Caro [Merged] | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.

Caro [Merged]

Tigers of Old said:
Have told you once before to take the blinkers off. If you're going to continue your Cousins crusade please stop talking sh!t.
If you can get your head back on a verticle plane, you may care to observe that we are not talking about contract renewal.
momentai said:
As has been pointed out by others you have totally misinterpreted the comments from the club about that matter and continue to cut him no slack at all.

And you are the boss of PRE and one of the most passionate Tigers I know.

I don't expect you to agree but I think you have handled the issue badly.

How have I misrepresented the club?

The fact I made this website, and try my best along with the other Mods to keep it a nice place for everyone to enjoy, is nothing whatsoever to do with my personal opinions and my right to express them.
rosy23 said:
How have I misrepresented the club?

The fact I made this website, and try my best along with the other Mods to keep it a nice place for everyone to enjoy, is nothing whatsoever to do with my personal opinions and my right to express them.

And we love you for it. But your personal opinions carry weight because of your standing as our number member.
I just think that you could lighten up on this particular issue.
momentai said:
And we love you for it. But your personal opinions carry weight because of your standing as our number member.

Poppycock. My opinions are just that and carry no weight at all. if you feel that way it's your problem. I'm sure most wouldn't, and neither should they.

momentai said:
I just think that you could lighten up on this particular issue.

Coming from you, who is busy questioning and judging others for their opinions, that is very funny. Pots and black kettles. :rofl
Of course you can say whatever you like on whatever subject you chose but recognize it or not your constant hastle on the subject of Cousins is prejudice.
rosy23 said:
No worries. I'd appreciate a link please. Are you saying he wasn't admonished? A fair chance he was spoken to considering those in the know at the club raised the matter publicly.

The Tigers also denied claims in the report that Cousins was "admonished" before Christmas for a "relative lack of fitness".

Greg Denham – The Australian March 17 - you can look it up yourself.

As I have already said. Ben had shoulder and hand surgery in Dec. Went to Perth to recover.

So, why did Caro write that he was admonished for lack of fitness before Xmas when in fact he had surgery? Didn’t she check her facts? Is someone feeding her BS?

On the other hand, is just because Ben is an easy target and sell newspapers, so therefore she could stretch the truth to create headlines.

I can only quote what I read in the papers and what I hear on the radio. I have told what Gale and Hardwick said about Ben in my previous post.

I think you need to tell us who these people in the know are that you are referring to. Not the same people that spoke to Greg Denham it seems.
momentai said:
If you can get your head back on a verticle plane, you may care to observe that we are not talking about contract renewal.

My head is fine. I have on numerous occasions credited Cousins for his personal recovery which you choose to ignore.
Dusty said:
you can look it up yourself.

It's only courtesy to give the links if you're aware of the actual article you're quoting Dusty, which you obviously are considering you gave direct quotes and dates. If you don't wish to, or don't know how to then fair enough but it's a bit rude raising specific instances then telling someone to look them up for them self when they are interested enough to read your claims in context.

Dusty said:
The Tigers also denied claims in the report that Cousins was "admonished" before Christmas for a "relative lack of fitness".

Greg Denham – The Australian March 17 - you can look it up yourself.

As I have already said. Ben had shoulder and hand surgery in Dec. Went to Perth to recover.

So, why did Caro write that he was admonished for lack of fitness before Xmas when in fact he had surgery? Didn’t she check her facts? Is someone feeding her BS?

Surgery isn't an excuse for lack of application and intensity on the training track. Fitness and recovery is closely monitored by the club for all players and their training modified to suit. "Admonished" might not be the correct word but it's only semantics. Benny said Ben's situation at the time was "addressed".

I wonder if certain people would so strenuously deny it if it was a player other than Ben Cousins involved. I can imagine momentai if Kane Johnson, for example, was in a similar position last year.

Dusty said:
I can only quote what I read in the papers and what I hear on the radio. I have told what Gale and Hardwick said about Ben in my previous post.

Benny said on Footy Classified (link provided for your convenience in case you wish to check it) that Ben took his "eye off the ball" for a while earlier in the pre-season. He had thumb surgery and a personal issue. The magnitude of previous years caught up with him and that "affected his application on the track". The coaches noticed a "lack of effort" and a "lack of intensity" on the track and that was "addressed".

As Benny said Ben is only one player at our club. He shouldn't be treated different to anyone else. If he needed a bit of help to get back on track then good on the club for acknowledging it. Being in denial doesn't help anyone and is possibly a large reason Ben's situation got so out of hand at the Weagles.

Dusty said:
I think you need to tell us who these people in the know are that you are referring to. Not the same people that spoke to Greg Denham it seems.

I would tell you if I could. I've already said Benny was one person I was referring to who commented about Ben's pre-season. I've already said I can't recall the other one. As I said I think it was DH, but could have been Craig or Ross. I'd post links if I had them. Maybe some else can recall who it was.

The funny thing is some people have Ben so high up on a pedestal they are in denial that he could do anything wrong. Momentai originally referred to Caro's comments about our players being suspended as one of her top 5 disappointments. How that was turned into her picking on Ben Cousins is beyond me. He was one of four players involved. I'd be surprised if she didn't, as I do, think that Dan's contribution was more disappointing but it's far more convenient for those with a Cousins persecution complex to make it all about him. The whole situation, and losing players we needed, was massively disappointing to me. As a fellow Richmond supporter I wouldn't be the least surprised if Caro felt the same. It's only personal opinion after all.
Dusty said:
The Tigers also denied claims in the report that Cousins was "admonished" before Christmas for a "relative lack of fitness".

Greg Denham – The Australian March 17 - you can look it up yourself.

As I have already said. Ben had shoulder and hand surgery in Dec. Went to Perth to recover.

So, why did Caro write that he was admonished for lack of fitness before Xmas when in fact he had surgery? Didn’t she check her facts? Is someone feeding her BS?

She wrote that because she made an assumption. She had sources who were saying that Cousins was drinking, she knew the club had spoken to him previously (which was admitted by club officials) and she assumed they had done so again. Really its a minor issue when looking at Cousins drinking problem.
Rosy, Caro's own stand on Cousins was referred to by me in connection with her 3AW rant because she came out and mentioned the Connors incident and 'the others involved' in the same breath as Hurley, multiple assaults Stokes trafficking in cocaine and Mitchell cocaine possession with previous form.
I also suggested in response to you that Dan's suspension for 8 weeks was a heavy penalty when you consider how rival clubs deal with their own 'bad boys' and that while I agree with the action taken, his penalty ought not be a reason for comparing his drunken and rowdy behaviour with the criminal behaviour of the other 3. And I gave examples.

My real beef with Caro was the way she found a way to wind Cousins into her article.

Ben gave a sleeping pill to Luke, and was also guilty of trying to help Dan out of a potentially uncontrollable situation. The recent advertising campaign run by the Vic govt suggests that his motives in at least one of these actions was appropriate. Giving a mate a sleeping tablet was not so clever but is not really a hanging offence either.

Caro has a history of putting the boots in where Ben is concerned, as Dusty has so clearly pointed out.

The way she wound a dubious 1 game suspension offence into her story about multiple assault of an indian taxi driver and drug trafficking is another example of that prejudice.

By the way at no point did I accuse you of misrepresenting the club.
IanG said:
She wrote that because she made an assumption. She had sources who were saying that Cousins was drinking, she knew the club had spoken to him previously (which was admitted by club officials) and she assumed they had done so again. Really its a minor issue when looking at Cousins drinking problem.
She assumes anything she wants to when it suits her agenda.
She hears both Gale and Cousins deny that he was spoken to by the club about a drinking problem and she repeats her claim saying in effect, that both were lying.

She is operating in a male dominated domain and she is making a habit of reaching for the sensational, when it just isn't there.
She is a shocker.
Tigers of Old said:
Pot, kettle, black.
Is your head still in that place which looks a little dark, or do you want to talk about Caro's prejudice.
And when have you ever said anything positive on the subject. While I have been asking that he be judged on what he contributes you have been in a hissy fit tiz about him for at least 3/4 years.

You have absolutely no credibility on this subject at all.
momentai said:
Is your head still in that place which looks a little dark, or do you want to talk about Caro's prejudice.

I'm no fan of Caro's work but I obviously hit a nerve because you keep spouting bs.
Hilarious that you compare Cousins actions the night Connors was suspended with those of the Victorian State Governments commercials.
You continually choose to dress Cuz as some sort of martyr who can do no wrong.
Please tell me why you think the club suspended him if he did such a great job that night?

I have shown more balance re Ben than you ever have. In your eyes he has done no wrong whatsoever.
What do you think Cousins was doing, if along with Luke, he was not trying to help Connors bring an end to his evening..

When has anything I've suggested caused you to I believe I think Cousins can do no wrong?

I've consistently called him an addict and tried to underline how difficult it is to come back from amphetamine addiction. In the early months of was it 2008 and since I have also (repeated) how significant the Clubs contribution would need to be if he was to succeed.

And it has been.

Like it or not, and your readiness to dump him from the list after round 2 suggests not, Ben and the RFC have responded to the challenge in a way in which we should all be proud and whether or not he gets another contract his successes over the last 18 months have been a major positive.

In answer to your question about the penalty my GUESS would be that Ben was suspended because the club has an absolute rule in regard to penalties for non appearance at recovery sessions and when Luke didn't show and it emerged that at least part of the reason was that he had been given a sleeping tablet by Cousins, that it was decided that both should get a week.
momentai said:
Like it or not, and your readiness to dump him from the list after round 2 suggests not, Ben and the RFC have responded to the challenge in a way in which we should all be proud and whether or not he gets another contract his successes over the last 18 months have been a major positive.

I have said let Cousins football do the talking for some time now yet you want to paper over his poor performance this year with peripherals that really mean jack and are as tabloid as the crap Caro writes about.

I'll spell it out one last time for you then I'm done with it moments.

- I fully credit Ben & the club with his personally recovery. Once we decided to take him which I was against initially this was the only course of action. Cousins has done extremely well so far to get back to where he is. I cannot make this any clearer.

- I believe his leadership at the club has been useful though is regularly overstated and has a limited shelf life.

- His performance this season as a 32 year old hbf has not been good enough to warrant another contract. The next half of the season is critical for him but personally I feel he is in decline and given where we are at that it should not be renewed.

- Caro definately has her agendas. I am not a fan either.

Now I am off to the footy. :)
This is not about whether he gets to stay on. It is about how he has dealt with a serious problem since his arrival.

I am also off to the G.
Benny Cuz' leadership was on full display for us all to see today when he calmed the boys down at half time when the crowd was going mental. :clap

He is great isn't he!!! Everyone should get off his back and let him play footy! :clap :clap