Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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evo said:
disbelief is your word.

Atheists don't necessarily 'disbelieve'

They may consider there is nothing to believe,or not believe in.

Do you disbelieve in"hmiohmimr"?

No 'cause you just wrote it. It's right there. I see it and I believe it is there. Blessed are those that have not seen, yet believe. ;D

Surely if you do not believe in something or consider that there is nothing to believe in then you, by very definition, disbelieve?
jayfox said:
No 'cause you just wrote it. It's right there. I see it and I believe it is there. Blessed are those that have not seen, yet believe. ;D

Surely if you do not believe in something or consider that there is nothing to believe in then you, by very definition, disbelieve?
antman said:
It looked too small and unreadable - I couldn't change the image dimensions.

Here it is again.


OK, I have resisted for as long as I could. Didn't I tell you lot that Atheism is just another religion? And here is prima facie! ;D
Djevv said:
OK, I have resisted for as long as I could. Didn't I tell you lot that Atheism is just another religion? And here is prima facie! ;D

not for me it isnt.
Djevv said:
OK, I have resisted for as long as I could. Didn't I tell you lot that Atheism is just another religion? And here is prima facie! ;D

Hmm - nice try, but the image caption does not even mention religion. Here's another image as prima facie evidence to the contrary...


Hope this clears it up for you!
antman said:
Hmm - nice try, but the image caption does not even mention religion. Here's another image as prima facie evidence to the contrary...


Hope this clears it up for you!
Nope. On what basis was the circle drawn? This diagram begs the question really.

The first diagram implies that Atheism gives the same quality of answers about life and existance that religion does. Ergo it is its self a religion.
Djevv said:
Nope. On what basis was the circle drawn? This diagram begs the question really.

The first diagram implies that Atheism gives the same quality of answers about life and existance that religion does. Ergo it is its self a religion.


The Compact Oxford dictionary defines religion as follows:

• noun 1 the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. 2 a particular system of faith and worship. 3 a pursuit or interest followed with devotion.

An athiest does not believe in or worship a superhuman controlling power. It is not a system of faith or worship (never saw the church of Athiests, the Athiests Bible, codification of Athiest beliefs). You can swing the latter, but you could say the same about how everyone on this site feels about RFC.
Tiger74 said:

The Compact Oxford dictionary defines religion as follows:

• noun 1 the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. 2 a particular system of faith and worship. 3 a pursuit or interest followed with devotion.

An athiest does not believe in or worship a superhuman controlling power. It is not a system of faith or worship (never saw the church of Athiests, the Athiests Bible, codification of Athiest beliefs). You can swing the latter, but you could say the same about how everyone on this site feels about RFC.

no higher power for me. aint no religion going on here
Djevv said:
Nope. On what basis was the circle drawn? This diagram begs the question really.

The circle was drawn on the basis that I thought it would be funny to do so.

And they say Christians don't have a sense of humour. :rofl
Djevv said:
Nope. On what basis was the circle drawn? This diagram begs the question really.

Quite obviously the members of the religions within the circle (and indeed the religions themselves) insist that not only do they know without doubt that a superhuman being(s) created the Earth, but that they can communicate with him.

Outside the circle are people who don't generally claim to have any idea how the universe was created and don't believe in superhuman beings.

Djevv said:
The first diagram implies that Atheism gives the same quality of answers about life and existance that religion does. Ergo it is its self a religion.

No it doesn't. All it implies is that Christianity has spawned branches, sects and cults almost innumerable and atheism has spawned none.

Atheism itself doesn't attempt to give any answers about existence nor does it insist on any form of worship, hence it is clearly not a religion.
Why define yourself by what you don't believe? Do you define yourselves as non-Collingwood supporters? What do you believe in and why? Come clean!

It's a definite movement and makes faith statements.
antman said:
The circle was drawn on the basis that I thought it would be funny to do so.

And they say Christians don't have a sense of humour. :rofl

So it was arbitrary. My original post was a joke :rofl but lets keep the discussion going!
Disco08 said:
Quite obviously the members of the religions within the circle (and indeed the religions themselves) insist that not only do they know without doubt that a superhuman being(s) created the Earth, but that they can communicate with him.

Outside the circle are people who don't generally claim to have any idea how the universe was created and don't believe in superhuman beings.

No it doesn't. All it implies is that Christianity has spawned branches, sects and cults almost innumerable and atheism has spawned none.

Atheism itself doesn't attempt to give any answers about existence nor does it insist on any form of worship, hence it is clearly not a religion.

Which Athiest sites have you been reading? Atheists claim there is no God and that the universe created its self. They believe that life is ultimately meaningless. We are, in short a cosmic accident. They further believe in a weird multiple universes sophistry to explain the finetuning of the universe. Further to this they stridently oppose religion and religious ideas wherever and whenever they can. Surely these ideas have a religious flavour?

No they don't worship anything, but you wouldn't expect them too.

They have an answer for everything - man's reason. They actually worship themselves and their ideas - which they substitute for God.

So in short Atheists are not a religion the traditional sense of forms and ceremonies (neither am I) but they are very like a religion in other ways. IMO.