Sorry if its been done. I live in Byron Shire, which is surely the nationwide capital of the conspiracy theory. The one that really cracks me up is CHEMTRAILS.
It goes like this. The vapour trail that comes off planes wings in high pressure conditions as a result of a pressure differential isnt that at all. It is THEM, lacing the aero fuel with a chemical that wafts down on us, making US all malleable and compliant. It seems to subscribe to this theory you need to be (1) german or dutch (2) have been unemployed (able) for more than 2 decades and (3) smoke about 1/2 oz of marijuana per day.
Im an open-minded guy, so I tested it out using some reductionist science. When a jet went over, I donned a gas mask and grabbed my wife and held her in the open, giving a real dose of the vapour. I waited for 10 minutes and asked "darling, can i have $200 to go to the pub and drink and gamble all day?". She said 'no'.
The next day, I asked her the same thing, without exposure to the vapour. She said 'no'. I repeated the experiment several times until my wife ripped off my mask and punched me. There was no statistical difference in compliance following exposure to plane emissions as compared to a control.