Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Antman's response dealt with your objections well. I'll just add a couple of things.

tigertime2 said:
Point 1: name one piece of evidence that you have that proves evolution over the creator?.

It isn't a matter of proof. It is a matter of looking at the evidence and coming to the most probable explanation. The evidence in support of evolution is so clear and unequivocal that it is accepted as fact in the scientific arena.

You accept science except where it contradicts your beliefs. Can you not see the problem with that way of analysis?

Point 2: No, the opposite. I see the wonders of God's creation the beautiful colours and the endless universe, the miracle of the birth of a newborn, the amazing capacity of the human brain etc as evidence of a creator. You cant put God into a test tube. I agree with scientific method, but do not agree with evolution over god science does not prove that and cannot prove that - how do I know? because the Bible tells me so. You disagree and that is fine that is your choice.

Au contraire...all of what we know about the things that you described have been better understood through the power of science and are all the more beautiful for it.

Your beliefs, on the matter of evolution, are false....the evidence tells me so. That same evidence is available to you and is infinitely more convincing than a book and an overwhelming 'feeling', which is subject to the vagaries of our flawed perception. As I have asked Jay before, how do you ensure that you are not deluding yourself in these matters? I am not trying to offend by asking that question, I am honestly interested to know.
Tiger74 I would like to answer your suggestion that God sanctioned Genocide.

Nowhere in the Bible does God Sanction Genocide because of Race, God only deals with peoples wickedness and sin and it is on those grounds only would God sanction the destruction of entire peoples. It is an act of Judgement not of Racism.
tigertime2 said:
Tiger74 I would like to answer your suggestion that God sanctioned Genocide.

Nowhere in the Bible does God Sanction Genocide because of Race, God only deals with peoples wickedness and sin and it is on those grounds only would God sanction the destruction of entire peoples. It is an act of Judgement not of Racism.

I never said it was about what race they were. He obliterated a race of people because they were on the batch of land he deemed right for his Chosen Ones. As such, they get the thumbs up for the slaughter of men, women, and children.

Their main crime was living in the "wrong" place, so please stop this notion of sin. It was about the promised land, it was occupied, and it needed to be cleansed.
I understand what antman is driving at in his last post,but I don't really agree with it.

Christians are right to be afraid of theory of evolution.It is probably the single most threatening idea to their ideology in the history of man.

It neatly explains the origins of life. Its verifiable through empiricism, it is falsifiable, and best of all it makes sense.

The phrase coined by the famous biologist Stephen Jay Gould,and the idea behind it-- Non overlapping magistra (NOMA)-- is absolute rubbish in my view. Science and philosphy/religion can't help but overlap.
Panthera tigris FC said:
Antman's response dealt with your objections well. I'll just add a couple of things.

It isn't a matter of proof. It is a matter of looking at the evidence and coming to the most probable explanation. The evidence in support of evolution is so clear and unequivocal that it is accepted as fact in the scientific arena.

You accept science except where it contradicts your beliefs. Can you not see the problem with that way of analysis?

Au contraire...all of what we know about the things that you described have been better understood through the power of science and are all the more beautiful for it.

Your beliefs, on the matter of evolution, are false....the evidence tells me so. That same evidence is available to you and is infinitely more convincing than a book and an overwhelming 'feeling', which is subject to the vagaries of our flawed perception. As I have asked Jay before, how do you ensure that you are not deluding yourself in these matters? I am not trying to offend by asking that question, I am honestly interested to know.

Yes you are correct creationist have the same evidence that you have , we just interpret the evidence differently. for example the water flowing down the Colorado river is considered by Evoluionist to have happened of quite a long period of time yet we would say that this happened at the time of the flood, when a large volume of water flowed down and it happened over a short period of time. Also your dating methods of fossils are open to question as to the accuracy of the testing.
tigertime2 said:
for example the water flowing down the Colorado river is considered by Evoluionist to have happened of quite a long period of time yet we would say that this happened at the time of the flood, when a large volume of water flowed down and it happened over a short period of time.

Don't rock sediments over various levels tell us exactly how long it's taken to get to where it is?
tigertime2 said:
Well done Jayfox..... also the Buddist monk uses his own righeousness for justification - which to God is abhorrent as salvation is by grace, it is the gift of God and cannot be earnt by our own works. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life NO ONE comes unto the father but through me.

Well said TT. This is the critical difference between Christianity and every other faith. Mans religion = salvation by works, God's religion = salvation by Grace.
Freezer said:
Don't rock sediments over various levels tell us exactly how long it's taken to get to where it is?

Rock layers can tell you many things about the environment in which they were deposited, and these things are fairly well understood by looking at modern sedimentary environments. All dating based on the rock layers is relative, but the fossils each layer contains can tell you which layers were deposited at the same time. Igneous rocks can be absolutely dated using various radiometric methods and by looking at the field relationships between the sedimentary rocks they either crosssut or overlay, sediments can be given an absolute age.
Djevv said:
Nah. Freedom vs slavery.

Freedom? Is that like telling a slave "you don't have a chain around your neck, but step off the field mate and I'll shoot you in the head"?

Yes the slave has freedom of choice, but its either death or slavery. Freedom of choice without equity in position is not freedom of choice.
It's clear to me God hates Richmond supporters. 28 years wandering in the desert and still no sign of the promised land.

Oh spiteful one,why hath thou forsaken me?
antman said:
Well clearly... I'm just trying to offer the Christians a way out without them losing even more face ;)

We are on the winning team! that has already been decided.
evo said:
It's clear to me God hates Richmond supporters. 28 years wandering in the desert and still no sign of the promised land.

Oh spiteful one,why hath thou forsaken me?

Oh ye of little faith :)
Freezer said:
Don't rock sediments over various levels tell us exactly how long it's taken to get to where it is?

Here is a great site
That is a terrible site. The amount of evidence that's they disregard is hundreds of times greater than that which they use to 'prove' their position.
Disco08 said:
That is a terrible site. The amount of evidence that's they disregard is hundreds of times greater than that which they use to 'prove' their position.

Quality of evidence is no problem for our Christian friends. Any old piece of tripe website is "evidence" to these guys.
Djevv said:
Well said TT. This is the critical difference between Christianity and every other faith. Mans religion = salvation by works, God's religion = salvation by Grace.

Since when?

You don't know which faith (if any) is god's true faith.
antman said:
Quality of evidence is no problem for our Christian friends. Any old piece of tripe website is "evidence" to these guys.

Now now let's not bring up your Atheistic Properganda info to justify your non belief in the Living God.