Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Covid zero is dead. Victoria got to zero with Delta & it started again immediately.
Gladys' unwillingness to lock down leading to a mass outbreak put that strategy in the bin.
Can't play Russian roulette when the bullet is in the next chamber.

People need to stop obsessing about case numbers & shift their thinking towards vaccination numbers now.
Only way out...

Have you seen the media narrative in recent days? they are almost celebrating Andrews giving up on COVID zero. Murdoch and Ch 9 are referring to Gladys as leading the way on this (not the criminal that she really is). Gladys has gone from being the “Gold Standard” contract tracer to “Gold Standard” living with COVID. It makes me sick to the stomach.

Andrews isn't moving away from COVID zero because he wants to, but because Gladys and Morrison gave him no choice. It was thrust upon him and Victoria due to the failures in Sydney and Canberra.

And you know what? What is happening in Victoria is gonna happen to the other states. NSW are expected to hit 10,000 daily cases in a few weeks and it's only a matter of time before Delta escapes into the other states. There are already incursions of COVID positive transport drivers in SA, WA and QLD in recent days.

But of course, NSW will get to 80% before everyone else and will open up first. This is gonna get ugly.
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Talking (on the phone) to a mate of mine yesterday, he was telling me that a friend of his wife is currently in ICU with Covid. It seems she was infected while working with someone who was at that engagement party which was plastered all over the media earlier in this lockdown.
I wonder how many others can be linked to it.

Selfish arrogant people, just like the anti lockdown rally attendees.
"Good" example of infection chains.... ending up in workplace transmission. So in that place was the cause non compliance.... or was every rule followed and it still occurs? If the latter who is reviewing the rules? 1.5m, 4sg m density, hand sanitiser (never hear it mentioned) better grade of masks?
Delta has arrived in a Stuka and we might still be resisting with a 303.
Have you seen the media narrative in recent days? they are almost celebrating Andrews giving up on COVID zero. Murdoch and Ch 9 are referring to Gladys as leading the way on this (not the criminal that she really is). Gladys has gone from being the “Gold Standard” contract tracer to “Gold Standard” living with COVID. It makes me sick to the stomach.

Andrews isn't moving away from COVID zero because he wants to, but because Gladys and Morrison gave him no choice. It was thrust upon him and Victoria due to the failures in Sydney and Canberra.

And you know what? What is happening in Victoria is gonna happen to the other states. NSW are expected to hit 10,000 daily cases in a few weeks and it's only a matter of time before Delta escapes into the other states. There are already incursions of COVID positive transport drivers in SA, WA and QLD in recent days.

But of course, NSW will get to 80% before everyone else and will open up first. This is gonna get ugly.
Adding to that, this whole “Living with Covid” phrase that Dud-mo, Fraudenberg and Berejiklian keep throwing out should be correctly termed “Living AND dying with Covid.”
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I haven't seen any reports of the antibax rally being a super spreader event. Did I miss it or hasn't it been mentioned?

You wouldn't hear about it because they wouldn't come forward and get tested anyway or tell the truth if they did, so you are correct no-one will ever know.
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I haven't seen any reports of the antibax rally being a super spreader event. Did I miss it or hasn't it been mentioned?
As a few have mentioned the people who attended those rallies aren't likey to test, check in etc.

Mystery cases have sky rocketed in the past few days following on from those rallies. Could be a coincidence.
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And you know what? What is happening in Victoria is gonna happen to the other states. NSW are expected to hit 10,000 daily cases in a few weeks and it's only a matter of time before Delta escapes into the other states. There are already incursions of COVID positive transport drivers in SA, WA and QLD in recent
I have had the solution for trucks for months. No cabin or driver crosses any state border, only the trailer and freight.
Switch trailers and deliver in your home state.
Big companies like Toll can do it easily. Small operator in NSw has to link up with small operators in other state or with a big operator.
Solutions to this aren't just Health advice. Jacinta Allan who is a quality minister is being quarantined from any covid fallout so she can take over from Dan, should be dealing with this not announcing feasibility studies for a 50 year project. Poor use of talent by the Premier.
tripled in 4 days. Victoria has given up. We are about to learn what "letting it rip" really means to an unvaccinated public.

I thought models showed we were going to double every 11 days?, and we've tripled in 3 days yikes!!! :eek:, UK are currently doubling every 10 days
Jacinta Allan who is a quality minister is being quarantined from any covid fallout so she can take over from Dan, should be dealing with this not announcing feasibility studies for a 50 year project. Poor use of talent by the Premier.
Interesting comment more for the politics thread, hadn't really noticed it but she is relatively low profile. It is well known that she is Dan Andrews' preferred successor
Covid zero is dead. Victoria got to zero with Delta & it started again immediately.
Gladys' unwillingness to lock down leading to a mass outbreak put that strategy in the bin.
Can't play Russian roulette when the bullet is in the next chamber.

People need to stop obsessing about case numbers & shift their thinking towards vaccination numbers now.
Only way out...
Yep this is the way forward. I feel we will be outgunning NSW numbers in a reasonably short time frame. Quite ironic given how badly Gladys has handled it and how we locked down hard very early. Yet at the trajectory we are on we will probably end up with higher positive cases than NSW.

Just get vaccinated and lets get on with our lives.
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We never got to zero. We got to zero on "tested" cases but the virus was circulating. The day we got zero we had a case then 20+ within 2 days. Covid zero was never achieved.
Heh. Even if what you say is possibly correct our case numbers were heading down towards zero before the infection seeped in from NSW again. We’ve seen in Queensland that it’s possible to get to zero. However they too will eventually break whilst living next door to Gladys. With that super spreading Premier of the biggest state the country had little chance of containment.
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Agree and the more they push people from outdoors, they move indoors. yes beach looks crazy or parks. Dan will get angry close them. Then the same people move to meet indoors. Promote outdoors unless they can clearly demostate this is a direct casue of transmission
Yep it's obvious a substantial shift in thinking is needed from the VIC authorities. People seem to have grown tired of Dan's 1980s school principal persona. The posturing and lecturing has got old; people aren't listening.

They need to work out a way forward where people can enjoy more freedom in relatively low risk situations. Maybe the beach is okay but you still can't have parties at home. If people are allowed more freedom in low risk settings they may be more likely to follow the rules in high risk settings.
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Yep this is the way forward. I feel we will be outgunning NSW numbers in a reasonably short time frame. Quite ironic given how badly Gladys has handled it and how we locked down hard very early. Yet at the trajectory we are on we will probably end up with higher positive cases than NSW.

Just get vaccinated and lets get on with our lives.

We can argue until we are all blue in the face about who's fault it is but the fact is that many people have given up. In the end this last lot of restrictions and lockdown was too much to ask Victorians.

However the restrictions we have in place, to the extent they are followed, are achieving something. If we didn't have them and we were in a "let it rip" situation we wouldn't have 208 cases today but well into 4 figures. The difference between an RO of 1.2 and one of 2-3 is enormous over a period of 4-6 weeks.

One thing that I would like the Federal Government to do is to bring back the same level of support for businesses and individuals that was in place last year. Just bring it all back and say it is in place until the day we reach 80% vaccination rate. Personally I think that would receive great support from the general public but it is also the right thing to do.
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One thing that I would like the Federal Government to do is to bring back the same level of support for businesses and individuals that was in place last year. Just bring it all back and say it is in place until the day we reach 80% vaccination rate. Personally I think that would receive great support from the general public but it is also the right thing to do.
Hear hear could not agree more.
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Not good numbers today, while the lockdown is having an impact it is clearly not enough at the moment. I think the issue with all those people down the beach is more what they do around the visit to the beach. While the virus might not spread while you are standing on the windy beach, what about when you enter the crowded change rooms and toilets, what about when you get an ice cream or coffee at a nearby shop, you "bump into" someone you know at the beach and then drop over to their house etc?

The way out is clearly getting vaccinated, today we have:
29.03% of the population vaccinated
36.17% of 16+ vaccinated
35th out of 38 OECD countries

This is the big failure, we could be opening up now. I got my first jab in May and second jab in August. I should have got my first jab a couple of months earlier and we would be a lot closer to the vaccination numbers we need. But is simply wasn't available.

NSW keeps bragging about the huge numbers of people getting vaccinated there, meanwhile I hear story after story of young Victorians literally lining up to get vaccinated, many quite willing to get AZ, and the only appointments they can get are 4-6 weeks away in October.

It is clear we are still short of vaccines, it is also clear NSW is being favoured with more vaccines available.

It simply isn't good enough.

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