Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Not sure that's by design though.

Have we got any conspiracy lovers who want to pitch the Ft Derrick angle?

I'm not a conspiracy lover and don't know what Ft Derrick is.

Against it, I can only recall one or two reports of Chinese testing positive here. Most of the positives have come from other regions (US, Iran, Europe). I think the world has been far too slow to recognise the danger and ban flights from China.
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I'm not a conspiracy lover and don't know what Ft Derrick is.

Against it, I can only recall one or two reports of Chinese testing positive here. Most of the positives have come from other regions (US, Iran, Europe). I think the world has been far too slow to recognise the danger and ban flights from China.

It's been evident in Singapore for a while that it has spread everywhere. The contact tracing they do showed people flying in from Europe and the US two or three weeks ago were infected.

The evidence has been there for a while now.
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I know people in Italy.

Being told the Military? I believe are taking the bodies as they don’t have coffins (so many a day) and taking them to an isolated place.

Gets sadder by the day.
Poor people and families whose parents, grand parents are being taken in such circumstances and dignity of these events.

Im in tears over this.
And dealing with my anger.
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I know people in Italy.

Being told the Military? I believe are taking the bodies as they don’t have coffins (so many a day) and taking them to an isolated place.

Gets sadder by the day.
Poor people and families whose parents, grand parents are being taken in such circumstances and dignity of these events.

Im in tears over this.
And dealing with my anger.
same will happen here if we don't take it seriously. went to coles yesterday and saw heaps of people still out and about, at cafes, restaurants, walking around.

you can't advise people to stay indoors. you need to enforce it. we're not obedient and disciplined like s.korea, singapore, hong kong. alot of people i've spoken to recently are still not concerned
USA is now reporting the second most new cases. It is a day away from being the highest. Most people in Australia who travelled overseas came from the US. The US were way too slow to take this seriously as evidenced by Trump's claim that it is nothing, it will soon be back to zero cases. And the lack of FREE testing kits (residents until last couple of days had to pay large dollars). Look at USs cases per 1mill population. It will go much higher. This is a catastrophe.

  • Wow
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USA is now reporting the second most new cases. It is a day away from being the highest. Most people in Australia who travelled overseas came from the US. The US were way too slow to take this seriously as evidenced by Trump's claim that it is nothing, it will soon be back to zero cases. And the lack of FREE testing kits (residents until last couple of days had to pay large dollars). Look at USs cases per 1mill population. It will go much higher. This is a catastrophe.

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They will overtake every country combined shortly.

I hope that anyone on PRE who knows someone in America, family , friends and PREEnders there to please please do what you can, don’t wait take ACTION NOW yourselves and your loved ones.

Thinking of you all.
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Wondering whether we need to change tack - isolate the elderly completely, staff living on site, nobody in or out. A majority of industries are shut down - those people are strictly confined to home and not allowed to leave for any reason. The rest go to work as usual, contract the virus, majority are not seriously ill and directed to recuperate at home, hospitals are dedicated to treating young Australians with the virus. Maybe 0.2% or 1 in 500 will perish but it's the sacrifice we make to save the country. Like war.

A degree of herd immunity is built (according to the theory which some sources seem pretty confident about), hospitals get on top of the situation, more industries are cleared to resume. Rinse and repeat until we've all had the bloody thing and it fades away (until next time?).

I dunno. Just think if we keep running from this thing and reacting as people are struck down, it's going to get us.
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Wondering whether we need to change tack - isolate the elderly completely, staff living on site, nobody in or out. A majority of industries are shut down - those people are strictly confined to home and not allowed to leave for any reason. The rest go to work as usual, contract the virus, majority are not seriously ill and directed to recuperate at home, hospitals are dedicated to treating young Australians with the virus. Maybe 0.2% or 1 in 500 will perish but it's the sacrifice we make to save the country. Like war.

A degree of herd immunity is built (according to the theory which some sources seem pretty confident about), hospitals get on top of the situation, more industries are cleared to resume. Rinse and repeat until we've all had the bloody thing and it fades away (until next time?).

I dunno. Just think if we keep running from this thing and reacting as people are struck down, it's going to get us.

I've also been thinking along these lines. Also a good way to keep the economy ticking over.
Older people who this virus affects most generally have stopped working anyway. Yes they'll hate the fact that they're cooped up & can't see Grandkids & family but what's the alternative? Dying in poverty? In a hospital hallway?
It's going to require some creative thinking & hard decisions that's for sure. Problem is we don't have time.
I don't envy our current leaders one iota.
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TOO & LTRTR thank you for writing the above.

Wanted to say the same that’s why I’m thinking my visits with mum, Easter, Birthdays , kids has to cease.

We have to think laterally.

This will get someone we know soon enough.
Here or overseas. Matter of time.
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I've also been thinking along these lines. Also a good way to keep the economy ticking over.
Older people who this virus affects most generally have stopped working anyway. Yes they'll hate the fact that they're cooped up & can't see Grandkids & family but what's the alternative? Dying in poverty? In a hospital hallway?
It's going to require some creative thinking & hard decisions that's for sure. Problem is we don't have time.
I don't envy our current leaders one iota.

The elderly can keep in touch via telephone etc. The government will keep comms running as an essential service.

Yeah we are in a pickle and I think Scotty needs to put the nation on a war footing. We are at war.
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4. .... Yet there were bus loads of Chinese travelling to country towns etc raiding their stores. Why to hoard and see overseas ( back to China) just as they were doing last year with the Baby Formula fiasco which was caused by the Chinese themselves making inferior formula which was contaminated.
is there any evidence of this?
It's easy with hindsight
2. why do you think they were critical of countries such as Australia for initially , back in January ,of not allowing students wanting to return back to Australia for school, universities etc. ? They knew what was in store so saying it was under control and practically calling us out for alarming the rest of the world ,or for someone like me who was being called out for being a racists( not on this sight).
They wanted these people out of their countries(young people who would infect other) going back to various countries around the world infecting them.

The Government has been too worried about the wealth of the Nation rather than it's health.
There were still 40 direct flights a day flying into Australia from China not long before they let those Chinese students fly in.
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is there any evidence of this?

I don't personally believe this is the case. Baby formula is a completely different topic and was originally due to contaminated local baby formula which killed babies (originally 2008) and has been shunned ever since China has a lot of the supplies they need, there is no need for things like toilet paper and pasta to be sent back to China. I think most of the panic buying is a result of people thinking they are going to have to quarantine or be in lockdown and therefore without ability to get new supplies. Unfortunately people buy too much, then others see it and do the same until there's eventually nothing left on the shelves thereby encouraging even more people to hoard when more supply is available. This will correct itself as people realise there is no need to horde.
Singapore is now arranging flights with SQ at special rates to get Singaporeans home this month.

With the majority of new cases being imported I suspect they will shut the borders competely soon.
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It's easy with hindsight

The Government has been too worried about the wealth of the Nation rather than it's health.
There were still 40 direct flights a day flying into Australia from China not long before they let those Chinese students fly in.

Yet the highest number of Australians effected by coronavirus reported coming back from the US, not China. Australia contained source from China pretty well, but should have banned travellers from the US once it became quite clear where the highest number of returning Australians were getting infected from.
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Yet the highest number of Australians effected by coronavirus reported coming back from the US, not China. Australia contained source from China pretty well, but should have banned travellers from the US once it became quite clear where the highest number of returning Australians were getting infected from.
That’s incredible, with the USA’s faulty tests and lack of testing it’s no wonder there positive tests are going through the roof.
I hope, but fear the same is going to happen here.
That’s incredible, with the USA’s faulty tests and lack of testing it’s no wonder there positive tests are going through the roof.
I hope, but fear the same is going to happen here.

Read up on Dr Helen Chu is Seattle. She was being told by the authorities to stop testing for Covid-19. She kept going regardless and it finally broke into the media.
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Report as at March 17 of patients who died positive to COVID - 19

Guys, this is Puntroadend, we are all here because we don't follow the masses, we need to take some leadership on this matter. Remember the media wants to sell you your own anxieties, a couple of months ago it was the bushfires, before that it was climate disaster, before that it was Brexit, before that it refugees, each one of these disappears from the news as soon as they find a new anxiety to feed. Please try and source facts not tweets of reports of rumors. There is always going to be someone with a personal experience of great sufferering, we need to separate the genuine empathy for personal loss from the emperical evaluation of global risk. L2R2R you clearly know how to access data, collect it and interpret it. You can help a lot more.

From this Italian report as at 17 March.

Median age of death 82yo

Zero deaths under the age of 30

99.2% of deaths have at least one serious underlying pathology (heart disease, stroke, active cancer, chronic liver disease or renal failure.)

74% of deaths have at least two of these serious underlying pathologies,

49% of deaths have three of these serious pathologies.

All deaths under 40 (5 at the time of this report) had a serious underlying pathology.

The quicker we make people understand that the risk of death to healthy people under the age of 65 is far less than the flu, and to people under 30 its almost neglibilbe, the quicker that age demographic can get the confidence to protect and help the oldies who are at higher risk.

The french weekly epidemiology is very similar to the Italian epidemiology.

The Australian epidemiology is not relevant yet, becasue 65% of the cases were repatriations so the demographics will be distorted to show cases in demographics young and healthy enough to be holidaying or working overseas. We need to wait a week or two until local transmission dominates to see how well we are doing.

BIG TIP. Don't look a case percentages, they always have to add up to 100. For example if we are successful in keeping the infection rate low in our oldies, its is going to look like we have high infection rates in younger demographics. (It looks like that now due to the repatriation bias.) It is best to look at case rates, as number of infections per 100,000 in the population, and the number of infections per 100,000 in a particular age or gender demographic.

I am holding my position, this is very demonstrably not as bad as flu for healthy under 65yo but is worse than flu for the over 70's especially those with serious underlying conditions.

The quicker the community understands that distinction the quicker we lose our anxieties, become productive and target our measures to protect those at risk. Young people need to be assured that they are fine and given the responsibility of observing all the precautions for the sake of the grandparents.

Wash your hands
Cover your cough
Stay home if you are sick
Take care of your oldies.

If you have an elderly neighbor, offer to run their errands. You can leave it on their doorstep and talk to them from the garden path. Remind them to wash their hands after they unpack. Wear gloves so they don't become anxious. Start a street Whatsapp group to look out for one another. I'm sure there are plenty of other things you can all think of.

If you have young family under 30, assure them the risk to them personally is very low. Give them the responsibility of taking the precautions to look after the elderly. Young persons love being given responsibility. Think Tommy Hafey calling players on Thursday night telling them individually he needed them to do a big job for him on Saturday, years later they realised he was calling lots of them.

As a forum we need to lift. I've been here for almost 20 years , I know the tiger army deals with tough times better than most. Its ok to feel the pain, but lets act with our brain.
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