Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


1eyedtiger said:
Since when?

You don't know which faith (if any) is god's true faith.

God in his mercy sent his only son Jesus, that we may have everlasting life.
Tigertime, when you read sites like the one you linked to regarding The Flood and Answers In Genesis (among others), do you take what they say as the ww truth or do you do a little research on their claims occasionally?
I believe that Jesus existed. I'm not convinced that he is god's son though. I'm not convinced that god exists.

I've raised the question of god's very existence and how he himself came to being. For theists to say that they don't make any claim about god's creation (not your words) is a cop out. Theists have continuously pushed the point on this thread about evolution vs creationism. Theists won't accept the big bang theory because they don't believe in existence from nothing. Fair enough.

So where did god come from?
Tiger74 said:
Freedom? Is that like telling a slave "you don't have a chain around your neck, but step off the field mate and I'll shoot you in the head"?

Yes the slave has freedom of choice, but its either death or slavery. Freedom of choice without equity in position is not freedom of choice.

It all depends on your point of view. I mean if Christianity is true then we are meant to be children of God, not slaves of Satan. So then turning to Christ is not some sort of hard service but completion. Read about the life of Christ (I recommend the book of John), is He really a cruel slavemaster?
1eyedtiger said:
Since when?

You don't know which faith (if any) is god's true faith.

Well I believe Christianity is. Nothing else makes any sense to me. The rest are all religions. There is actually hard evidence for Chritianity!
Djevv said:
It all depends on your point of view. I mean if Christianity is true then we are meant to be children of God, not slaves of Satan. So then turning to Christ is not some sort of hard service but completion. Read about the life of Christ (I recommend the book of John), is He really a cruel slavemaster?

Jesus on earth was not slaughtering people who disagreed with him or failed to grovel at his feet.

This is what I still cannot get my head around, THAT Jesus with the firey sword of revenge is what we see in the second coming, as Jesus reverts to God's OT "bow or die" attitude.

Was the Jesus of love and compassion just a blimp, and the true God is the OT one?
Tiger74 said:
Jesus on earth was not slaughtering people who disagreed with him or failed to grovel at his feet.

This is what I still cannot get my head around, THAT Jesus with the firey sword of revenge is what we see in the second coming, as Jesus reverts to God's OT "bow or die" attitude.

Was the Jesus of love and compassion just a blimp, and the true God is the OT one?

Read the book of Hebrews and you will get the outline of what God is like. You judge God through human thought rather than look at God as merciful and compasionate and creator of all things. The God I personally know and the love I have experienced is incredible - I was once lost but now am found. God is merciful to me a sinner. I dont gravel at his feet, I bow and worship his majesty. The King of Kings who is able to pardon sin, from me the chief of sinners.
1eyedtiger said:
I believe that Jesus existed. I'm not convinced that he is god's son though. I'm not convinced that god exists.

I've raised the question of god's very existence and how he himself came to being. For theists to say that they don't make any claim about god's creation (not your words) is a cop out. Theists have continuously pushed the point on this thread about evolution vs creationism. Theists won't accept the big bang theory because they don't believe in existence from nothing. Fair enough.

So where did god come from?

Good question, where did God come from? he didnt, he always was. When God created the Universe time began, but God does not live in time. He is without begining and without end. He is the Alpha and Omega.
tigertime2 said:
Read the book of Hebrews and you will get the outline of what God is like. You judge God through human thought rather than look at God as merciful and compasionate and creator of all things. The God I personally know and the love I have experienced is incredible - I was once lost but now am found. God is merciful to me a sinner. I dont gravel at his feet, I bow and worship his majesty. The King of Kings who is able to pardon sin, from me the chief of sinners.

What love is there is "worship me or die". Love is supposed to be unconditional, yet God has a whole lot of strings to his love. I have dated less neurotic women than this, at least they didn't smite me for failing to adore them.
Djevv said:
Well said TT. This is the critical difference between Christianity and every other faith. Mans religion = salvation by works, God's religion = salvation by Grace.

Agree with you both entirely. Excellent points.
evo said:
It's clear to me God hates Richmond supporters. 28 years wandering in the desert and still no sign of the promised land.

Oh spiteful one,why hath thou forsaken me?

Even Moses had to wait 40 years and even then he didn't get to go into the promised land. Stop your whining, Princess.
antman said:
Quality of evidence is no problem for our Christian friends. Any old piece of tripe website is "evidence" to these guys.

At least we are all still friends. I was starting to worry........
Tiger74 said:
Jesus on earth was not slaughtering people who disagreed with him or failed to grovel at his feet.

This is what I still cannot get my head around, THAT Jesus with the firey sword of revenge is what we see in the second coming, as Jesus reverts to God's OT "bow or die" attitude.

Was the Jesus of love and compassion just a blimp, and the true God is the OT one?

Jesus is the perfect picture of God. On the justice issue, it's like the righteous judge whose son has done the wrong thing and incurred a large fine. He first convicts his son of the crime, then goes to pay the fine.
1eyedtiger said:
I believe that Jesus existed. I'm not convinced that he is god's son though. I'm not convinced that god exists.

I've raised the question of god's very existence and how he himself came to being. For theists to say that they don't make any claim about god's creation (not your words) is a cop out. Theists have continuously pushed the point on this thread about evolution vs creationism. Theists won't accept the big bang theory because they don't believe in existence from nothing. Fair enough.

So where did god come from?

God is a supernatural, spiritual being who is not confined, as we are and hence our understanding is, by time and space. He has no beginning and no end. He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last.
jayfox said:
Even Moses had to wait 40 years and even then he didn't get to go into the promised land. Stop your whining, Princess.

You're the one who needs a celestial father figure watching you constantly.
Djevv said:
Jesus is the perfect picture of God. On the justice issue, it's like the righteous judge whose son has done the wrong thing and incurred a large fine. He first convicts his son of the crime, then goes to pay the fine.

So it is just to eliminate a race of people just because they set up their caravans on the campsite you considered yours?

As asked before, does this mean it is just to send in the Christian armies against the Chinese as they are a nation of athiests and have rejected God therefore earning a similar damning?