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Tiger74 said:
He's mocking Evo's Plastic Jesus :eek:

Explain it Jay, who come the plastic Jesus disappeared for Evo, but I could still see it? This is freaking me out :help

Where is the scientific evidence for this? :rofl
We don't need evidence, Evo and Sixer saw the plastic Jesus disappear and reappear.

And it didn't take him three days either :p
This 60 year old woman was walking along 5th Avenue when she heard a voice from above "You will live to be 100. " She looked around and didn't see anyone. Again she heard "You will live to be 100. " Boy, she thought to herself, that was the voice of God. I've got 40 more years to live! So off she went to the plastic surgeon. She got everything fixed from head to toe. When she left the plastic surgeon's office, she got hit by a bus,died, and went up to heaven. She said to God "You told me I would live to be 100. I was supposed to have had 40 more years. So how come you let the bus kill me? ". God said: "I didn't recognize you". ;D
This cazy guy walks into an insane asylum wearing nothing but plastic wrap as shorts. The doctor walks in and tells him - "I can clearly see your nuts!"
I was gonna tee off on god today in this thread, like really take him to the cleaners, hit him for six back over his head etc, but if we are cracking lame jokes I might leave it for another time.
Djevv said:
To me it is trying to understand the nature of God. I'm always happy to discuss these things and try to give honest answers.

Surely an omniscient God is qualified to be a fair judge. If He finds a nation of people who ritually torture-murder their own children for selfish reasons, should He stand back and do nothing?

I find the above comment interesting Djevv. In asking "should He stand back and do nothing?" why do you think he chooses/allows the innocents to be killed, and presumably banished to Hell, rather than wipe out the powers to be that demand the killing/torture of children?
rosy23 said:
I find the above comment interesting Djevv. In asking "should He stand back and do nothing?" why do you think he chooses/allows the innocents to be killed, and presumably banished to Hell, rather than wipe out the powers to be that demand the killing/torture of children?

OK I'll have a go at this one.

Innocent children go to heaven. I'll explain this more if you want, but It's what most Christians believe.

Jesus (and us) is God's answer to wiping out evil on Earth.
With the Big Bang idea - I have heard it a lot on different discussion sites - usually by skeptics trying to get across the idea that the universe is it's own explanation as God had no time to cause it :hihi. I liked my idea better. Anyway I looked for other sources and there was little, most science sites are more interested in what happened after, than what happened before, but here is another quote:

The point of concern relates to a definition of time. Before the Big Bang,
before the universe existed, could time be measured? Time is measured by
things changing. If there is nothing to change, then there is no way to
define the passage of time. This is the sense in which time does not exist
before the Big Bang. This is a consensus.

Kenneth Mellendorf. Here

So this is not as strong as the other site, interesting nevertheless.
Djevv said:
With the Big Bang idea - I have heard it a lot on different discussion sites - usually by skeptics trying to get across the idea that the universe is it's own explanation as God had no time to cause it :hihi. I liked my idea better. Anyway I looked for other sources and there was little, most science sites are more interested in what happened after, than what happened before, but here is another quote:

The point of concern relates to a definition of time. Before the Big Bang,
before the universe existed, could time be measured? Time is measured by
things changing. If there is nothing to change, then there is no way to
define the passage of time. This is the sense in which time does not exist
before the Big Bang. This is a consensus.

Kenneth Mellendorf. Here

So this is not as strong as the other site, interesting nevertheless.

Nothing startling really. All he's saying is that time as we know it didn't exist before the big bang.

Do you think there's anything wrong with admitting you have no idea how the universe began Djevv?
God-did-it doesn't explain anything, anyway.

One still has to explain God.

And given that God has (allegedly) created this universe then it would be fair to assume 'he' is at least as complicated as the universe itself.

Rather than providing an answer to the origin of the uniuverse,the God explanation gets your further away.
evo said:
God-did-it doesn't explain anything, anyway.

One still has to explain God.

And given that God has (allegedly) created this universe then it would be fair to assume 'he' is at least as complicated as the universe itself.

Rather than providing an answer to the origin of the uniuverse,the God explanation gets your further away.

God is His own explanation. He is infinite - requiring no beginning - remember at the beginning of the universe was a singularity - which means things like matter and energy were infinite apparently.

Why must God be complex? God is a spirit who is beyond nature, does complexity mean anything in these terms?

The God explanation explains why the universe 'works', there was a plan behind it. Can matter be it's own explanation? What of the laws of nature what is their origin?
Djevv said:
Innocent children go to heaven. I'll explain this more if you want, but It's what most Christians believe.

No need to explain that any more thanks Djevv. It's been mentioned befotre and I still think it's pretty arrogant and self-centred if God plucks kids from other religions and beliefs and takes them to his heaven.

That still doesn't explain why God kills off the innocents/victims and lets the powers to be who make them endure such tyranny go unscathed.
Djevv said:
The God explanation explains why the universe 'works', there was a plan behind it. Can matter be it's own explanation? What of the laws of nature what is their origin?

Their origin is the event which triggered the creation of this universe, obviously.

Djevv said:
Why must God be complex? God is a spirit who is beyond nature, does complexity mean anything in these terms?

Of course it does, because we are talking about human definitions. Any human definition which postulates something beyond human comprehension becomes an infinitely more complex proposition.

God must be complex because it can only stand to reason that a creator must be at least as complex as the sum of their creations.
Human history has been littered with countless atrocities, massacres, sexual crimes, genocide, plain bad luck and so forth.

i find it impossible to believe that a caring, loving creator would allow this to happen.

And of course the christians will wheel out the free will argument but to me this has never proven anything.

if a caring loving god made us he would never have allowed his creation to be so barbaric and cruel, unexplainable and random.

if god exist he/she can go get *smile*.
Simpler than that 6y, God created mankind in the full knowledge that most of our souls would spend infinity in Hell. :-\