if it’s the way this plays out.
The player *smile* retired. He stood in front of his teammates and told them he was done.

"Martin's retirement takes immediate effect." It was announced. He was "in on it". If you smell something that stinks, it's the crap being drivelled above. 😜
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