Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Disco08 said:
jayfox said:
Yeah, I did miss it, sorry. At present I don't know enough about caruncles (I didn't even know that koala's had them) so I am unable to give you a reasonable answer. I would ask Djevv as he probably has more knowledge on this topic.

Fair enough. Caruncles are found on all birds at a young age and have the specific purpose of helping them break out of their egg.

Assuming it's a fact that koalas do have them can you think of any reason God would design them like this given that the caruncle serves no other purpose?
Is it like tonsils and the appendix?
Six Pack said:
Freezer said:
He doesn't have to stop critising anyone. They are his beliefs and he is entitled to express them.
Not if they are hurtful.

So no-one can express an opinion that others may find offensive? And you say Jayfox sounds like a fundamentalist...!
So we can bag someone for their sexual preference, but not their religious preference?
Six Pack said:
Is it like tonsils and the appendix?

Both those are organs which from part of our immune system so I think they're slightly different in that they continue to serve a purpose throughout life where a caruncle serves a one off purpose (in animals that develop inside eggs).
Six Pack said:
You take a very holier-than-thou approach Jayfox. I wish you would relax a bit and try and understand the world around you. I think your position on homosexuality is dreadful, cruel and mindboggingly intolerant.

I certainly don't have a holier than thou approach at all. I have always admitted that I am a sinner, I have always admitted that I have done plenty of terrible things in my life, I have always admitted that I am not worthy of heaven and will get their by God's grace alone, I have always admitted that I am no better a person than anyone else on this site, so I don't see how I am 'holier than thou'? The only difference between you and me is that I acknowledge that I am not worthy of God's favour whereas you refuse to believe in Him. I also acknowledge that there is a far higher power in the world than me which I don't believe that you do either.

As for my beliefs on homosexuality, I do believe it is un-natural and wrong, and I do believe it is a sin, but no more so than telling a lie, which I have done plenty of times. It is when you refuse to acknowledge a sin and let it control your life that there is a problem.
jayfox said:
Six Pack said:
You take a very holier-than-thou approach Jayfox. I wish you would relax a bit and try and understand the world around you. I think your position on homosexuality is dreadful, cruel and mindboggingly intolerant.

As for my beliefs on homosexuality, I do believe it is un-natural and wrong, and I do believe it is a sin, but no more so than telling a lie, which I have done plenty of times. It is when you refuse to acknowledge a sin and let it control your life that there is a problem.

is telling a lie 'un-natural?'
Six Pack said:
I would prefer that he didn't keep criticising gays and having a 'belief system' as his support. He is trying to use his beliefs to legitimise his position and I find that offensive. And because he says his belief is irrefutable he won't accept any other position.

That is ridiculous! I only keep stating my beliefs on the issue because you keep attacking me for them Cass! Wake up boy!
Freezer said:
He hasn't bagged anyone - he doesn't agree with that's all.

he is now calling it 'un-natural.'

That's bagging it. That's harsh and that's insulting.
Six Pack said:
Freezer said:
He doesn't have to stop critising anyone. They are his beliefs and he is entitled to express them.

Not if they are hurtful.

If you have a problem with my posts report me to the moderators. If they find my posting to be consistently offensive they can ban me.
Six Pack said:
Freezer said:
He hasn't bagged anyone - he doesn't agree with that's all.
I think you will need to define this more carefully.

He hasn't bagged anyone - he doesn't agree with it that's all. ('it' being homosexuality)
Six Pack said:
So we can bag someone for their sexual preference, but not their religious preference?

You can bag me all you like. You have been giving sarcastic responses to my posts, using various usernames, on these threads for ages, so what is the difference. I will just choose to completely ignore your posts from now on as I did with your previous aliases.
Disco08 said:
jayfox said:
Yeah, I did miss it, sorry. At present I don't know enough about caruncles (I didn't even know that koala's had them) so I am unable to give you a reasonable answer. I would ask Djevv as he probably has more knowledge on this topic.

Fair enough. Caruncles are found on all birds at a young age and have the specific purpose of helping them break out of their egg.

Assuming it's a fact that koalas do have them can you think of any reason God would design them like this given that the caruncle serves no other purpose?

As I said mate, I don;t know enough about it but if I had to answer I would say that we have an appendix that seems to serve no purpose. Maybe it has some purpose that we are yet to discover.
Jay, relax a bit. our world, for better or worse is made up of people of many beliefs, practices, habits, predilections etc etc.

I just want you to realise that life is too short to be so dogmatic. Don't lock yourself into restrictive beliefs.

Go out and enjoy yourself, embrace others and their ways.
Six Pack said:
Jay, relax a bit. our world, for better or worse is made up of people of many beliefs, practices, habits, predilections etc etc.

I just want you to realise that life is too short to be so dogmatic. Don't lock yourself into restrictive beliefs.

Go out and enjoy yourself, embrace others and their ways.

I accept everyone as they are. But you cannot tell me to accept their practices if I believe that they are contradictory to the word of God. As I have always said, love the sinner, not the sin.

P.S. Tell me why you keep coming back onto this forum under so many different user names? You make yourself out to be a serial pest. Do you get banned every time or do you just enjoy creating and logging on under so many different names?
jayfox said:
As I said mate, I don;t know enough about it but if I had to answer I would say that we have an appendix that seems to serve no purpose. Maybe it has some purpose that we are yet to discover.

Does your belief in the Bible tell you that it's impossible that it's an ancestral genetic remnant passed down from close biological relatives that used them to break out of eggs?
jayfox said:
P.S. Tell me why you keep coming back onto this forum under so many different user names? You make yourself out to be a serial pest. Do you get banned every time or do you just enjoy creating and logging on under so many different names?

I'll start another thread on this. That will keep me busy!
Harry said:
If we are not God's creation and we just happen to exist from a big bang, then the chances of other life forms living on other planets in this infinite Universe would be huge, if not 100%.

Wise words Haz. IMO intelligent life does exist outside of the safety and confines of Earth in all forms of energy and matter. Its just that that our 'human' perception of life on other planets (as a generalisation) must take some kind of physical form in order for us to comprehend its reality as we don't yet fully understand how to communicate using our senses (and ultimately consciousness).