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Assange !!

So war crimes against innocent civilians need to be kept a secret?

Assange is a convicted criminal and a precedent has been set. Other journos will now think twice before doing the same.
Dear Julian does not hold any Journalistic degrees so should refrain from using that profession as his means of earning a quid. A Hacker more realistic.
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Well one thing that all Assange’s adoring fans need to recognise, is his antipathy towards Hilary Clinton and the leaking of internal communication data helped good ol’ Donnie Trump get elected.
That data was obtained by hackers working for the Russian Intelligence agencies..

So Assange and Trump have something in common. Best of mates?
I wonder what Julian thinks of “Sleepy Joe”?
No doubt Assange will be back on his keyboard looking for something to smear Old Joe with during the election. Just to get his mate Trump back in as POTUS. Probably get a full pardon as well

They seem to have woman trouble as well. Assange’s alleged rape and multiple sexual violations seem to be swept under the carpet by his supporters.
Donald hoped for the same after paying multiple women off.
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Wikipedia lists Julian as an Editor Publisher & Activist. To be a Editor or Publisher in Oz you have to have University Degrees in those fields. Julian is a fraud to glorify himself in those positions as he has no Degrees in those fields. So that leaves him just a Activist being lauded by the leadership of the Australian Government. God help Australia.
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To be a Editor or Publisher in Oz you have to have University Degrees in those fields.
That might be what the Daily Mail implies, but it's incorrect. Editor, Publisher, Journalist are not professions that require a formal degree.
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That might be what the Daily Mail implies, but it's incorrect. Editor, Publisher, Journalist are not professions that require a formal degree.
Well tell us all how you earn the right to glorify yourself in those Honorable professions. Ya just cannot rack up to the PC ,push the keys & flog yourself off as one of those professions. I suppose you can at Wikileaks as is a hackers domain & nothing else.
Well tell us all how you earn the right to glorify yourself in those Honorable professions. Ya just cannot rack up to the PC ,push the keys & flog yourself off as one of those professions. I suppose you can at Wikileaks as is a hackers domain & nothing else.
Don't need to tell you anything other than you're wrong, again. You don't need a specific degree, or any degree really, to be a Journalist -> Editor -> Publisher.
Don't need to tell you anything other than you're wrong, again. You don't need a specific degree, or any degree really, to be a Journalist -> Editor -> Publisher.
Yeah, I think these days you can call yourself whatever you like.
In the old days most did a 4 years Batchelor of Communication or similar. Or a 3 year Cadetship.

These days you can call yourself a journalist without the “usual” formal training. Especially as an “online journalist” probably much the same as a “online editor” ( well they do edit articles and documents etc) and “online publisher” ( they do actually publish articles, even leaking them is probably publishing)

The olden days journalists, editors and publishers are going the way of broadsheet newspapers. And newspapers in general.
All they need are people with (generally) good language skills to write up articles online and send them through to an online editor.
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In the old days most did a 4 years Batchelor of Communication or similar. Or a 3 year Cadetship.
Yeah, but the point here is that there was never, and still isn't, a degree requirement for those professions. There are Journalism degrees available now which the major media outlets would probably want before hiring a youngun. Comms degrees as you mentioned are popular as are English Lit degrees, or specialist subject degrees like Economics, Political Science etc are pretty common amongst the journos.

Anyone looking to become a journalist today would be well advised to get a Masters in Click Baiting
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Don't need to tell you anything other than you're wrong, again. You don't need a specific degree, or any degree really, to be a Journalist -> Editor -> Publisher.
His only true trade is a Hacker. He groomed a confused Bradley 'Chelsea" Manning to violate his pledge as member of US of A Defence Force. To do this you have to have connections on the other side of the fence. He violated Manning's trust by releasing the material & not deleting agents etc etc names. That is what the Yanks were after him for. Manning was just a pawn & betrayed by Julian dahling.
Wrong an ex US of A air force jet jockey has been held in remand in an Oz prison for sometime at US of A's request as he trained Chinese air force pilots after exiting the Defence Force. I think he might have been extradited to Us of A.

If he trained them in China and has left the US military it would likely come down to breaching a commitment made when he was a member of the US military. Unless of course you want to allow all countries to try anyone from any country committing any act anywhere in the world under their own laws. Or do you reserve this for the USA alone, western countries only, or who do you limit this to, on what basis and who decides?

Assange is not a US citizen and did not commit any crime in the USA. Where is their jurisdiction? Plus, the USA wanted to try Assange under US law but not offer the protections US law has under the constitution - which is a contradiction.

In any case, he exposed war crimes and told us what our governments were doing and saying on our behalf - I reckon we have a right to this sort of info.

Well tell us all how you earn the right to glorify yourself in those Honorable professions. Ya just cannot rack up to the PC ,push the keys & flog yourself off as one of those professions. I suppose you can at Wikileaks as is a hackers domain & nothing else.

So, you're telling us that Kane Cornes, who works as a journalist, has journalism qualifications?

Journalism has never required specific qualifications. Years ago journalism degrees did not exist, they are quite recent. A lot of journos have qualifications in their field, many don't. There were also cadetships many years ago, less so now.

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So, you're telling us that Kane Cornes, who works as a journalist, has journalism qualifications?
Hang on, correction . The 5 minute fireman doesn’t work as a journalist. He’s a media performer. Calling him a journalist is really putting the boot into that much maligned profession.
Journalism has never required specific qualifications. Years ago journalism degrees did not exist, they are quite recent. A lot of journos have qualifications in their field, many don't. There were also cadetships many years ago, less so now.
Very true. And as I said before a few posts ago, a lot of media is online now. So different techniques, equipment, sourcing of stories and personnel are prevalent now.
If he trained them in China and has left the US military it would likely come down to breaching a commitment made when he was a member of the US military. Unless of course you want to allow all countries to try anyone from any country committing any act anywhere in the world under their own laws. Or do you reserve this for the USA alone, western countries only, or who do you limit this to, on what basis and who decides?

Assange is not a US citizen and did not commit any crime in the USA. Where is their jurisdiction? Plus, the USA wanted to try Assange under US law but not offer the protections US law has under the constitution - which is a contradiction.

In any case, he exposed war crimes and told us what our governments were doing and saying on our behalf - I reckon we have a right to this sort of info.

Well allegedly he committed sex crimes in Sweden and dodged extradition to gace those charges by hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy.
How come that gets dismissed?