Don,t Fly the Flag | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Don,t Fly the Flag

what happened a long time ago? Blacks still weren't allowed to buy land or work without a permit in Queensland until the 1980s. There's no point getting into it on a footy site. I lament the fact that most Australians don't want to know what really happened, when it happened, why it happened, and the effects of what happened on Aboriginal people. If Australian people really wanted to know and understand, black Australians problems would fade into history.

I've had discussions about it before on the race thread, which I refuse to enter because people tend to be ignorant. But if you are genuinely interested, I posted a few book titles on there which everyone should read.
tigersnake said:
what happened a long time ago? Blacks still weren't allowed to buy land or work without a permit in Queensland until the 1980s. There's no point getting into it on a footy site. I lament the fact that most Australians don't want to know what really happened, when it happened, why it happened, and the effects of what happened on Aboriginal people. If Australian people really wanted to know and understand, black Australians problems would fade into history.

I've had discussions about it before on the race thread, which I refuse to enter because people tend to be ignorant. But if you are genuinely interested, I posted a few book titles on there which everyone should read.

thanks for that reply, and agree I better left off a footy forum.

I will say one last thing though, surely there is better ways to make a point then burning the National flag, I am a military person, and have lost some very good mates overseas, and I do take this a little personal, as in a way this is insulting to my lost mates.
tigersnake said:
what happened a long time ago? Blacks still weren't allowed to buy land or work without a permit in Queensland until the 1980s. There's no point getting into it on a footy site. I lament the fact that most Australians don't want to know what really happened, when it happened, why it happened, and the effects of what happened on Aboriginal people. If Australian people really wanted to know and understand, black Australians problems would fade into history.

I've had discussions about it before on the race thread, which I refuse to enter because people tend to be ignorant. But if you are genuinely interested, I posted a few book titles on there which everyone should read.

Do you condone the burning of a flag?

Do you condone the behaviour towards the prime minister & opposition leader yesterday? I note several aboriginal leaders strongly condemned the actions as I imagine they will condemn the burning of the flag.

Personally I believe all should have the right to protest peacefully on any issue. How these protestors think their actions will aid their cause in any way is mind-boggling, although I doubt they are actually that interested in seeking mass support.
Big Cat Lover said:
Do you condone the burning of a flag?

Do you condone the behaviour towards the prime minister & opposition leader yesterday? I note several aboriginal leaders strongly condemned the actions as I imagine they will condemn the burning of the flag.

Personally I believe all should have the right to protest peacefully on any issue. How these protestors think their actions will aid their cause in any way is mind-boggling, although I doubt they are actually that interested in seeking mass support.

I hate seeing the flag burnt as much as I hate seeing it used as a blanket or to wipe up spilt drinks.
Baloo said:
What was a war ? The British colonising Australia ?
what would you call it? ask the romans about england.ask the taasie abo aboout how they were on the mainland first????????
U2Tigers said:
your kidding aren't you.


Interesting when Aboriginal leaders are making those guilty of the deed apologise to the PM.

I bet it would be a different story if tigersnake's house on that stolen land was burned down instead of the flag.

Kath, an Aboriginal elder friend of ours, despises what she considers do good white darkies interfering and speaking for Indigenous people. She certainly wouldn't condone the burning of that flag either.

Why do people think it was burned out of some grudge against the Poms when the article indicated it was done in protest because they thought they eyesore of a camp was going to be closed down.
Getting pretty defensive there rosy. When did I speak for blacks?

There was a thread a while ago on Native Title, I just tried to find to bump it but couldn't. Any further discussion would be going over all the same old stuff. I outlined my views back then. There was some interesting stuff on it.
The issue for me is the flag burning.

Nothing and I say nothing gives anyone the right to burn it. I don't care what there protesting against. It could have been anyone doing it, my anger would still be there.
U2Tigers said:
The issue for me is the flag burning.

Nothing and I say nothing gives anyone the right to burn it. I don't care what there protesting against. It could have been anyone doing it, my anger would still be there.

That's fair enough U2. I certainly don't condone what they did.
tigersnake said:
Getting pretty defensive there rosy. When did I speak for blacks?

You quoted my post about the burning of the flag and responded by saying
tigersnake said:
They didn't steal our country.

Maybe I misinterpreted your comment. I'd appreciate you clarifying what you mean in the context of my post.
I wasn't speaking for blacks, I would never speak for blacks. You said, imagine if we burnt their flag. My reply was 'they (the blacks) didn't steal our (us European descendants) country.'

The point I was trying to make was that we have no reason to burn their flag, they do have a reason to burn ours. You may not like it, I don't like it, but I understand why black kids would do it.

As has been said, it was a war. We stole their land, hunted them down and killed and raped them, then enslaved them for a hundred years or so, then paid them a quarter of the wages we earned for another 50 or so. And we still think they're no good bludgers (I'm speaking in generalities on that one, not referring to you). And then we expect them to thank us and wonder why they might burn a flag that represents that history every now and then.
Baloo said:
I hate seeing the flag burnt as much as I hate seeing it used as a blanket or to wipe up spilt drinks.

Agree, and tigersnake raised that very point yesterday which I applaud. Racism and intolerance disguised as patriotism for plenty of flag-draped bogans.

Yet he has a seemingly different reaction when someone chooses to burn it. Why?

EDIT - I see tsnake has stated he does not like it.
tigersnake said:
I wasn't speaking for blacks, I would never speak for blacks. You said, imagine if we burnt their flag. My reply was 'they (the blacks) didn't steal our (us European descendants) country.'

The point I was trying to make was that we have no reason to burn their flag, they do have a reason to burn ours. You may not like it, I don't like it, but I understand why black kids would do it.

As has been said, it was a war. We stole their land, hunted them down and killed and raped them, then enslaved them for a hundred years or so, then paid them a quarter of the wages we earned for another 50 or so. And we still think they're no good bludgers (I'm speaking in generalities on that one, not referring to you). And then we expect them to thank us and wonder why they might burn a flag that represents that history every now and then.

Do I have a reason now, to burn the Aboriginal flag. Of course I don't.

There are other ways to get a message across.

No one has the right to burn a flag, and it should be illegal to do so.
tigersnake said:
They didn't steal our country.

...and neither did we - the British Crown did. The only thing my ancestors stole was food to feed their families, they were bought to this country against their will and in chains -some for the crime of being poor, others for the crime of being Irish. And now the chattering upper middle class and elites have the hyde to call the working class bogans and racists - projecting the crimes they and their kind perpetrated onto the prols and the sh!tkickers they crushed under their boots too.
Big Cat Lover said:
Agree, and tigersnake raised that very point yesterday which I applaud. Racism and intolerance disguised as patriotism for plenty of flag-draped bogans.

Yet he has a seemingly different reaction when someone chooses to burn it. Why?

Agree. I'm pretty disgusted generally when the flag is used in a divisive manner within our country.
I hope you didn't delete ssstone's post on my account Rosy. Its water off a ducks back to me, but you're the boss. I actually reckon it strengthens my argument. (its still there where I've quoted it anyway)

So now I'm a chattering upper-middle class elite handwringing apologist warmest moron. If you knew me, you'd think that was pretty funny.
tigersnake said:
I hope you didn't delete ssstone's post on my account Rosy.

Not for your benefit ts. That kind of abuse is clearly against the site guidelines.
rosy23 said:
Imagine the outcry if the aboriginal flag was burnt like this. Disgraceful.



Good point.
The world is full of PC Ned Flander types now.
What really is wrong with loving your country anyway?