Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Two selfish/ignorant tradies INSIDE Coles Richmond this morning masks under their chins, WTF, makes my blood boil:mad:.
Just confirms that you can't rely on everyone doing the right thing and we are in the lap of the gods :rolleyes: .
I’m remain conflicted on this. I have a strong desire for there to be a deterrent. But I also see the well articulated point by Andrews that doing this will drive reporting / testing underground and overall that will do more damage. Once people with symptoms who have done the wrong thing chose NOT to get tested because they know they will be shot if it comes out positive they will try and ride it out and hope they can just survive the virus. On balance he is likely doing the right thing - we can see clearly in NsW what distrust of the government/authority is doing.

the flip argument is that seeing people ‘get away with it’ drives compliance to the restrictions in the rest of the population down / ferments unrest.
Makes it hard to expect compliance from the populace in general when you see blatant breaches that cause absolute mayhem for that general populace go unpunished. Yet he stands up there and threatens anyone that wants to drive to the Bellarine Peninsula with a massive fine. But then if that person spreads the virus on the Bellarine they'll get off scot free.

Plus I have absolutely zero faith that these people who blatantly breach the regulations and spread the virus will have any compunction about being fully cooperative with the contact tracers. They are just selfish arseholes who will whatever is in their own best interests. How has this outbreak spread so quickly between different schools in the western and northern suburbs? Family gatherings in breach of the regulations; this was still banned after we came out of lockdown 5 and was not lifted before lockdown 6.
Two selfish/ignorant tradies INSIDE Coles Richmond this morning masks under their chins, WTF, makes my blood boil:mad:.
Just confirms that you can't rely on everyone doing the right thing and we are in the lap of the gods :rolleyes: .
It does my head in. Last three days, going for a walk, every single tradie and every single road maintenance worker - no masks. None of them. Removalists I masks either. Yes, removalists. Oh, and if you walk a dog you don't need to wear one either be it walking past someone else on the footpath, standing around on top of one another with other dog owners, standing outside a cafe in a group a la AAMI or the MCG. No mask required.

Tradies, blue collar workers, dog walkers. All exempt from wearing a mask. I just give them all the finger and keep walking. *** them. Had enough.
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How has this outbreak spread so quickly between different schools in the western and northern suburbs? Family gatherings in breach of the regulations; this was still banned after we came out of lockdown 5 and was not lifted before lockdown 6.
Is that fact?
Covid spread quickly between schools in Brisbane. An epidemiologist went and studied the movement of the kids and could see how- which kids caught the same bus, hung out at the same shopping centre etc. suggests one school - Waringa Park is linked to the Hobson Bay outbreak, so not at all linked to the other schools.
Then a resident of the Flemington towers attend Mt Alexander College. the link to Newport is unspecified.
So maybe 1 positive case at a different school was from a family gathering, or maybe not.
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It does my head in. Last three days, going for a walk, every single tradie and every single road maintenance worker - no masks. None of them. Removalists I masks either. Yes, removalists. Oh, and if you walk a dog you don't need to wear one either be it walking past someone else on the footpath, standing around on top of one another with other dog owners, standing outside a cafe in a group a la AAMI or the MCG. No mask required.

Tradies, blue collar workers, dog walkers. All exempt from wearing a mask. I just give them all the finger and keep walking. *** them. Had enough.
Family gatherings in the western suburbs are also exempt apparently. The more the merrier. Come get your COVID19!
it just reinforces how ideology plays a part in the NSW response. They are not in it together when people can freely walk around Bondi unhindered.
I can go to my local beach unhindered. There’s some weird obsession with Bondi and Sydney beaches. Is it jealousy?
Plenty of people at the beaches in melb without masks. Just drive past Frankston beach and have a look. Heaps walking up and down most maskless or not wearing them correctly. I don’t think we are having massive transmission at the beaches.
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Fair point. Depopulation will solve much of the worlds problems- and bring a whole suite of different ones. For starters Doesn’t fit with our capitalistic never ending growth model.
Property should be cheaper
Is that fact?
Covid spread quickly between schools in Brisbane. An epidemiologist went and studied the movement of the kids and could see how- which kids caught the same bus, hung out at the same shopping centre etc. suggests one school - Waringa Park is linked to the Hobson Bay outbreak, so not at all linked to the other schools.
Then a resident of the Flemington towers attend Mt Alexander College. the link to Newport is unspecified.
So maybe 1 positive case at a different school was from a family gathering, or maybe not.
At the very start of this outbreak the teacher from Al-Taqwa college was identified as the first case and then the same day 2 other similar schools were shutdown; none were that close together. That same teacher and her husband also infected family members who did not live in the same household. Wonder how that happened? It is fact that the second wave exploded last year in no small part to family gatherings attended by infected people. Do you really think that is not happening this year? They all caught COVID on a bus?
Excellent and interesting article. Some other highlights for me - vaccination may not stop the spread of the virus - as many epidemioligists have noted already, we will likely never eradicate Covid - but they are very effective in preventing hospitalisation and death.

Article predicts that often virus become more contagious but less virulent ie deadly - and this may happen over time with Covid as the virus mutates. Remember it's not in the reproductive interest of a virus to kill its host. We will likely have covid seasons, like flu season when the government will promote booster shots.

Unfortunately for the "vaccination is a low-priority for Australia" team, vaccination is still the way out, even if herd immunity is ultimately unobtainable.

Reading this in the paper this morning I just kept thinking that herd immunity does not mean you don't catch the virus, it means that if you do catch the virus it is unlikely to make you sick and very highly unlikely to kill you.

We live with many viruses all the time, anyone ever had a cold?

Anyway, the end of the article actually tied it up much better:

None of these predictions suggest that COVID-19 will vanish. But we can learn to live with it, as we do many other viruses, says Professor Fiona Russell.

“We don’t stop the economy or go into lockdown for a flu epidemic,” she says.

“Once were vaccinated, and we’re minimising the death and morbidity, that’s when we need to start thinking about and responding to COVID in a similar way to other viruses that we have every year, and put it in perspective. We can’t keep living like this.”

We can't keep living like this and the vaccines give us the opportunity to live with COVID. It is very rare to actually eradicate a virus, what is more common is that vaccinations, or the virus mutating as the Spanish Flu did in the early 20th century, mean that we can live with the virus as it is no longer killing large numbers of people.

More viruses will appear in time, more pandemics will happen. Many viruses are appearing all the time and we ignore them as our immune system deals with them or they just don't make us very sick.

The dream of eradicating COVID-19 is just that, a dream. What is far more possible is to reach a situation where it is not a big threat and is just another one of those viruses which we live with.

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I've got an old woman on one side of me that goes to her daughters house and her duaghter's family every single day. Every single day. Standard pre covid activity and has not modified one iota during covid no matter what lockdown version.

On the other side of me I've got a permanently unemployed, drug ***'ed ahole that yells, screams, plays loud music all the time. During every lockdown he's been out an about in his car for hours, visitors over to his place partying up etc. On Monday night he had a bogan loser mate over and they went ballistic on the doof doof and gear for hours.
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On the other side of me I've got a permanently unemployed, drug ***'ed ahole that yells, screams, plays loud music all the time. During every lockdown he's been out an about in his car for hours, visitors over to his place partying up etc. On Monday night he had a bogan loser mate over and they went ballistic on the doof doof and gear for hours.

Hey, didn't know you lived next door Red.
  • Haha
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On the Ivermectin stuff, here's the Aus NPS (National Prescibing Service) take.

Ivermectin was shown to kill Covid in vitro ie in a test tube, but human trials were negative or inconclusive. Trials are ongoing in 2021.

The linked site includes info on current studies globally.

Draw your own conclusions about whether Fauci was involved in some sort of global suppression of Ivermectin as a potential treatment, or he just let medical science run its course.

Human trials were overwhelmingly positive. You really shouldn't post when you possess such a paucity of information. Luckily some bloke has produced a timeline of Ivermectin related events (both pro and con). The timeline in the attached runs from April to June 21. But his reference list at items 5 and 6 link to his earlier work detailing the timeline from the commencement of the pandemic. Best to actually draw on some facts before opining.

Unfortunately for the "vaccination is a low-priority for Australia" team, vaccination is still the way out, even if herd immunity is ultimately unobtainable.
It’s an essential plank, but the problem of how to keep the virus from overwhelming us without lockdowns still looms.
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Human trials were overwhelmingly positive. You really shouldn't post when you possess such a paucity of information. Luckily some bloke has produced a timeline of Ivermectin related events (both pro and con). The timeline in the attached runs from April to June 21. But his reference list at items 5 and 6 link to his earlier work detailing the timeline from the commencement of the pandemic. Best to actually draw on some facts before opining.

Interesting article, scanned it quickly. Essentially a literature review/summary - made me laugh they actually referred to the Kelly stuff on Sky News Aus and that is given equal weight to scientific studies. This paper summarises both the medical trials and also socio/political content and essentially argues that subconscious and conscious bias in medical bodies, governments and journalism meant that ivermectin treatments were not given a fair go. Strange you conclude the actual scientific studies were "overwhelmingly positive" when results were very mixed at best.

What is clear is that actual human trials in 2020 and into 2021 were not conclusive, with a potential for some reduced hospital time for patients in some trials. Other trials did not show this.

As for the claims that Fauci suppressed all this so he could benefit from stock holdings/embarrass Trump/perpuate the Scamdemic that's all loony tunes. Ivermectin or other anti-virals could have a part to play in treatment of covid like viruses in future, but the jury is still out and more work needs to be done.

You got 911 conspiracy theories right and gave them short-shrift, seems you've gone right off the deep-end on this one lamby. Ivermectin as a potential treatment warranting further research is one thing but demonising Fauci along with the Trump/Scamdemic crowd is nuts. You've changed man.
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It’s an essential plank, but the problem of how to keep the virus from overwhelming us without lockdowns still looms.

Essential would make it high priority I'm guessing. Glad you've finally come around.

The article is pretty clear about the way out - frequent vaccination via boosters, some social distancing, time for natural resistance to develop. I can't see where the article actuallly posits that lockdowns will persist much when we move into the "living with Covid" as a seasonal virus phase.

Lockdowns are an issue for the here and now in Australia, and are essential, no doubt - other countries with higher vaccination rates are moving past lockdowns pretty quickly now.
Interesting article, scanned it quickly. Essentially a literature review/summary - made me laugh they actually referred to the Kelly stuff on Sky News Aus and that is given equal weight to scientific studies. This paper summarises both the medical trials and also socio/political content and essentially argues that subconscious and conscious bias in medical bodies, governments and journalism meant that ivermectin treatments were not given a fair go. Strange you conclude the actual scientific studies were "overwhelmingly positive" when results were very mixed at best.

What is clear is that actual human trials in 2020 and into 2021 were not conclusive, with a potential for some reduced hospital time for patients in some trials. Other trials did not show this.

As for the claims that Fauci suppressed all this so he could benefit from stock holdings/embarrass Trump/perpuate the Scamdemic that's all loony tunes. Ivermectin or other anti-virals could have a part to play in treatment of covid like viruses in future, but the jury is still out.

You got 911 conspiracy theories right and gave them short-shrift, seems you've gone right off the deep-end on this one lamby. You've changed man.
You've scanned it have you including the other 100 pages from the earlier timeline and about 500 references in 20 minutes and concluded the results were 'mixed at best'

*smile* wit!