I don't think you know what you're saying.
Are you blaming China for existing, or for having lots of people? Are you saying they should have killed off some of their population earlier? Are you saying too many Chinese people is a problem, but the rest of us are fine?
Also, are you saying that having too many people is bad, or having too many Chinese people is bad? Are you upset about quantity or concentration? What is your perfect amount of Chinese people?
And if you're trying to suggest that the Chinese people feel less social responsibility than the rest of us, then you truly are ignorant to the point of pointless. The measures they have taken to try to curb this spread simply wouldn't happen in Western Countries.
You're also doubling up on the ignorance by saying that Covid-19 is a result of the Chinese, not humans. I can't even fathom what you mean by that. Does that make the flu the fault of the Europeans? Aids the fault of Americans? Ebola the fault of Africans? Did old people cause cancer?