Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


In conclusion I come back to your astonishing arrogance and then demonstrable ignorance.
Dude, I like calling you a conspiracy theorist but this kind of personal abuse is is why I really can't take you seriously.

You still haven't responded specifically to the Together study in Brazil results- just aggregating the results of the few good studies with the many bad ones doesn't solve the methodological problem.

Like I say - when the acknowledged, peer reviewed, rigorous and approved studies show a clear clinical benefit for ivermectin use then I'll be fully on board with the horse paste pushers.

Be interested in your take on this.

Interesting article comparing the pharmacology of Ivermectin and Mulnupiruvir by Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology at Baylor University

And some old guy on YouTube talking about it

I'll skip the 20 minute video thanks.

The fact that Ivermectin prevents viral replication in vitro is well known. The article you link to suggest doing clinical trials of ivermectin in vivo - got no problem with that. These trials are happening now, and some of them are even being well-conducted. ;-)
Ivermectin provides 86% improvement in protection from getting infected with COVID? Yeah right. Once you start to cite the studies including a placebo those numbers dive down to the statistically insignificant. Not going to watch half an hour of YouTube thanks.

In far more significant news, check this out:

95% of Canberrans, and that is aged 12+ not 16+, now have their first dose.

Now that is real news and real progress on getting out of this pandemic.

We can, and should, get 90% of 12+ vaccinated. Then let's see if we can vaccinate the under 12s too.

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Oh Lambie, you mention Tess Lawrie again? She's already debunked mate, I posted this ages ago.

The figures of improvement cited on the site (and they include 57% for mortality and 86% for prevention)

So, your telling me that Ivermectin is more effective at preventing COVID than in preventing death from COVID?

How does that work?

Do some of the people who don't get COVID because they took Ivermectin still die of COVID?

Roar. Just want to say thanks for your response. I just want to touch on it before I take a break,

1. Yeah that was a truism rather than a truth but amazingly many see a questioning of efficacy of a particular vaccine as questioning vaccines generally. There are many competing vaccines out there and hopefully survival of the fittest means the better ones survive. I am a little bit worried about how Pfizer seems to get approvals easier than others. The recent FDA full approval which was rushed is concerning. The FDA has a rule that it will not approve a drug with less than 50% efficacy. It had Israeli data showing only 39% efficacy after 6 months and was sitting on similar data. It pushed through the approval anyway and surprise surprise US data drops yesterday showing Pfizer only 47% effective against infection after 6 months. At least they blocked the third booster for anyone other than vulnerable groups. We're 9 months in to vaccination and Israelis are already on their third shot. It is worrying.

2. Yep again the science historically showed natural infection is usually as good or better than vaccines in relation to adaptive immune response longevity. The issue is you have to actually get sick or worse to get the antibodies. There was a fairly robust retrospective trial in Israel recently looking at over 2.5 million in a health fund. They matched two cohorts of about 16,000 each for age, sex, co morbidities etc. One was fully vaccinated, One had natural infection only. The vaccinated group had about 260ish breakthrough infections and the previously infected group about 19. So even though that notionally shows a 13 times benefit we can probably safely state that natural immunity it at least as good as vaccination. Makes sense too when the vaccine only targets the spike proteins as antigens to introduce into the body while I believe there are 28 proteins of the virus that are targeted by the body in infection which would indicate a more robust immune response. Level of immunity of course is very individual. The question is for the mandatory vaccination brigade what is the public health rationale for having previously infected people get the jab considering there is also research showing vaccine side effects are more significant for previously infected folk.

3. Yes Ivermectin is much safer than the vaccines. If you use epidemiological data via the Vigiaccess WHO database at about 4 billion doses each adverse events for Ivermectin were around 5,600 and the covid vaccines about 1.8 million , so about 300 times safer. Database below if anyone wants to play with it and check any drug.

There are also RCTs and other studies

Interestingly the review by the French Toxicolgist stated this ' It is noteworthy that no deaths have seemingly ever been reported after an
accidental or suicidal overdose of ivermectin.

Yet we know that although rare standard doses of the covid vaccine kill people (about 1 in a million) plus there are clotting events for every 1 in 50,000 for AZ and overseas data suggests myo and peri carditis in about every 10,000 people under 39 when taking a second shot of pfizer (although first and third shot appear to have much less prevalence)

So that begs the question why would our Chief Medical Officer say Ivermectin is unsafe. if the answer is it is a noble lie to encourage vaccination are we happy as a socitey for our chief medical advisers to misrepresent the facts? They are not politicians. They are there to provide accurate medical advice.

Also why the confected Ivermectin overdose scares which have disappeared as miraculously as they arrived. This is an over the counter drug in many countries around the world and is probably safer than aspirin.

Finally Roar on that excess deaths document you sent through yesterday the article seemed to indicate initially it had FOI'd only 24 districts. UP has about 75 I think, but then it stated this "Twenty districts, including Muzzaffarnagar, Sitapur, Harboi, Chandauli, and Budaun, registered a 2% to 48% drop in deaths when compared to 2019-20. " I cant make head or tails of it. Are those 20 districts part of the 24 or are they additional to the 24? Do they have data on the other 31 districts but are not reporting. Grateful if you had any idea why the data appears cherry picked.

You still haven't responded specifically to the Together study in Brazil results-
Really, You are an absolute treasure Anty . Never change. Even goldfish have an attention span greater than one post.

On your other point, interesting politics in india.

So, your telling me that Ivermectin is more effective at preventing COVID than in preventing death from COVID?

How does that work?

Do some of the people who don't get COVID because they took Ivermectin still die of COVID?

You're kidding right?

Different cohorts, different studies.
Finally. It was good to self reflect yesterday on my descent into conspiratorial delusion. Hopefully today I hope the Covid Black and Whiters will be equally gracious in their reflection. Cheers All. Stay safe. And be happy, don't be victims, We are not helpless pawns. We are autonomous beings. Go Tiges!!

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Really, You are an absolute treasure Anty . Never change. Even goldfish have an attention span greater than one post.

You mentioned that Principle was part of the aggregated data set, but you haven't actually dealt with the results of the trial itself. My memory is OK I think. Let me lay it out for you regarding metadata and synthesis - if you have 60 bad studies and 5 good ones, then your conclusions will be compromised. Bad inputs lead to bad outputs.

As we say in the software development game - sh1t in, sh1t out.

Your youtube video (from June) is from the pro-Ivermectin trialsitenews. What's your response to the IMCR removing HCQ and Ivermectin from official treatment protocols on the 24th September?
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Also why the confected Ivermectin overdose scares which have disappeared as miraculously as they arrived. This is an over the counter drug in many countries around the world and is probably safer than aspirin.

From September 23rd.

From September 18th.

Aptly located in Wacko, Texas.

It is a "Christian" university too, but apparently it has a good medical school and good med research department. I've already mentioned the Together study and the Principle trial in the UK. We got a big fat strike for Ivermectin in the Together study, the UK Oxford Principle study is ongoing. There are two more big studies underway that we should pay serious attention to. Three strikes in these studies and Ivermectin is out, whatever other crappy youtube videos @lamb22 can pull out of his arse.

University of Minnesota (UMN) is doing an extensive range of studies, including prophylaxis (prevention) and treatment for infection. The COVID-OUT trial at UMN will test the efficacy of Ivermectin.

In these studies, the other darling of the Trump/antivax crew, HCQ didn't do great.


It's worth noting that there a range of drugs and treatments being reviewed in the UMN research project, both prophylactic and therapeutic - good to know that many avenues are being explored - it's not just about Ivermectin or vaccines. The world of medical research is bigger than that, fortunately.

The other trial is also in the US, the ACTIV-6 trial run by Duke University which tests three drugs including Ivermectin.

There may be more large scale, rigorous, well-designed, double-blind, placeboed, randomised trials that exist not just on C19 hoaxer websites, but I haven't found them yet.
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of course.

and if the cattle farmer suggests he pours his drench down your back,

stop, listen,

and consult a physician
Depends on what sort of critters you've got infestin your wing pits.
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Finally Roar on that excess deaths document you sent through yesterday the article seemed to indicate initially it had FOI'd only 24 districts. UP has about 75 I think, but then it stated this "Twenty districts, including Muzzaffarnagar, Sitapur, Harboi, Chandauli, and Budaun, registered a 2% to 48% drop in deaths when compared to 2019-20. " I cant make head or tails of it. Are those 20 districts part of the 24 or are they additional to the 24? Do they have data on the other 31 districts but are not reporting. Grateful if you had any idea why the data appears cherry picked.

The article states they picked the counties with the most infections.

“The 24 districts—of 75 in UP—we chose reported the highest number of Covid-19 cases over the months of June, July, August, and October 2020”

With my stats background I’d guess you want to pick the places with most cases as that is where it will be easiest to detect if excess deaths have moved.

To illustrate this point It wouldn’t make sense for example to check excess deaths in New Zealand as they’ve had barely any cases.
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1,638 cases and 2 deaths. Not great.

On the positive side we are up to 83.56% first dose. And up 0.98% for second dose 54.55%. This is great news on second dose.

Still looking for better first doses with Moderna being freely available. What is holding the people of Melbourne back?
1,638 cases and 2 deaths. Not great.

On the positive side we are up to 83.56% first dose. And up 0.98% for second dose 54.55%. This is great news on second dose.

Still looking for better first doses with Moderna being freely available. What is holding the people of Melbourne back?

we've had over 90,000 vaccines administered in 6 of the last 7 weekdays. We could always do better, but we are going OK. although there does seem to be some scepticism with Moderna. Sutton came out yesterday and said Moderna is likely to be longer lasting than the other 2. I would definitely consider Moderna when I get my booster shot.

Now that NSW are at 70%, it will be interesting to see how the next few weeks and months unfold. They are opening up on Monday. But what the media are not discussing is that they are opening up to the unvaccinated on December 1. I can’t help but think this is an incentive for the unvaccinated to stay unvaccinated, and NSW vaccination rates may start to slow down in the lead up to December 1.

The new NSW premier also seems to have an issue with masks. this seems to be a common theme with people who believe in the invisible sky man
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