Assange !! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Assange !!

Well allegedly he committed sex crimes in Sweden and dodged extradition to gace those charges by hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy.
How come that gets dismissed?

Looked concocted to me although I don't know the situation obviously. In any case, weren't the charges dropped?

Pretty sure the woman in question didn't want to press charges. But the Swedish public prosecutor if ignored her wishes and laid the charges regardless.

This all happened at the time when the US was desperate to get Assange extradited. Not sure anyone really knows what was happening in the background or what the motives were.
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His only true trade is a Hacker. He groomed a confused Bradley 'Chelsea" Manning to violate his pledge as member of US of A Defence Force. To do this you have to have connections on the other side of the fence. He violated Manning's trust by releasing the material & not deleting agents etc etc names. That is what the Yanks were after him for. Manning was just a pawn & betrayed by Julian dahling.

What's all that crap got to do with whether you need a university degree to be a journalist or editor or publisher as you posted?

You got caught out making *smile* up again. Be a man and own it for a change.
In any case Assange and Wikileaks were not hackers. They were a repository for information leaks.

If the info wasn't leaked then the perpetrators of human rights abuses would just get away with it.

If the info wasn't leaked then the perpetrators of human rights abuses would just get away with it.

Wonder if the Dem's will somehow find a way to charge the Trumpster with this lot as well? If they're really quick about it they could probably get him held in Folsom or somewhere similar without bail n really *smile* up his erection campaign. :))
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When the news broke that Assange was coming home, every media organisation in Australia was unanimous in its support of the outcome.

But now that it has been revealed Kevin Rudd did most of the heavy lifting behind the scenes (as well as Albo and Wong), and people like Mike Pence is outspoken in his opposition to the outcome, you can see the Murdoch Media in particular are starting to back track. :mhihi
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Looked concocted to me although I don't know the situation obviously. In any case, weren't the charges dropped?

The sexual molestation charges, the the statute of limitations expired when he was in the Ecuador embassy.

Swedish women's rights groups regret Assange not questioned over sex crimes allegations​

By Reuters
June 26, 20242:08 AM GMT+9:30Updated 2 days ago

Women's rights advocates said on Tuesday they regretted that Julian Assange was not questioned over rape and other sex crime allegations in Sweden, as the WikiLeaks founder eyes freedom after a long legal odyssey in Britain.

The Australian is due to make a deal in a U.S. court on Wednesday that will set him free after five years in British prison.
Between 2012 and 2019, Assange took refuge in Ecuador's embassy in London to duck extradition to Sweden over the 2010 allegations, claiming the Nordic country may in turn extradite him to the U.S. where he faced espionage charges.

Assange has rejected the Swedish accusations.
Swedish prosecutors in 2019 dropped their remaining probe, into rape, saying the plaintiff's account of events was credible but the many years passed had weakened evidence.
"It's a betrayal against the women who reported him and who have not been given a chance for legal redress," said Clara Berglund, head of the Swedish Women's Lobby, an umbrella organisation for women's rights groups
The rape charges were dropped because of the elapsed time supposedly weakened the case.

Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson took the decision to "discontinue the investigation regarding Julian Assange", the Swedish Prosecution Authority said.
"The reason for this decision is that the evidence has weakened considerably due to the long period of time that has elapsed since the events in question," it added.
EPA Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson. Photo: 19 November 2019
Eva-Marie Persson said the decision had been taken after interviews with seven witnesses
Ms Persson said: "I would like to emphasise that the injured party has submitted a credible and reliable version of events.
"Her statements have been coherent, extensive and detailed; however, my overall assessment is that the evidential situation has been weakened to such an extent that that there is no longer any reason to continue the investigation."

Sounds like he got away with quite a bit while hiding in the embassy. Using the excuse he wouldn’t face up to the charges in Sweden just in case they extradited hime to the US for his Wikileaks.
As others have said, how could he be extradited to the US if he hadn’t committed any crimes there?
What's all that crap got to do with whether you need a university degree to be a journalist or editor or publisher as you posted?

You got caught out making *smile* up again. Be a man and own it for a change.
Wot snot !! By the way who paid for the VIP jet from Stansted to Canberra. Why are not the hackers into that ?.
Wot snot !! By the way who paid for the VIP jet from Stansted to Canberra. Why are not the hackers into that ?.

Again, nothing to do with whether you need a degree to be a journalist, editor and publisher like you posted. At least you're consistent and still can't man up when you're proven to have just made *smile* up again.
Wonder if the Dem's will somehow find a way to charge the Trumpster with this lot as well? If they're really quick about it they could probably get him held in Folsom or somewhere similar without bail n really *smile* up his erection campaign. :))
Doubt the "Dem's" need to get involved trying to find ways to charge Trump with any crimes- he has given prosecutors in multiples jurisdictions enough opportunities already.
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Doubt the "Dem's" need to get involved trying to find ways to charge Trump with any crimes- he has given prosecutors in multiples jurisdictions enough opportunities already.
Yeah, but he's still out there campaigning so I would have thought they might go after him with something a bit more hardcore so that they could actually hide him away somewhere n shut him up for a while.

Damn. I forgot the great debate was on n now I've probably missed most of it, could have turned the volume down to a low mutter n caught up on some old fart nanna nap time.
Again, nothing to do with whether you need a degree to be a journalist, editor and publisher like you posted. At least you're consistent and still can't man up when you're proven to have just made *smile* up again.
The old "smile" chestnut again when you are backed into corner. I asked "who paid for the flight ?". One of the wannabees on this Pre should come up with that info.
Credit to both Labour and the cross-party group that lobbied in the US to get him released.

Had he gone to the US I have no doubt they would have found a way to murder him in prison.
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The old "smile" chestnut again when you are backed into corner. I asked "who paid for the flight ?". One of the wannabees on this Pre should come up with that info.
You asked a lot of *smile* but the topic is clearly the need to have a formal degree in Journalism to be a journalist. A claim you made up but are still trying to avoid the topic because you were again pulled up for making *smile* up.
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Assange went beyond the threshold of Investigative journalism by releasing the names of persons who were sympathetic to US & it Allies (Australia is one) in hostile countries. He did not need to name them , did he ?. By doing so he assisted the enemy.
They try to justify him not redacting names by saying “there’s no evidence anyone was harmed”. I wonder how they know that. He named quite a few people.
Probably easier just to make that statement knowing it’s hard to prove or disprove.

No doubt he’s tapping away on his keyboard ready to help Trump with the old dodderer.
Just like he did with Hilary. He loves his mate Donald
Glad the man is free. But far too much fuss is made of him getting out. We need the USA for our future security, so must show some respect overall.
I hope all T.V stations who showed the coverage had very low ratings. As the average Aussie didn’t care.
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Going to be a Plutocrat. Live in Toorak drive a Tesla. Charitable only lto eft wing leaning loony organizations & Greeies.

No one paid for the VIP jet !!

Click on Home scroll down.
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Got it from the horses mouth Stella Assange on X Urgent appeal for donations to pay back the Australian Government USD$520000.00 for Assange VIP flight FJ199.
Dip into your pockets but it is not Tax free.
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