Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Frankly I don't give a cr@p if people don't want the jab. I am enthused that the majority do and we can get back to some resemblance of normal life.

However with choice comes consequences. We all know what happens from here, it's been thoroughly explained and been enacted in many other parts of the world. If you don't have the jab your rights will be diluted. So don't whinge and complain when it happens. As stated you make all sorts of choices in life and they come with consequences. It's really not that difficult to grasp.
For most rational-thinking people, yes, but these people are not rational, they are acting like little kids. They are told to do something or their TV is taken away and when they don't do it they are up in arms in protest about their freedoms being taken away. Classic examples of not having parents that were tough enough to train them in how the world works when they were young. Now they are adults who want to behave however they like, irrespective of how it affects other people's rights without any consequences for those actions. It's so sad that the world has lost so much faith and trust in our scientists and medical experts and now too many people believe fake news websites or their non-scientist friends who read those sites then pass on the misinformation.
If you know anyone who does not trust the safety or effectiveness of the vaccines please ask them to go to the TGA website and read the "Covid-19 vaccine weekly safety reports", starting with last week's report of 16th Sept.
We must do all that we can to counter the doubters because our gov'ts have not done enough to fight against this destructive influence.
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Man rocks up at Emergency at major western suburbs hospital tonight reeking of Jim Beam. Had fallen off a concrete beam on the west gate approach and broke his nose. Some blood spillage on his brand new flouro green jacket. Feeling sorry for himself.


He thought he might be a priority case.

Nurse at triage a little tired after a double shift in full PPE quickly summed up the situation.

Still waiting...
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Man rocks up at Emergency at major western suburbs hospital tonight reeking of Jim Beam. Had fallen off a concrete beam on the west gate approach and broke his nose. Some blood spillage on his brand new flouro green jacket. Feeling sorry for himself.


He thought he might be a priority case.

Nurse at triage a little tired after a double shift in full PPE quickly summed up the situation.

Still waiting...
Should have worn red
You can't mandate vaccines, unless you live in china or N. Korea. As ToO has rightly mentioned there will be civil unrest. Get the vaccine if you're afraid or vulnerable and move on. If you're vaccinated you will be fine.
So how do you stop an unvaccinated worker, who might be a strong carrier of Covid, from entering a worksite, or a hospital, etc.? They are a potential risk to other workers, both vaccinated (small risk of transmission) and unvaccinated (high risk of transmission)? Are you going to allow a few workers to be unvaccinated? Why should they be allowed to get away with it?...not "taking one for the team"? This is a whole community effort and any resistance is based on unfounded fears, not based on facts, if you read the TGA Covid-19 vaccine weekly safety reports. Check them out.
P.S. Those rapid tests still take time, not 100% accurate and they are expensive so who's going to pay for them?
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It was actually killed off by lockdowns and masks. Funny about that
Just look at all the lives coroner cooties have saved this last 18 months. Simply amazes me that if people don't die of one thing, they up n die of something else. Ah well, such is life.
Not doubting those figures, I’m saying that transmission wouldn’t be related to mask wearing when working outdoors. Interactions in smoko sheds etc are another story

How can you be sure? Simple answer is you can't.

There are mask wearing rules for a reason, those rules are the reason that construction workers were allowed back to work.

Again I ask, how hard is it to wear a mask properly? And why do you seem to against getting people to wear their masks properly?
It's been shoved down kids throats for decades and now we see what happens when a large chunk of society jumps to being indignant, rather than considering the needs of community (for the greater good).
Yes my friend.
You have nailed it.
There has been a paradigm of selfishness and self-entitlement that has become an insidious part of our education system. Students come out of Primary School spouting their individual rights with little respect for others. With no sanctions for misdemeanours, they learn that you get away with whatever you can and have the right to abuse teachers because the heirarchy are likely to say "What is it about Mr Smith that annoys you. How can we make this better? (In a mediation session from hell)
Good parents have found it hard to become involved because the reporting system will not acknowledge underachievement.

So now we reap what we sow.

We have lots of "adults" who behave like delinquent twits as soon as they get a sniff that there will be no consequences.
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My 5YO on seeing the protests on the news was most intrigued with the exact logistics of peeing in a can and throwing it at police and media.
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i reckon its hilarious how all the ned kellys are bravely taking a stand for freedom ......

in humiliating, conforming, ugly, mandatory,

orange flouro.

this whole affair is very margaret atwood
Well ya need to be seen if ya wanna make a stand. Flouro means we can see ya better, everyone knows that.
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Not doubting those figures, I’m saying that transmission wouldn’t be related to mask wearing when working outdoors. Interactions in smoko sheds etc are another story

Medical advice is that delta can be transmitted via incidental contact so whilst its unlikely its still a lot more possible than originally. And it has to be more than coincidence that the covid numbers exploded after the first lot of protests.
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Yes my friend.
You have nailed it.
There has been a paradigm of selfishness and self-entitlement that has become an insidious part of our education system. Students come out of Primary School spouting their individual rights with little respect for others. With no sanctions for misdemeanours, they learn that you get away with whatever you can and have the right to abuse teachers because the heirarchy are likely to say "What is it about Mr Smith that annoys you. How can we make this better? (In a mediation session from hell)
Good parents have found it hard to become involved because the reporting system will not acknowledge underachievement.

So now we reap what we sow.

We have lots of "adults" who behave like delinquent twits as soon as they get a sniff that there will be no consequences.
If we ever went through a situation like the Great Depression, or a breakdown in our supply chains due to global conflict, or anything like that. It would be blood in the streets and a near zombie apocalypse within a month.

People just don’t have the same sense of duty, responsibility or communitarian solidarity that our grandparents generation had. Nor the survival skills. So people would just embrace their narcissistic animalistic side without self restraint or discipline of any kind.

Not to mention all of the complex technological systems in place that are essential to keep our society running, that weren’t in past eras. Sure, these things give us a lot of capabilities that our grandparents wouldn’t have dreamt of. But it adds an enormous amount of fragility. In short, despite the higher standard of material living, our society is so much less robust than it was even 80 years ago due to these themes. It’s just on such a knife’s edge, but we seem blind to it.

“Civilisation is but a thin veneer stretched across the passions of the human heart.”
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How can you be sure? Simple answer is you can't.

There are mask wearing rules for a reason, those rules are the reason that construction workers were allowed back to work.

Again I ask, how hard is it to wear a mask properly? And why do you seem to against getting people to wear their masks properly?
How am l sure that virus spread is highly unlikely to occur outdoors (though not impossible in fairness)? Well that’s what the experts have been saying, and yes though delta may have a slightly higher risk it is still very low. has the government released figures about the amount of transmission that is likely to have occurred outdoors ?

You ask how hard it is to wear a mask properly. Depends on what you’re doing and how hot it is. Btw wearing a mask when doing physically demanding work is not mandated as it would be a safety risk (of course construction work wouldn’t involve that a lot of the time, just saying).

if someone is working in open space without anyone else in their immediate vicinity breathing on them there is no need for them to wear a mask and people shouldn’t get their knickers in a knot over it
Just look at all the lives coroner cooties have saved this last 18 months. Simply amazes me that if people don't die of one thing, they up n die of something else. Ah well, such is life.

Again with this nonsense? Yes people didn't die of flu but many many more have died from Covid.

This is only an argument for people who can't count.
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Again with this nonsense? Yes people didn't die of flu but many many more have died from Covid.

This is only an argument for people who can't count.
Got ten toes n ten fingers, course I can count.

Don't matter what label you stick on em, being dead is dead n we're all gunna end up there one day. Shouldn't spend so much time desperately praying to stay locked up n hiding under the bed.
a few cases sneaking regional unfortunately.
mostly Melbourne visitors who are working.

not much you can do.
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How am l sure that virus spread is highly unlikely to occur outdoors (though not impossible in fairness)? Well that’s what the experts have been saying, and yes though delta may have a slightly higher risk it is still very low. has the government released figures about the amount of transmission that is likely to have occurred outdoors ?

You ask how hard it is to wear a mask properly. Depends on what you’re doing and how hot it is. Btw wearing a mask when doing physically demanding work is not mandated as it would be a safety risk (of course construction work wouldn’t involve that a lot of the time, just saying).

if someone is working in open space without anyone else in their immediate vicinity breathing on them there is no need for them to wear a mask and people shouldn’t get their knickers in a knot over it
I’ve been responsible for safety of teams in petrochemical plants. This kind of blasé attitude to following rules is the root cause of significant process safety events.

The problem with allowing a standard to slip Is that when you need it, it won’t be followed. I’ve listened to countless stories of lives or limbs lost because of some simple thing not being done. …in this case

E.g. The person who is all by themselves and doesn’t wear a mask will go inside and forget to put it back on and then get or spread to someone else who happened to be there.

E.g. The leader of the crew who doesn’t wear a mask is observed by the first year apprentice who decides if it’s ok for the boss to not follow the rules then it mustn’t be a big deal to not wear a mask anywhere.

Especially In the space of safety If a rule is crap we should get the rule changed - not undermine all rule following. Lots of *smile* rules aren’t good so I do have empathy that this could be a bad rule - but with that said it’s a simple rule and easy to see if it’s being followed or not. Like wearing a seat belt or putting on hearing protection you don’t need those things all the time but when you do it may be too late if you aren’t already wearing it.

it’s almost counter intuitive in a workplace to put PPE ON when you go inside - normally you take it OFF. Seems masks are the other way around so another small factor to keep them on.

separately it’s *smile* to say you can’t wear a mask in hot and enclosed spaces and when you are doing physical work. If there are particulates or toxins in the air it is common to wear particulate filter masks or even breathing gear. You may need to restrict hours and have more breaks depending on the conditions to keep it safe if it is truly hot and humid to prevent heat exhaustion - but it can be done.
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