Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


evo said:

I think thats your best one yet mate.

Thanks. It probably is. Probably sums up a fair bit of my stance too. I can't understand why he puts up with us but He does.
Sorry, but you see sending billions of people to hell as 'putting up with them'?
Which doesn't address the point that millions and millions of people on the Earth have higher moral standards and care for their fellow humans than God. Your comeback to this is "blah blah died for us blah blah fire fire brimstone blah blah"....

Give us what we deserve? Says who! I do a lot of good stuff on this Earth pal and I for one (and my Mum too, raving lunatic Catholic that she is) )don't think I deserve any kind of eternal punishment. You're saying that a mass murderer who repents in front of the electric chair gets a free ride into bliss where by the rest of us poor shmucks who didn't hurt anyone (or tried not too) end up with roasting toes. The arrogance, smugness and contradictory nature of these beliefs is indescribable.
Disco08 said:
Whatever, sorry for admitting I made a mistake.

I appreciate you admitting you made a mistake and wasn't trying to rub it in at all. I was merely saying that I found your smiley a little condescending in the same way that you did with mine, and admitted I may have taken it wrong too. This is the problem with internet forums in that you can't tell when are joking or being condescending.
Disco08 said:
Sorry, but you see sending billions of people to hell as 'putting up with them'?

Absolutely. They have the opportunity not to go to Hell. I wouldn't have even bothered giving them that.
jayfox said:
Absolutely. They have the opportunity not to go to Hell. I wouldn't have even bothered giving them that.

You are contradicting yourself Jay. You are attempting to convert us heathens as part of your christian ethics, however if you had absolute godly powers you wouldn't be bothered?

Does that mean that the only reason you care that I might go to hell is to ensure that you, personally, avoid damnation?
jayfox said:
No, in fact the Muslim God isn't completely man made either. Their God started off as the same God as the Jews but their beliefs went off on a tangent later on. Much like the Mormons, Jehova's Witnesses etc. as well. The basis of these religious groups was originally the same but people misinterpreted the word of God and went off in their own direction.

Were you not aware that the Christian god also came from the Jewish god? Jesus was a Jew you know. The Jews would say Christians got sucked in by a minor prophet (Jesus) and went off in the wrong direction.
Panthera tigris FC said:
You are contradicting yourself Jay. You are attempting to convert us heathens as part of your christian ethics, however if you had absolute godly powers you wouldn't be bothered?

Does that mean that the only reason you care that I might go to hell is to ensure that you, personally, avoid damnation?

Nobody's perfect.
Disco08 said:
Why even make people then? He knew how it was going to turn out.

Haven't we been here before? Jay feels that people deserve the opportunity to go to heaven.....and if you have a spark of incredulity in your nature (god-given I would presume) it is off to hell with you.
ToraToraTora said:
Which doesn't address the point that millions and millions of people on the Earth have higher moral standards and care for their fellow humans than God. Your comeback to this is "blah blah died for us blah blah fire fire brimstone blah blah"....

Give us what we deserve? Says who! I do a lot of good stuff on this Earth pal and I for one (and my Mum too, raving lunatic Catholic that she is) )don't think I deserve any kind of eternal punishment. You're saying that a mass murderer who repents in front of the electric chair gets a free ride into bliss where by the rest of us poor shmucks who didn't hurt anyone (or tried not too) end up with roasting toes. The arrogance, smugness and contradictory nature of these beliefs is indescribable.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Atheists often bring up the 'mass-murderer prior to the electric chair' type example but it really doesn't fit as most of these people either would not repent or would not be genuine in their repentance and you can not fool God. You may be able to fool people into thinking you have repented (or are a Christian) but God knows your heart. Equally I would say that a Christian who willfully continues in adultery, prostitution, stealing etc. is not fooling God and won't be going to Heaven either. Everyone else in the world may be fooled, you may even be able to fool yourself, but you cannot fool God.
But, having said that, if a person truly does repent after a life of evil then yes they can be saved. I reckon that is a miracle of God rather than a negative. It's never too late and no person has ever done anything too bad to be saved.
Disco08 said:
Why even make people then? He knew how it was going to turn out.

To give them the chance. So that people who want to, can have a relationship with Him.
antman said:
Were you not aware that the Christian god also came from the Jewish god? Jesus was a Jew you know. The Jews would say Christians got sucked in by a minor prophet (Jesus) and went off in the wrong direction.

Jesus shmesus.

You put Jesus in a cage with Hulk Hogan (circa 1984) and you tell me all that "water into wine" rubbish will stack up against a little t-shirt tearing and Hulkamania.

When was the last time Jesus body slammed Andre the Giant? Even David pulled that on off (granted he was packing heat, but a wins a win). I seriously think they backed the wrong pony here :D
antman said:
Were you not aware that the Christian god also came from the Jewish god? Jesus was a Jew you know. The Jews would say Christians got sucked in by a minor prophet (Jesus) and went off in the wrong direction.

Of course I am aware of that. The Jews are still looking for their Messiah. The Bible predicted that He would come and be rejected by the Jews despite fulfilling every prophecy regarding the messiah (I think there is 108). They can say that I have been "sucked in" but their own Bible prophecies tell them otherwise.
You don't think there's some chance that the NT was written in a way that ensured Jesus would fulfill those prophecies?
Panthera tigris FC said:
You are contradicting yourself Jay. You are attempting to convert us heathens as part of your christian ethics, however if you had absolute godly powers you wouldn't be bothered?

Does that mean that the only reason you care that I might go to hell is to ensure that you, personally, avoid damnation?

Your conversion has absolutely no impact on my salvation. I have admitted to being human, with faults. One of those faults is that I get angry from time to time. If something I created consistently did the opposite of what I instructed it to, snubbed its nose at me, refused to believe in me, went to extraordinary lengths to do mock or abuse me, then I reckon I would destroy them out of frustration or anger at least once in the last few thousand years!
jayfox said:
Why read the thread then?

I have a strong interest at the moment in the dangerous nature of religious belief. Oh yes been reading Harris, Dawkins et al, and doing more and more. And you said that the "repentant mass murderer" argument "doesn't fit" (whatever that means) because "most" ....blah ALL mass murderers have to truly repent before making this argument solid? I would have thought one , just one , getting through the pearly gates ahead of me was enough to make the argument watertight.