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Additionally, the bible is taken very seriously by many christians, but that doesn't mean they take it literally or accept all of it as all of the truth. You don't allow for this in your position on homosexuals and i think this is a serious flaw in your argument.
jayfox said:
No. Not my opinion at all but what I have discovered from my research, in the Bible.

So in your opinion the bible is the truth and god definitely exists. It's still your opinion though, not a verifiable fact.

Also, did you miss this question?

Disco08 said:
That's the point. Lizards and birds have these things (an egg tooth or a caruncle) to help them get out of their eggs. Early mammals also have these things as do some modern mammals who no longer lay eggs. Why would God create a koala with a caruncle to help it get out of an egg if koala's have never been born in eggs?
Six Pack said:
Jay, I try to understand where you are coming from, but your blinkered and dogmatic approach does you no favors. You can't be so dismissive of the fact that many christians, committed as you are or even more so, don't take the bible so fundamentally.

Then I believe that they are either not actual Christians or they are luke warm Christians who the Bible indicates God is dismissive with anyway.

Tell me something - Jesus CHRIST believed in the Old Testament as the literal word of God. He also claimed to be God in human form throughout His life. He then sacrificed Himself on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. If you are a CHRISTian you are a follower of the teachings of Christ (including the literal validity of the Old Testament and that Homosexuality is wrong) and you have to believe this. Otherwise you are creating for yourself a different belief system based on a different God who is not the true Jesus Christ of the Bible. You may as well make up a completely different name for your religion as it is no longer Christianity. This is how most sects start - by taking things away from, or adding extra things to, the true word of God.

And personally, if my steadfast approach to the word of God does me no favours amongst atheists, I don't care. It is not you that I seek to please in this life.
Disco08 said:
Yeah koalas, echidnas, bandicoots and possums.
Well blow me down.Thats a pretty good owning.

It's always good to pick up new material.
You take a very holier-than-thou approach Jayfox. I wish you would relax a bit and try and understand the world around you. I think your position on homosexuality is dreadful, cruel and mindboggingly intolerant.
evo said:
Well blow me down.Thats a pretty good owning.

It's always good to pick up new material.


I thought the fact that all marsupials begin to develop an egg only for it to be absorbed by the fetus was also quite incredible. I wonder how long it will be before the egg stops developing altogether.
So it's like an egg tooth, yes?

Come on Djevv,ya gotta admit that's pretty good.

Say Carnucle! Say Uncle

Say it.......


Yeah, like an egg tooth but birds have it on their heads. Not sure where the baby koalas have theirs.

This one's cool too. A dolphin embryo with stumps for hindlegs attached (these compare almost identically to similar attachments found on cat and human embryos):

Six Pack said:
You take a very holier-than-thou approach Jayfox. I wish you would relax a bit and try and understand the world around you. I think your position on homosexuality is dreadful, cruel and mindboggingly intolerant.

I think Foxy is entitled to his opinion though. And if his beliefs aren't affecting anyone outwardly - ie. gay bashing and/or blatant discrimination, then that's fine.

I don't necessarily agree with him but I'm not going to attack his beliefs.
Freezer said:
if his beliefs aren't affecting anyone outwardly - ie. gay bashing and/or blatant discrimination, then that's fine.

Totally agree with that.
I would prefer that he didn't keep criticising gays and having a 'belief system' as his support. He is trying to use his beliefs to legitimise his position and I find that offensive. And because he says his belief is irrefutable he won't accept any other position.
Six Pack said:
I would prefer that he didn't keep criticising gays and having a 'belief system' as his support. He is trying to use his beliefs to legitimise his position and I find that offensive. And because he says his belief is irrefutable he won't accept any other position.

He doesn't have to stop critising anyone. They are his beliefs and he is entitled to express them. Can I summise from your post you find the Catholic doctrine offensive?

I don't know Jayfox from an amoeba but having read a lot of his posts, I dare say he has considered many other positions but finds his the most plausible. Clearly you don't agree with him, which is fair enough.
Disco08 said:
jayfox said:
No. Not my opinion at all but what I have discovered from my research, in the Bible.

So in your opinion the bible is the truth and god definitely exists. It's still your opinion though, not a verifiable fact.

Also, did you miss this question?

Disco08 said:
That's the point. Lizards and birds have these things (an egg tooth or a caruncle) to help them get out of their eggs. Early mammals also have these things as do some modern mammals who no longer lay eggs. Why would God create a koala with a caruncle to help it get out of an egg if koala's have never been born in eggs?

Yeah, I did miss it, sorry. At present I don't know enough about caruncles (I didn't even know that koala's had them) so I am unable to give you a reasonable answer. I would ask Djevv as he probably has more knowledge on this topic.
jayfox said:
Yeah, I did miss it, sorry. At present I don't know enough about caruncles (I didn't even know that koala's had them) so I am unable to give you a reasonable answer. I would ask Djevv as he probably has more knowledge on this topic.

Fair enough. Caruncles are found on all birds at a young age and have the specific purpose of helping them break out of their egg.

Assuming it's a fact that koalas do have them can you think of any reason God would design them like this given that the caruncle serves no other purpose?