Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


@lamb22 think it is wise we are sceptical of those who make statements where it helps their self interests.

Imagine it is massively in vaccine makers self interest to make a vaccine that needs a booster every year and at the same time to prevent a cheap alternative from entering the market.

It’s also a convenient angle to come up with a conspiracy theory on too and slips into the whole ‘WHO’ is getting paid by who to do what.

Appreciate those looking to research deeper in this space. It may be that the anti vaxxers become the remaining group of stakeholders that will be willing to trial alternative treatments and provide enough numbers to do a proper study on. Not sure I’d be willing to do a trial on something else when you know there is an effective vaccine….
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@lamb22 think it is wise we are sceptical of those who make statements where it helps their self interests.

Imagine it is massively in vaccine makers self interest to make a vaccine that needs a booster every year and at the same time to prevent a cheap alternative from entering the market.

It’s also a convenient angle to come up with a conspiracy theory on too and slips into the whole ‘WHO’ is getting paid by who to do what.

Appreciate those looking to research deeper in this space. It may be that the anti vaxxers become the remaining group of stakeholders that will be willing to trial alternative treatments and provide enough numbers to do a proper study on. Not sure I’d be willing to do a trial on something else when you know there is an effective vaccine….
Thanks Roar. The key point people are missing here because it is a binary discussion is that Ivermectin is not an alternative to vaccination. It is complementary. Vaccination is about prevention. Ivermectin can be about prevention but it's more about treatment. We need therapeutics. The US is throwing billions at the Drug companies to develop these anti virals. Everyone acknowledges that there are breakthrough infections even in vaccinated people. For those we need proper treatments

My real concern is that from Day 1 the Public Heath response has concentrated solely on transmission and the poor bastards that got Covid were told to go home until they turned blue. Viral load kills you. The greater the load the potential for a greater cytokine storm. I follow some of the most eminent critical care doctors in the world who say early treatment is vital. So if you have access to an anti viral which has shown to be effective in shedding viral load , reducing severity and death, is safe and is cheap why wouldn't you use it in a pandemic.

This argument on here about vax/anti vax is primarily relevant to transmission, If you have Covid the question of vaccination is mostly moot although antibodies will likely help mitigate viral load . What you want is the best treatment so that you don't go into hospital or get severe complications or die!
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That infected covidiot who traveled to Byron from Sydney has been charged by police. Hope they throw the book at him.
Deportation is the answer. Deport the AAT.

Zoran Radovanovic charged after travelling to Byron Bay (paywalled)

Byron Bay’s patient zero is a Sydney businessman with convictions for drugs, burglary and forgery who immigration authorities once claimed had arrived in Australia on a false passport.

Zoran Radovanovic, 52, successfully fought a government bid to cancel his visa and send him home to Yugoslavia with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal finding he had a capacity to make a contribution to Australia.
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Thanks for responding Antman. A couple of points first and I hope I am not too ungracious. I appreciate the reply but I don't need the repeating of what was in the article I have read. I do understand though that you come from the position of the knowledge you have and it is unfair to criticise you for not having that additional knowledge I was seeking. The other point is that your position seems really fixed and you have already flagged that any arguments or facts which I present to you are right wing nutjobbery.

First on safety and Merck's negative assessment. This is an interesting one and I came to the Ivermectin debate quite late. A friend of mine raised the potential of this medication and I was sceptical. One of the first things I reviewed was Merck's statement. I initially thought this was a strike for Ivermectin, When I started looking at how ivermectin works, historical material and the various trials and studies the first thing that became clear and incontrovertible was that is was an unusually safe drug. To provide context the covid vaccines which are considered very safe have 40,000 deaths associated with them after about 4 billion doses. The associated death figure with Ivermectin in about 4 billion doses is 16 and those 16 deaths were related to infections and complications with the dead parasite rather than the medication itself. There are some contra indications. Ivermectin gets into the parasites brain and nervous system and knocks them off. It can also cause similar damage to humans but it can't cross the blood brain barrier. In those with a compromised barrier such as those with meningitis or suffering a stroke (at the time) Ivermectin is contra indicated. Similarly children under 2 or 15 kgs may not have a fully developed barrier and as an abundance of caution pregnant and breast feeding mothers should probably not take it as it may be transferred to the child. There have been a number of studies which show that is exceedingly safe. I think there is one in which Chris Whittie the chief health officer of the UK (advising on the Covid response) is a co author of a study in 2015 or 16 where they concluded that doses 10 times the recommended dose were safe.

As with anything dosage is key. Water is toxic at the right (or wrong) dose. The prophylactic studies in Ivermectin mostly are based on the recommended dose for parasitic treatment. Different trials have used different doses in treatment of mild and more severe infections but I haven't seen any which go above 0.6 mg per kilogram. So long story short for a company who knows the drug, who developed and sold the drug and who knows the amazing safety record of the drug the assertion that Ivermectin may not be safe was not a good faith statement. So it was very strange to me. I didn't have to look too far to find a reason.

1 Ivermectin is out of patent and there is little or no money to make out of it.
2 Merck is one of a raft of companies who is developing Covid therapeautics after it dropped out developing a vaccine. It received around $300 million from Trump under Operation Warp Speed (for a failed attempt) and the Biden Administration has entered into a $1.2 Billion contract with Merck to buy an anti viral therapy drug called molnapiravur at around $700 per course when it obtains approval from the FDA . The proposed drug has already failed in a hospital setting and is subject to a whistle blower complaint. It is similar molecularly to Ivermectin (no surprise if Merck is making it)

I might add that I was fairly neutral on the World Health Organisation until they started questioning the safety profile of Ivermectin. At that point the antenna went up and I wondered why the WHO would make a blatantly false and bad faith statement. I think it is legitimate in relation to Ivermectin to question its efficacy, the structure and conduct of trials. But if you are the WHO and are raising safety concerns of Ivermectin you are not being truthful.

This response was longer than intended so I will take a break and address the Columbian Study at a later time.

no worries Lamb. I'm not insulted by your statement that I don't have the inside knowledge you have, it's a typical conspiracy theory position - "if only you knew what I know". Yeah, I'm a sheeple because I critically examine your conspiracy theories. You sound exactly like the 9/11 theorists to be honest and we know what a joke they were and still are.

On Merck's statement on Ivermectin, it's almost as if you don't understand the concept of risk/side-effects/contraindications in medicines. Medicine carries risk - so they will not recommend a treatment for a condition that is under-researched. As they said, there were no genuine studies at the time that showed ivermectin was effective. (there still aren't - at least nothing conclusive that has been a genuine double blind/RAT/placebo trial)

Bizarrely you still claim that Merck said Ivermectin was not safe. They didn't say that. I even gave you the link of their press release and quoted it directly. They said here are the contraindications and risks based on their decades of research, and to date they have seen no benefit with regards to Covid, so they don't recommend it. To say they said their drug was not safe is clearly - I'm sorry to say it - a lie. But, that doesn't fit the conspiracy theory narrative so you have to hype it up by claiming they said things they never said. They said the studies didn't contain safety data, which is very different from claiming their own drug is unsafe.

Prove me wrong on that - I'll wait lamb. Someone of your knowledge and experience should have no problems with that right?

You said the WHO questions the safety profile of Ivermectin. Again, I call bullsh1t sir. Here - in March of this year they say Ivermectin should only be used against Covid19 in legitimate clinical trials. . They also reviewed the data on a range of studies and found that the evidence that Iv. benefits people with Covid19 is of "very low certainty". But nowhere did they question the "safety profile" of Iv. In fact they've recommended it for parasitic infections of livestock and humans for decades.

Challenge number two - show me where the WHO has said Ivermectin is unsafe. I'll wait.

The only thing they've said - which enrages the Ivermectin conspiracy crew - is that there is no demonstrated effectiveness in treating Covid 19, so they've recommended its use only in properly structured clinical trials.

As I say, bad faith arguments suck. They are weak. They undermine the credibility of those who make them. As soon as you start lying, stretching the truth and claiming things were said that were not said, you lose.
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Thanks Roar. The key point people are missing here because it is a binary discussion is that Ivermectin is not an alternative to vaccination.
It's not binary at all, that's another fabrication.

If randomised, well-structured, double blind, placebo'd clinical trials prove Ivermectin is effective, then let's use it. It can be used in concert with vaccines, social distancing, masks, whatever works.

Unfortunately, the pro-Iv. argument is based on bad science and bad politics. You've demonstrated that yourself by inventing statements from Merck and the WHO that don't exist.
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I have no researched view on what works or doesn’t work. I do think we should be investigating treatments that reduce the damage Covid does if you get it, or anything you can do preventatively before you get it….. especially because at some stage I think we all get it.
I have no researched view on what works or doesn’t work. I do think we should be investigating treatments that reduce the damage Covid does if you get it, or anything you can do preventatively before you get it….. especially because at some stage I think we all get it.

Absolutely, but let's do the science based on science, not on internet nuff-nuffs interrogating a press release from Merck and inventing BS that never happened.

My gut feel and the real science to date tells me that ivermectine treatments will go the way of the hydroxchloroquine miracle cures that no-one hears about any more. Because it doesn't work.

But yeah, lets do the real, randomized, double blind, placebo'd clinical trials and see what is what.
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no worries Lamb. I'm not insulted by your statement that I don't have the inside knowledge you have, it's a typical conspiracy theory position - "if only you knew what I know". Yeah, I'm a sheeple because I critically examine your conspiracy theories. You sound exactly like the 9/11 theorists to be honest and we know what a joke they were and still are.

On Merck's statement on Ivermectin, it's almost as if you don't understand the concept of risk/side-effects/contraindications in medicines. Medicine carries risk - so they will not recommend a treatment for a condition that is under-researched. As they said, there were no genuine studies at the time that showed ivermectin was effective. (there still aren't - at least nothing conclusive that has been a genuine double blind/RAT/placebo trial)

Bizarrely you still claim that Merck said Ivermectin was not safe. They didn't say that. I even gave you the link of their press release and quoted it directly. They said here are the contraindications and risks based on their decades of research, and to date they have seen no benefit with regards to Covid, so they don't recommend it. To say they said their drug was not safe is clearly - I'm sorry to say it - a lie. But, that doesn't fit the conspiracy theory narrative so you have to hype it up by claiming they said things they never said. They said the studies didn't contain safety data, which is very different from claiming their own drug is unsafe.

Prove me wrong on that - I'll wait lamb. Someone of your knowledge and experience should have no problems with that right?

You said the WHO questions the safety profile of Ivermectin. Again, I call bullsh1t sir. Here - in March of this year they say Ivermectin should only be used against Covid19 in legitimate clinical trials. . They also reviewed the data on a range of studies and found that the evidence that Iv. benefits people with Covid19 is of "very low certainty". But nowhere did they question the "safety profile" of Iv. In fact they've recommended it for parasitic infections of livestock.

The only thing they've said - which enrages the Ivermectin conspiracy crew - is that there is no demonstrated effectiveness in treating Covid 19.

As I say, bad faith arguments suck. They are weak. They undermine the credibility of those who make them. As soon as you start lying, stretching the truth and claiming things were said that were not said, you lose.
FMD, what do you think "A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies" means and why would it matter in a FDA approved drug with an established record of safety. Do you actually ever engage your brain before spouting the nonsense you post. I'd say people are now alive who might have been dead is probably good safety data anyway.

When Goa decided to mandate Ivermectin for use the WHO chief scientist sent them a tweet attaching Merck's statement. She then quickly deleted that tweet after a backlash. On the basis of that tweet the Indian Bar Association has started an action suing her for misrepresentation of medical facts. Goa's leaders said get stuffed to WHO we're using Ivermectin.

Goa mandated the use of Ivermectin in early May 2021.


Just saying! That's the delta virus too!
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FMD, what do you think "A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies" means and why would it matter in a FDA approved drug with an established record of safety. Do you actually ever engage your brain before spouting the nonsense you post. I'd say people are now alive who might have been dead is probably good safety data anyway.

Well thanks for alleging that I didn't "engage my brain", but here goes. Safety data relates to the methods and safeguards the researchers undertaking the studies take to ensure the safety of those patients as part of the trial or study. So they are saying that these trials/studies did not follow these safety procedures, or did not document these procedures. Essentially they are saying that the trials were poorly conducted with regards to patient safety. How's that for engaging my brain?

This article explains the ethics/procedures around safety data and monitoring in clinical trials.

Of course if you get your info from the Ivermectin crew on Twitter and Youtube I'm sure you know better. Ciao bello.
They needed protection. They never got it. A big *smile* up.

If only "Private" aged care workers weren't so poorly paid they wouldn't have to have 2 and 3 jobs to eke out a living.

There's been 820 deaths from Covid in Victoria.

"There has been 655 COVID-19 related deaths in Victorian private residential aged care."

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I don't get why anyone is touting a drug when there looks to be no evidence it works, seems a waste of effort when we could be researching drugs which might work, or even doing some proper research on the drug being touted. I also don't get the criticism of those who are merely pointing out that there is no evidence it works, they seem to be simply stating what we know.

As for the safety data in studies quote, it is just that, a quote about safety data in studies. Extrapolating from that quote that someone is claiming the drug is unsafe, is also just that - extrapolating.

I'm sure there are plenty of companies looking for drugs which treat COVID. Once you vaccinate as many people as you can, some will still get sick - those vaccinated who get sick which looks to be a tiny proportion, along with those who can't, or are too selfish/stupid, to get vaccinated. There would be plenty of profit in gaining subsidies for the research and selling the drug once it is developed.

Lamb, TrialSite News?

Maybe you should check your sources.

They published this article:

I didn't get very far as once I saw this paragraph:

I recently learned that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans (which I confirmed 3 different ways) and disabled at least 1,000,000 more. And we're only halfway to the finish line. We need to PAUSE these vaccines NOW before more people are killed.

I figured I didn't need to waste any more of my time.

A million people disabled, and no coverage of this? Really? Wow that is some conspiracy happening there . . . or maybe this is just BS.

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