Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


tigertime2 said:
The bible should be read literally but in context.

"you are with me or die". well nearly right, except you are not with him (yet, there is hope for us all) and you are not dead, well not yet anyway and my prayer is that God would reveal himslf to you in this lifetime. seek and you shall find.

What about those living in the Promised Land? They were irradicated to make way for the Jews. And it was a genocide endorsed and instructed by a loving God. This is my big issue with Christianity. It allows barbarism in the name of God. That being said, I have a similar issue with several other religions (Islam and Hinduism to begin with) which have similar views.
tigertime2 said:
No I did not say that. I personally would pray for Steve that he would come to his senses. Love the person, hate the act.

So are you against laws that allow gay people to be discriminated from roles working with children, laws not allowing their partners access to super and rights of the partner on death, and so on?

Main reason is there are a big chunk of Christians who don't believe in "love the sinner hate the sin" but "irradicate the sin and the sinner", and some of the laws these groups propose (esp in the US South) are just plain scary.
tigertime2 said:
The Bible should be read and interpreted in context. Wikipedia - Context (language use), the relevant constraints of the communicative situation that influence language use, language variation and discourse.

It cracks me up that you can say this and yet still insist on a literal interpretation of Genesis.
Djevv said:
Just think back 100 years at how people did things, and it seems quite foreign and strange. This is over 3000 years ago!

And yet the New Testament - written (mostly) in the first two centuries AD, being 1800 or so years old, is still relevant? As I suggested in my flippant post a few pages back, surely it's time for volume 3 already?
antman said:
And yet the New Testament - written (mostly) in the first two centuries AD, being 1800 or so years old, is still relevant? As I suggested in my flippant post a few pages back, surely it's time for volume 3 already?
Volume 3?

You jest. Gods word is perfect,well,except when it isn't,then it's to be taken in context.

And who decides when to consider it literally and when it's to be put into context? Humans.

The more the theist pleads the more ludicrous it gets.
antman said:
And yet the New Testament - written (mostly) in the first two centuries AD, being 1800 or so years old, is still relevant? As I suggested in my flippant post a few pages back, surely it's time for volume 3 already?

Ep 1 - The Satanic Menace
Ep 2 - Attack of the Infidel
Ep 3 - Revenge of the Jews
Ep 4 - A New Messiah
Ep 5 - The Romans Strike Back
Ep 6 - Return of the King

Two issues noting regarding Ep 6. Firstly, God is being sued by the estate of Tolkien for ripping off their book name (God is lazy with copyrighting). Secondly this is the worst episode of all, as it has crappy ewoks in it, and I don't care how much people love Jesus, ewoks suck.

Finally you are right, there is a new episode coming out this year. Called The Condom Wars, its a 3D animated episode about christians and their epic war against the condom army, lead by the Sith Lord Darth Premarital-Sex. I haven't read the script yet, but word is the christians don't far well against the condom army. Half the world hates them on principle, and the other half, while they adore the republic and the Christian Masters, its more fun marching with Darth Premarital-Sex.
tigertime2 said:
1. Where are the transitional fossil records that show that this convergent evolution took place? Now from my christian point of view God Created a perfect world but Adam and Eve did not listen to what God had instructed them so after this what we call the fall or imperfection entered the created order.

So God actually wanted humans to be perfect and live in a perfect world and all go to heaven, it's just that Adam and Eve stuffed things up?
tigertime2 said:
1. Where are the transitional fossil records that show that this convergent evolution took place? Now from my christian point of view God Created a perfect world but Adam and Eve did not listen to what God had instructed them so after this what we call the fall or imperfection entered the created order.

There are plenty of examples of different eyes of varying complexity. Any small improvement can be the target of natural selection. This is also found in the fossil record. However, as I pointed out (and Darwin himself did) the absence of fossils is not unexpected. Show some positive evidence against evolution rather than so-called gaps. Truth be told all extant and extinct species are transitionary.

As for your perfect Adam and Eve, what constitutes a 'perfect genome'? That sounds like some sort of eugenics idea...interesting. I am very interested to hear the answer to that.

2. this is a argument that comes from a "Consumer Culture" i.e. someone has more toys than they could possible use but always wants more and newer toys. Homologous bones could show that there is a common designer leaving his pardon the pun fingerprint or biotic message to show that their is one originator of things rather than many.

Please. An omnipotent designer creates imperfect designs to create the appearance of common descent? What purpose does this serve? Wouldn't perfect body parts and functions be more indicative of a perfect creator.

3. They obviuosly exist for a reason and must have a use even though that use may not be known. The Human Appendix used to be routinely removed as was the tonsils, but recently they have found that the appendix is useful for populating the intestine with friendly bacteria and the tonsils alert the immune system to attacks. Medical Science took quite some time to work this out.

No, they don't obviously have a use. There may be some small function, however you can remove a human appendix, with minimal impact, however do the same from a rat and it is bye bye rat. This is because the original function of this organ is vestigial in humans. Hind legs in whales? Are you going to postulate a use for those? There are plenty of similar examples.

4. Again it could be argued that this is evidence of a divine arcitect. The evoluntionist argument that pseudogenes and their respective variations are shared between primates in nested hierachy, can only be explained through common evolutionary descent is an assumption. Evidence for Psuedogene function is still being accumulated.

I actually wasn't referring to pseudogenes in my original post, although they can be used to make the same point. We know how pseudogenes, transposons and retrotransposons propogate themselves in genomes. We know that they are essentially junk (except in some rare examples where their activity has led to the evolution of a novel function). We know that the nested hierarchy (your own words?) is observed in related organisms. None of this is is recorded, with evidence, in the scientific literature. No more explanation is required. I am all ears for the references to the evidence supporting all pseudogenes' function. I could say the same for other sequences such as ERVs, retrotransposons (SINES and LINES) and transposons. Where is your alternative, creation-friendly explanation for these sequences? How much do you actually know about these sequences and how much have you gleaned from your creationist propaganda. It helps to look at all of the evidence.
tigertime2 said:
Though shall have no other Gods - God clearly demonstrates in the OT that he is a jealous God and he uses the OT to warn us of the dangers of being disobedient to him. Eternity in Hell is not where God wants us to be so he warns us what are the cause and effect of not following him.

The same as collingwood albeit on a much less scale, suspending the three players and using that as a deterent to others to do the right thing.

God new that our hearts are hardened towards him and he is using dramatic illistration to get his point accross. Do not disobey God or punishment will follow.

Very well written TT2. I reckon this is very easy to understand.
Panthera tigris FC said:
Hind legs in whales? Are you going to postulate a use for those?

While you're at it tigertime, can you tell me why baby koalas have a caruncle? Their ancestors had them to break free from the eggs they were born in, as do other modern days creatures which are born in eggs, but koalas aren't born in eggs.

tigertime2 said:
Though shall have no other Gods - God clearly demonstrates in the OT that he is a jealous God and he uses the OT to warn us of the dangers of being disobedient to him. Eternity in Hell is not where God wants us to be so he warns us what are the cause and effect of not following him.

The same as collingwood albeit on a much less scale, suspending the three players and using that as a deterent to others to do the right thing.

God new that our hearts are hardened towards him and he is using dramatic illistration to get his point accross. Do not disobey God or punishment will follow.

God orders his followers to destroy entire populations in the OT. Women, children and animals included. That's some warning and extremely hypocritical behaviour from a being that in the next heartbeat was telling everyone to turn the other cheek.
antman said:
When's Volume 3 coming out? As I think the NT is showing a few signs of being "out of context" for today as well.

Bit concerned though that this might entail the Second Coming and then the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse etc etc. If you are expecting this soon Djevv and tt2 let me so I can take the long service leave owing to me before then.

I reckon it could happen at any time. I'd never predict when but the signs are there.
Disco08 said:
So God actually wanted humans to be perfect and live in a perfect world and all go to heaven, it's just that Adam and Eve stuffed things up?

That is basically correct.
So at what point did he change his mind and decide he wanted us to have free will?

Also, couldn't he have foreseen this and taken the necessary steps to correct it before letting it happen? In fact, how did it possibly happen if God is perfect and therefore by default everything he creates is perfect?
Tiger74 said:
I think the Bible is a collection of stories and events relevant to a time and space, and is not God's word which should be read literally.

I have little respect for a God that deems men cattle to be slaughtered to gain living space for his chosen children. I still remember reading that passage, and wondering what value, merit, or teaching this act contains. The Bible teaches a lot, but that lesson was simply "you are with me or die".

I understand how you could come to that conclusion '74, The Flood was even worse he drowned the whole Human race, except for Noah and his family. Again I will ask would you let your enemies live in your house? If your answer is no, then Why cant God the creator of all things choose who is a guest in his house. even more incredible is that all humans by their sinful natures are enimies of God, but through his tender loving mercy, gave up his only Son to come to earth in Human form to be pay the sacrifice for our sins as a FREE gift for all who call out to the name of Jesus and seek forgiveness.

Have you ever wondered why people use the name Jesus, or Christ or Jesus Christ to curse? There is power in Jesus name. Why dont people use the name of Budda or Mohammed? because the heart of man is wicked and Jesus is the only name that can save people from an eternity in hell.
Tiger74 said:
So are you against laws that allow gay people to be discriminated from roles working with children, laws not allowing their partners access to super and rights of the partner on death, and so on?

Main reason is there are a big chunk of Christians who don't believe in "love the sinner hate the sin" but "irradicate the sin and the sinner", and some of the laws these groups propose (esp in the US South) are just plain scary.

I am of the belief that "love the sinner and hate the sin" is what God means, I myself am the worst of sinners and if God in his mercy and compassion can resue and save me, he has the power to pardon all those who call out his name and without partiality, for ALL have sinned and fall short of God's Glory.
tigertime2 said:
I am of the belief that "love the sinner and hate the sin" is what God means, I myself am the worst of sinners and if God in his mercy and compassion can resue and save me, he has the power to pardon all those who call out his name and without partiality, for ALL have sinned and fall short of God's Glory.

glory with a capital 'G'?

Like the flag?

Actually, i agree that in a sense i have sinned. But god aint there so i cant fall short of some imaginary object's judgement. It's while we are alive that we are judged, for good or bad, mostly to our detriment.
What sin would a Buddhist monk who is completely non-violent, non-materialistic and non-judgmental have committed?
If he's never heard of The Bible, he can't know anything other than what he's taught. Surely someone like this has every change of living a sinless life?
Foxy would argue that he had his chance to 'know' god.

At least that's what i think Foxy would say. I don't want to put words in his mouth.
