Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I was an idiot about this situation and posted a blatantly ignorant and stupid post about this situation less than 3 weeks ago. I was staggeringly wrong. The likes of TOO and LTRTR have nailed this from the start and I apologise to TOO for calling him out as too alarmist. This is a massive crisis that will cost lives (not just the virus taking them) , livelyhoods and take years to recover from if people don't do the right thing. The more people decide they can keep socialising, ignore travel restrictions etc the more we condemn 00's if not 000's of older people to death in this country alone. I can understand people thinking this is not that bad and we should be able to do what we want but by continuing to gp about your life as normal is condemning someones dad, mum, grandfather, grandmother to death. Think about that when you decide to have a BBQ or social gathering over the next couple of months. Not getting on top of this sooner will mean longer restrictions which will mean more businesses closing, more people out of jobs and increased social unrest. This is an umitigated disaster (socially/economicially) and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.

I must admit I was a little blase about it until probably a week ago. I now agree with your assertions 100%. We need to do everything in our power to contain the spread.

However, I can not but help being livid at the cover up by the Chinese Govt and initial dismissal of the warnings by the WHO. This thing should have been cut off at the knees before Christmas:mad:
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Case count excluding China (updated 11:30pm)

172,829 cases
7,158 deaths (4.14%)
5,328 severe (3%)
142,431 mild (82%)
17,912 recovered (10%)
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They went into shut down too late. What's our government doing? It should be complete shut down. No schools, no footy, no gatherings full stop.

We all love our footy but it should be cancelled. The players aren't in danger but their parents, grand parent, elderly and health compromised friends / family are.

Closing our borders is a good start. Over 80% of COVID-19 cases in Australia are people who have been overseas and travelled back to Australia. It probably should have happened earlier but with the misinformation being spread by the Chinese Govt. and the inaction of the WHO early days it's probably understandable why it didn't happen.
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Closing the borders should have happened ages ago. The cat is already out of the bag. if we want to be serious about this everything should be closed unless critical (ie hospitals, grocery stores). It should be 100% lock down with police roaming the streets. Get those trucks spraying disinfectant everywhere like in S.Korea. A half arsed attempt will kill many many more people and prolong this disaster which will have a much bigger impact on the economy.
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Closing our borders is a good start. Over 80% of COVID-19 cases in Australia are people who have been overseas and travelled back to Australia. It probably should have happened earlier but with the misinformation being spread by the Chinese Govt. and the inaction of the WHO early days it's probably understandable why it didn't happen.

Too easy to blame the Chinese and WHO.

The signs were there. The experts and governments knew. Singapore and Hong Kong took swift action, they dealt with SARS and H1N1.

The second South Korea went, the the rest of the world should have clamped down. But they didn't.

When the historians look back at this thing I reckon the difference between South Korea and the USA is the only the timing of the detection, but the mass infections would have started at the same time.

I fear for Australia. The 1000s of students the Government let in are at am age where they show little signs despite carrying and spreading. That's not China or the WHOs fault.
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Too easy to blame the Chinese and WHO.

The signs were there. The experts and governments knew. Singapore and Hong Kong took swift action, they dealt with SARS and H1N1.

The second South Korea went, the the rest of the world should have clamped down. But they didn't.

When the historians look back at this thing I reckon the difference between South Korea and the USA is the only the timing of the detection, but the mass infections would have started at the same time.

I fear for Australia. The 1000s of students the Government let in are at am age where they show little signs despite carrying and spreading. That's not China or the WHOs fault.

If the Chinese Govt. and WHO had have acted to contain the virus when first warned rather than engaging in subterfuge and cover up than we would not have a global pandemic on our hands. Pretty simple I would have thought.

But I do agree that governments around the world could have made better decisions to stop the spread. The decision to let the students in was a grave mistake. Hopefully the measures now in place can contain the spread.
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If the Chinese Govt. and WHO had have acted to contain the virus when first warned rather than engaging in subterfuge and cover up than we would not have a global pandemic on our hands. Pretty simple I would have thought.

But I do agree that governments around the world could have made better decisions to stop the spread. The decision to let the students in was a grave mistake. Hopefully the measures now in place can contain the spread.

Their initial stance was no different to most countries initial stance despite the evidence.

The Australian Gov letting thousands of students in because it was financially beneficial. US ignoring it up until this week because it was politically disadvantageous.

How are their actions any different to the Chinese Government's. Or are you with Bush they we should call this thing a Kung Flu?
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I fear for Australia. The 1000s of students the Government let in are at am age where they show little signs despite carrying and spreading. That's not China or the WHOs fault.

Well China did pressure us to admit the students.

But blame can wait. There's a hurricane coming.
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Well China did pressure us to admit the students.

But blame can wait. There's a hurricane coming.

Well the Government did let them in.

Yes. The storm has arrived. Now all that can be done is wait for it to pass and hope you survive
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Their initial stance was no different to most countries initial stance despite the evidence.

The Australian Gov letting thousands of students in because it was financially beneficial. US ignoring it up until this week because it was politically disadvantageous.

How are their actions any different to the Chinese Government's. Or are you with Bush they we should call this thing a Kung Flu?

Ha nice attempt at putting words in my mouth. Obviously criticising the major role of the Chinese Govt. in the outbreak of this global pandemic means that I'm being racist:rolleyes: You obviously didn't read the part where I agreed that other governments have made grave mistakes in the handling of the situation; the USA and Australia included.

But what can not be denied is where this virus had its source and that the inaction and subterfuge of the Chinese Govt. has played a massive role in the outbreak of a global pandemic that will kill tens of thousands of people, if not more, and cripple the global economy. I am astounded that they have escaped much warranted criticism unlike western governments. At least there appear to be a couple of newspapers prepared to call them on it.
Ridley it’s ok .

We all think differently either through experiences we’ve seen, been through , our parents or grand parents have told of life before, of how Govts, people think & behave.

TOO & LTRTR have unfortunately been on course with this and the outcomes happening before our eyes ,not only hear but around the world.

I was in their camp late December after coming across an article that I think it was a child ? , the doctor who came across this (China) , alerted them authorities, was hounded and threatened who ultimately paid with his life. I know I’ve relayed this before and the fact they tried to keep the world in the dark !

1. why do you think they went into lockdown so quickly? They would have seen the affects first hand, they would have known this strain is completely knew, whatever they were doing wasn’t working so they took their drastic action to save themselves.

2. why do you think they were critical of countries such as Australia for initially , back in January ,of not allowing students wanting to return back to Australia for school, universities etc. ? They knew what was in store so saying it was under control and practically calling us out for alarming the rest of the world ,or for someone like me who was being called out for being a racists( not on this sight).
They wanted these people out of their countries(young people who would infect other) going back to various countries around the world infecting them.

3. statistics show that the infected people have been returning overseas people.the maths there!

4. hoarding being done which the PM demanded to be stopped continues yet the most vulnerable in society were missing out until measures were being put into place to assist them (allocated times). Yet there were bus loads of Chinese travelling to country towns etc raiding their stores. Why to hoard and see overseas ( back to China) just as they were doing last year with the Baby Formula fiasco which was caused by the Chinese themselves making inferior formula which was contaminated.

4. The Govt has come out today and saying they are aware of point 3 and are monitoring postal services who have been alerted and these people will be prosecuted.
YES there are probably Non Chinese trying to profit from this selling in EBay and other platforms.

5.My dying wish is that through this difficult time, through Govt stimulus, assistance etc, that when we come out of this the other side and we will recover () to STOP such as reliance of Chinese $ , influence , advice on how we run our country , interference and tell them to P*** O**.

6. I don’t know if people have been thinking of this as I have , but there will come a time when we have to make a decision in regards to our parents/grandparents.
My reasoning is. Since the Govt are adamant that schools & Unis remain open, we have children attending these, and what we know is that they for some reason can be a carrier and pass this on, their interactions with their children & grandchildren is still happening the chances that they could get it and we know that their immune system isn’t strong the end result that we haven’t seen yet in Australia is our death rate climbing due to our aging population.

I hope and pray ( even though my faith is slowly dying ) that we can somehow that our Govt, States & Health Advisers know what they are doing and it’s not too late.

I just don’t think we have hit our point yet when this will start hitting critical status !
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I was an idiot about this situation and posted a blatantly ignorant and stupid post about this situation less than 3 weeks ago. I was staggeringly wrong. The likes of TOO and LTRTR have nailed this from the start and I apologise to TOO for calling him out as too alarmist. This is a massive crisis that will cost lives (not just the virus taking them) , livelyhoods and take years to recover from if people don't do the right thing.

I appreciate the apology and agree with your sentiment . All good. :cool:

Hopefully others are recognising how serious this is.
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From what we've seen, no matter where it started the result would have been the same. Most governments have acted in a similar manner.

But even now, two countries that had a massive outbreak early have flattened out. They took extreme measures to lockdown and have seemed to be at the back end of this wave.

Why aren't other governments doing the earlier rather than wait for the explosion to hit them.

But I get it, we're all a bit scared and looking for someone to blame for that is natural.
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From what we've seen, no matter where it started the result would have been the same. Most governments have acted in a similar manner.

But even now, two countries that had a massive outbreak early have flattened out. They took extreme measures to lockdown and have seemed to be at the back end of this wave.

Why aren't other governments doing the earlier rather than wait for the explosion to hit them.

But I get it, we're all a bit scared and looking for someone to blame for that is natural.

Baloo that’s because they went into lockdown and those people have gone and infected other countries!

I’m not having a go at you Baloo.
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Baloo that’s because they went into lockdown and those people have gone and infected other countries!

I’m not having a go at you Baloo.

No but you're being incredibly niave thinking the Chinese Government wanted their infected citizens to go out and infect the rest of the world.

And niave was the nicest word I could think of.
No but you're being incredibly niave thinking the Chinese Government wanted their infected citizens to go out and infect the rest of the world.

And niave was the nicest word I could think of.

That’s ok Baloo I know what you wanted to say to me.

Maybe I didn’t articulate my words so well or write it down so well , BUT they certaintly didn’t want us closing our borders to their people but they closed it on theirs!

My words poor but what I wanted to state is there in facts.
Just saw on Greek TV a 3-4 minutes campaign , advertisement, advice aimed directly at the elderly.

The person delivering the message was a well respected person.

Shows him entering his house and then speaking, directing advice to the elderly.

1.Stay home.

2. take care of yourselves. If you have systems contact your local doctor.

3. limit your contact with young people. He knows it’s hard to not see your grand children( explains why) and how hard it may be not to do so, but said YOU HAVE TOO!

4. Then scans to the bathroom where he is washing his gands( explaining why).

Greece has an ageing population and I worry for them that it doesn’t become another Italy as I have many uncles/unties in the 80”S and above.

I hate it to come to a point where I can’t visit my mum or I tell her she can’t see her grand kids( mine and my sisters).

Scary times!
No but you're being incredibly niave thinking the Chinese Government wanted their infected citizens to go out and infect the rest of the world.

And niave was the nicest word I could think of.

Always thought this was a 100/1 chance and didn't seriously entertain it. I'll just say that the situation is evolving in China's favour. Rapidly.
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Always thought this was a 100/1 chance and didn't seriously entertain it. I'll just say that the situation is evolving in China's favour. Rapidly.

Not sure that's by design though.

Have we got any conspiracy lovers who want to pitch the Ft Derrick angle?