Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


What? You think somehow your not gunna die???

You're the one arguing to let it rip, I am just wondering if you are willing to be one of the people who die as a result of more virus circulating? I don't want to let it rip, I want everyone to be safer with low case numbers until we have all had the chance to be vaccinated.

Crowds on Elwood Beach today disgraceful we can hardly throw stones at Bondi, scrap that, stone the lot of them.

Yeah, my exercise when I can get out is to go for a ride. I ride past Elwood, StKilda and Brighton beaches. I stay on the road because of the traffic on the beach bike path, and anyway, I don't want whatever they might have. You are so right about the crowds on the beach, really busy, all the parking spots taken. No-one can tell me they all live within 5KM, clearly too many people at the beach. If this is a lockdown how come so many people are driving to the beach and the beach is packed all day when we're only allowed out for a couple of hours of exercise? The crap weather coming over the weekend will at least stop all those people hanging around together on the beach, and mixing nearby at coffee shops and the like. Just silly.

Lamb, you can continue to promote a drug which has no credible evidence supporting its use for COVID, it is grossly irresponsible but that's on you. I'll believe those with expertise in the field not some crackpots on YouTube or social media.

While you are promoting that people take Ivermectin, are you taking it or do you want others to take the risks?

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Crowds on Elwood Beach today disgraceful we can hardly throw stones at Bondi, scrap that, stone the lot of them.
Heraldsun just updated with a story with what u mentioned about an hr ago!

I dont have subscriber access but snipet I could see was as follows;
"Crowds have flocked to Elwood Beach in breach of lockdown rules, with young people drinking and dancing on a day Victoria recorded 176 new Covid"
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Crowds on Elwood Beach today disgraceful we can hardly throw stones at Bondi, scrap that, stone the lot of them.
Yeh, not sure behaviour is any different in melb.
I’m sure I’ll be reading Vic has just been unlucky here again soon.
It was very windy and warm yesterday, more chance of severe sunburn than covid for those at the beach yesterday.
What you are talking about there RE is the self focussed and narrow thinking of humans that’s been getting worse and worse the last 20 years to the point people often end up doing self harm to themselves. Be it Covid, narcissistic behaviour…whatever. Emma Murray and Ben Crowe talk about it all the time. If it’s not happening to ME, right now, this very instant, then it’s not happening at all, or at best, their thinking is its only happening to others.

Selflessness should be taught in schools.

My point was more that someone wouldn’t go out and buy poison and put it in their families’ food. Or play Russian roulette with their family.

That is what a non mask wearer is effectively doing (pre effective vaccination)

My point is if someone believed that they were playing Russian roulette they wouldn’t do it. I don’t agree this is due to narcissism but more due to a lack of understanding / peer group expectations or even for some older folk just not realising they are doing it wrong etc. once you assign a belief that the majority of people are doing this because they CGAF then we destroy our own empathy and ability to help IMO. - personally I believe that most people try to do the best they can for themselves and those close to them (but yes CGAF about the rest of the world as too busy in their own world).

Separately Would be laudable if schools could impart selflessness - although I’m not sure you could pull this off.

There are some selfish *smile* in here though.
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I haven't seen any reports of the antibax rally being a super spreader event. Did I miss it or hasn't it been mentioned?
I haven't seen any reports of the antivax rally being a super spreader event. Did I miss it or hasn't it been mentioned?
No, have been looking as well in both states. Nothing. No mention of it.
Could be people too, if they caught it, pretend they were at an exposure site to avoid a fine.
Not sure how they could find out. Maybe phone movement records??
My point was more that someone wouldn’t go out and buy poison and put it in their families’ food. Or play Russian roulette with their family.

That is what a non mask wearer is effectively doing (pre effective vaccination)

My point is if someone believed that they were playing Russian roulette they wouldn’t do it. I don’t agree this is due to narcissism but more due to a lack of understanding / peer group expectations or even for some older folk just not realising they are doing it wrong etc. once you assign a belief that the majority of people are doing this because they CGAF then we destroy our own empathy and ability to help IMO. - personally I believe that most people try to do the best they can for themselves and those close to them (but yes CGAF about the rest of the world as too busy in their own world).

Separately Would be laudable if schools could impart selflessness - although I’m not sure you could pull this off.

There are some selfish *smile* in here though.
I don't think non-mask wearing is the main issue. Its putting yourself into higher risk situations - home visits, being indoors in close proximity for extended periods of time.

How many infected people in Melb caught the virus in these situations? How many caught it in a park or at the beach or at a supermartket?

They should be providing more info on transmission.
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Thanks Poshman. Good additional information. while I was on the Guardian site I noted this:

Some dude once said that every successful new idea encountered three stages opposition, ridicule and then stating it was self evident all along. I note that imports of Ivermectin have increased ten fold in Australia and of course it is used extensively in India, Indonesia, Africa and Latin America. Also part of the regimen of some European countries. Also widely used in the US off label. Courts in the US have actually ordered hospitals to give Ivermectin to patients on ventilators after family and doctors pushed for their use. ( BTW the patients got off ventilators and went home). The dynamic of the argument has changed. Censorship and ignoring Ivermectin hasn't worked so we are going all in on ridicule and distortion. Maybe the dam walls are starting to break?

I am also gathering there are not many scientists on this site.
The Uttar Pradesh example is pretty compelling. Would be great to see a complete study on their whole approach to dealing with covid.

I note that imports of Ivermectin have increased ten fold in Australia and of course it is used extensively in India, Indonesia, Africa and Latin America

Aren't those countries you name are also using religious belief to ward off and treat covid?

As you suggest, invermectin is a very safe drug at the right dosage levels.
I haven't seen any reports of the antibax rally being a super spreader event. Did I miss it or hasn't it been mentioned?

Talking (on the phone) to a mate of mine yesterday, he was telling me that a friend of his wife is currently in ICU with Covid. It seems she was infected while working with someone who was at that engagement party which was plastered all over the media earlier in this lockdown.
I wonder how many others can be linked to it.

Selfish arrogant people, just like the anti lockdown rally attendees.
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I wonder if those over 60 that won't get AZ and prefer to wait for Pfizer have seen the daily deaths coming out of NSW. Its almost always age (usually 70+), unvaccinated etc etc.

Personally, I don't think over 60's or at least over 70's shouldn't be offered Pfizer. If they want to wait for Pfizer, thats fine, but they should have to wait until after all the 16-39's have had the opportunity to be vaccinated. Those over 70's want to make a choice when those under 40 are now given a choice but at a much higher risk rate.

Not sure why its even a debate. Why would you give AZ to a person under 40 with a risk rate of 1 in 40,000 just because someone over 70 (with a risk of 1 in a million) just decides that they don't want it.

my mum (in her late 60's) just got AZ this week after pressure from us kids. She's just gone through 12 months of exhausting chemo and we didn’t want her to wait for Pfizer. She also lives in the epicentre of the outbreak (Altona).

No, have been looking as well in both states. Nothing. No mention of it.
Could be people too, if they caught it, pretend they were at an exposure site to avoid a fine.
Not sure how they could find out. Maybe phone movement records??

These d!ckheads won't get tested (or will at least wait longer than most). and could explain why we are getting so many mystery cases.

tripled in 4 days. Victoria has given up. We are about to learn what "letting it rip" really means to an unvaccinated public.
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Covid zero is dead. Victoria got to zero with Delta & it started again immediately.
Gladys' unwillingness to lock down leading to a mass outbreak put that strategy in the bin.
Can't play Russian roulette when the bullet is in the next chamber.

People need to stop obsessing about case numbers & shift their thinking towards vaccination numbers now.
Only way out...
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I don't think non-mask wearing is the main issue. Its putting yourself into higher risk situations - home visits, being indoors in close proximity for extended periods of time.

How many infected people in Melb caught the virus in these situations? How many caught it in a park or at the beach or at a supermartket?

They should be providing more info on transmission.
Agree and the more they push people from outdoors, they move indoors. yes beach looks crazy or parks. Dan will get angry close them. Then the same people move to meet indoors. Promote outdoors unless they can clearly demostate this is a direct casue of transmission
Covid zero is dead. Victoria got to zero with Delta & it started again immediately.
Gladys' unwillingness to lock down leading to a mass outbreak put that strategy in the bin.
Can't play Russian roulette when the bullet is in the next chamber.

People need to stop obsessing about case numbers & shift their thinking towards vaccination numbers now.
Only way out...
We never got to zero. We got to zero on "tested" cases but the virus was circulating. The day we got zero we had a case then 20+ within 2 days. Covid zero was never achieved.
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