Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


antman said:
It cracks me up that you can say this and yet still insist on a literal interpretation of Genesis.

You have misread what I meant here, The context that I meant is the context of what God had intended. The writer of the book of Hebrews ch:11 v 1-3 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.
3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
tigertime2 said:
You have misread what I meant here, The context that I meant is the context of what God had intended. The writer of the book of Hebrews ch:11 v 1-3 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.
3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Hey TT. pages have passed since i asked you about how u define the concept of the 'soul'. i cant be shagged reading it all, but did u answer?

ta :)
Disco08 said:
So God actually wanted humans to be perfect and live in a perfect world and all go to heaven, it's just that Adam and Eve stuffed things up?

Satan actually rebelled first and then decieved Eve. God created Man to be his friend.
Disco08 said:
While you're at it tigertime, can you tell me why baby koalas have a caruncle? Their ancestors had them to break free from the eggs they were born in, as do other modern days creatures which are born in eggs, but koalas aren't born in eggs.

Never mind that Disco, why did God give men nipples?
tigertime2 said:
Satan actually rebelled first and then decieved Eve. God created Man to be his friend.

Why would God let Satan stuff things up? He's God for crying out loud!
Disco08 said:
If he's never heard of The Bible, he can't know anything other than what he's taught. Surely someone like this has every change of living a sinless life?

I think the argument put forward that 'God' is merely a reflection of the believers culture and learning is a good one

Different cultures and countries, different 'Gods'.
Funny that isn't it?
tigertime2 said:
I understand how you could come to that conclusion '74, The Flood was even worse he drowned the whole Human race, except for Noah and his family. Again I will ask would you let your enemies live in your house? If your answer is no, then Why cant God the creator of all things choose who is a guest in his house. even more incredible is that all humans by their sinful natures are enimies of God, but through his tender loving mercy, gave up his only Son to come to earth in Human form to be pay the sacrifice for our sins as a FREE gift for all who call out to the name of Jesus and seek forgiveness.

Have you ever wondered why people use the name Jesus, or Christ or Jesus Christ to curse? There is power in Jesus name. Why dont people use the name of Budda or Mohammed? because the heart of man is wicked and Jesus is the only name that can save people from an eternity in hell.

I don't believe the flood story, but I believe Exodus most likely follows an actual event.

From what you are saying, its all good for you to go and kill 2 billion Chinese and Indians as they are "enemies" of God. Is this right?
Six Pack said:
the false idol bit probably?
Christian God is insecure and jealous....

Why would God let Satan stuff things up? He's God for crying out loud!
Christian's God is impotent.....

Satan actually rebelled first and then decieved Eve. God created Man to be his friend.

and sometimes gets lonely.

Never mind that Disco, why did God give men nipples?

but at least he has a sense of humour.
1. Where are the transitional fossil records that show that this convergent evolution took place?

There are plenty of examples of different eyes of varying complexity. Any small improvement can be the target of natural selection. This is also found in the fossil record. However, as I pointed out (and Darwin himself did) the absence of fossils is not unexpected. Show some positive evidence against evolution rather than so-called gaps. Truth be told all extant and extinct species are transitionary.

We do not reject the idea of natural selection, God created all organisms with preexisting variability, and a molecular machinery to make changes as needed.

Where in the fossil record? Please explain why it does not exist as per Darwins own words below?

Darwin himself admits that they should exist in great numbers. He says:

"THE NUMBER OF INTERMEDIATE AND TRANSITIONAL LINKS between all living and extinct species, must have been INCONCEIVABLY GREAT." ("Origin of Species," page 249.)

Evolutional Theory is transitional from one new found fact that is held as fact, until further scientific evidence arrives to show that the original fact was not an absolute fact but a transitional fact. Which leads us to the conclusion that all evolutionary fact is extant and remains extant until it becomes extinct.
You do understand that Darwin is talking about what would have existed at some point, not what has been fossilised right? Do you have any idea how many creatures have existed on this planets in its history? And do you have any idea how many of them actually became fossils?
maybe satan is a god created entity to simply force us into obedience? Fear is a motivator, and one of the best social control measures ever invented.
Tiger74 said:
maybe satan is a god created entity to simply force us into obedience? Fear is a motivator, and one of the best social control measures ever invented.

Enter Karl Marx! :clap
am I wrong?

speed cameras, cause people to fear fines so that they reduce speed

audits, cause people to fear getting caught making a phoney tax claim so that people are honest in their assessments

drug campaigns, make people believe they will die taking one e so that they don't take drugs

prison terms, cause people to fear consequences of illegal actions so they behave

these measures allow authorities to maintain control while not being in direct intimate control of the individual. This is because they fear what will happen IF.

Satan is the big IF. Behave and obey God, or....... Seriously, if Satan was still a good angel, how many of us would believe in God without fear to motivate us. No Satan, no Hell, nothing to fear.

God created Satan to create fear to inspire obedience and worship.