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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


One of the authors is Robert Malone one of the co inventers of the MRNA vaccine. Maybe he knows a bit about them.

Also you omitted this David.

'I always get vaccinated. I have been fully vaccinated with the Moderna COVID vaccine. My three daughters have all been vaccinated.'

The figure seems a bit high but there have been about 40,000 deaths reported on various monitoring systems worldwide as being associated with Covid vaccines. The association is not necessarily causation. For example a 90 year old might die in the days following vaccination.

Also I'd probably need to read the whole article to see what evidence they claim.
World's biggest *smile*?

Nurse in Germany suspected of replacing Covid vaccines with saline solution

Authorities in northern Germany have appealed to thousands of people to get another shot of Covid vaccine after a police investigation found that a Red Cross nurse may have injected them with a saline solution.

The nurse is suspected of injecting salt solution into people’s arms instead of genuine doses at a vaccination centre in Friesland – a rural district near the North Sea coast – in the early spring.

While saline solution is harmless, most people who got vaccinated in Germany in March and April when the suspected switch took place are elderly and at high risk of catching Covid.

The motive of the nurse, who was not named, was not clear but she had aired sceptical views about vaccines in social media posts, police investigators said.
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One of the authors is Robert Malone one of the co inventers of the MRNA vaccine. Maybe he knows a bit about them.

Really? That claim is dubious:

Also you omitted this David.

'I always get vaccinated. I have been fully vaccinated with the Moderna COVID vaccine. My three daughters have all been vaccinated.'

The figure seems a bit high but there have been about 40,000 deaths reported on various monitoring systems worldwide as being associated with Covid vaccines. The association is not necessarily causation. For example a 90 year old might die in the days following vaccination.

Also I'd probably need to read the whole article to see what evidence they claim.

Just because the author gets vaccinated does not mean he cannot lie.

The article claims that the COVID vaccines have killed over 25,800 Americans and that this is verified 3 ways. To attempt to claim that is equivalent to being "associated with" deaths is simply wrong, the claim is not one of correlation, the author is clearly claiming causation. Plus, he is talking Americans, not world figures, so the 40,000 number might look nice in an attempted rebuttal but is essentially irrelevant.

That website has been called out for pseudoscience and is not credible.

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Got my 2nd AZ jab yesterday morning, no side effects yet. Feels good to be fully vaccinated.
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Really? That claim is dubious:

Just because the author gets vaccinated does not mean he cannot lie.

The article claims that the COVID vaccines have killed over 25,800 Americans and that this is verified 3 ways. To attempt to claim that is equivalent to being "associated with" deaths is simply wrong, the claim is not one of correlation, the author is clearly claiming causation. Plus, he is talking Americans, not world figures, so the 40,000 number might look nice in an attempted rebuttal but is essentially irrelevant.

That website has been called out for pseudoscience and is not credible.

This is indeed the issue with studies in all fields but very much the case in complex science.
Unless you are closely involved in the subject matter and are very broadly is nigh on impossible to be able to interpret results and impossible for the rest of us to be able to make any sort of informed judgement.
A study must be double blind, done by reputable parties who have zero vested interest ..impossible these days ..and repeated by other independent bodies , who then find the same outcome.
Even then this is not proof but merely a verifiable likely outcome.
To think anything more can be determined by studies is folly.
What works best is what we see from the naked eye and what we know to be true from history.
In other words, if it looks, sounds or smells is.
If the whole scientific community agree on something, more than likely it is correct.
That's the best you can do.
Everything else is tarnished by human bias.
I would always be wonderfully amused by pharmaceutical reps from different companies who would show me the same comparative drug studies, but each would confirm that the study demonstrated their product was the better. It was hilarious. When I would point this out to each of them , I would get the same response..."but it just works!"
Ha Ha...Thankyou very much , please close the door behind you.
Don't hang your hat on any studies to do with covid just yet, especially unlikely therapies, just get vaccinated and let's wait and see what unfolds.
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21 cases. 15 in Iso during infectious period. 4 unlinked at this point.
Is there any word on if they have managed to link the mystery cases from yesterday? If they haven't that means 9 mystery cases and that is not at all what we want to see. No hope of lockdown ending when we are getting mystery cases everyday.
It’s 9 mystery cases. Plus someone on a flight from Sydney. How the *** we have positive travellers on planes from Sydney is beyond me.

Vaccination. The only way out.
It’s 9 mystery cases. Plus someone on a flight from Sydney. How the *** we have positive travellers on planes from Sydney is beyond me.

Vaccination. The only way out.
Yeah what's the deal with planes from Sydney? Isn't the border *smile* shut??? Why the *smile* are we letting anyone in from Sydney?

How many people were on the plane and what happens to them after they land? Do they go to hotel quarantine? Or do they just quarantine at home (yeah sure that'll work well)?

What a clusterfuck.
Is there any word on if they have managed to link the mystery cases from yesterday? If they haven't that means 9 mystery cases and that is not at all what we want to see. No hope of lockdown ending when we are getting mystery cases everyday.

i would argue that there were 2 mystery cases yesterday, not 5. There were 2 families. 2 from 1 family tested positive and 3 from 1 family tested positive. Surely that means there are 2 mystery cases and 3 cases linked to those 2 mystery cases? Make sense?

Anyway, my point is… the 4 unlinked cases could be linked to each other as well for all we know. we’ll just have to wait to see what Jeroen says later this morning. They may have linked them all up by then anyway.

Yeah what's the deal with planes from Sydney? Isn't the border *smile* shut??? Why the *smile* are we letting anyone in from Sydney?

at a guess, maybe its people from Melbourne returning from overseas that did the 14 day HQ in Sydney? But yeah, I can’t think of many reasons as to why there should be flights from Sydney to Melbourne. I’m sure passenger numbers are low.
This is indeed the issue with studies in all fields but very much the case in complex science.
Unless you are closely involved in the subject matter and are very broadly is nigh on impossible to be able to interpret results and impossible for the rest of us to be able to make any sort of informed judgement.
A study must be double blind, done by reputable parties who have zero vested interest ..impossible these days ..and repeated by other independent bodies , who then find the same outcome.
Even then this is not proof but merely a verifiable likely outcome.
To think anything more can be determined by studies is folly.
What works best is what we see from the naked eye and what we know to be true from history.
In other words, if it looks, sounds or smells is.
If the whole scientific community agree on something, more than likely it is correct.
That's the best you can do.
Everything else is tarnished by human bias.
I would always be wonderfully amused by pharmaceutical reps from different companies who would show me the same comparative drug studies, but each would confirm that the study demonstrated their product was the better. It was hilarious. When I would point this out to each of them , I would get the same response..."but it just works!"
Ha Ha...Thankyou very much , please close the door behind you.
Don't hang your hat on any studies to do with covid just yet, especially unlikely therapies, just get vaccinated and let's wait and see what unfolds.
Does that mean all the drugs were pretty much the same?
Used to hear stories that the doctors favoured was the pharma company that offered the best "conferences".
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Berejiklian is, if she hasn’t already, going to cause unnecessary deaths in NSW and potentially the rest of the country. Now talking about easing restrictions at a 50% vaccination rate and not the National Cabinet agreed 70%.

Needs to be removed from office. Another wealth before health conservative.

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Berejiklian is, if she hasn’t already, going to cause unnecessary deaths in NSW and potentially the rest of the country. Now talking about easing restrictions at a 50% vaccination rate and not the National Cabinet agreed 70%.

Needs to be removed from office. Another wealth before health conservative.

Gold standard deaths.
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Berejiklian is, if she hasn’t already, going to cause unnecessary deaths in NSW and potentially the rest of the country. Now talking about easing restrictions at a 50% vaccination rate and not the National Cabinet agreed 70%.

Needs to be removed from office. Another wealth before health conservative.

Nah it's all good. 8 weeks into the lockdown she has now just decreed that people from Sydney can not visit their holiday homes outside of Sydney!! Whaaaatttt???

Geez she is a *smile* idiot. She is only pandering to her eastern suburbs, northern beaches and north shore voter base. She is a disgrace and certainly should be removed but without an election they'll just put another complete numpty in the chair that won't change a thing.

Sydney is destroying the rest of the country with its disgraceful approach to trying to contain this outbreak.
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