Assange !! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Assange !!

If he'd have done it to Putinontheritz, Grandpa Xi, Little Kimmy or the Ayatollah, he'd have been swingin from the rafters in a big hurry. Spent years hiding n ranting from the Ecuadorian embassy n some slot time in Pommie land and he'll be coming home some weird sort of national hero. Bah Humbug.
Wasn’t he also investigated for an alleged rape and an alleged series of multiple sexual molestation?
Swedish authorities dropped the alleged rape charges because he was in the Ecuador embassy.
The alleged multiple sexual molestation charges were dropped when the statute of limitations expired when he was in asylum at the Ecuador embassy as well.

Some will probably say it was a setup. But who really knows except for Assange?
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All he did was to reveal what is being said and done in our name, we should have a right to know what our governments are up to but the last people they want to know are the citizens.

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All he did was to reveal what is being said and done in our name, we should have a right to know what our governments are up to but the last people they want to know are the citizens.

Firstly none of the confidential info was his to be spreading around and putting other people and sensitive dealings at risk.
Secondly and way more importantly.
The people he n his mates chucked under the bus by stealing and blabbering this information are dealing with those blokes and others just like them that I mentioned in my previous post. They play the world game far dirtier n sneakier than anything our side does with no oversight, comeback or righteous hand wringing from the plebs in the street. There's ugly reasons this kinda *smile* needs to remain secret for a hundred years.
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Rudd US Ambassador & Smith UK High Commish chaperoning him home. Would they do that for Jack & Jill from Dogtown . Nah. We pay them to represent us not some convicted felon beyond the norm.
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btw... I am not an Assange supporter nor detractor.
So a fight for Free Press winds up like this.
The USA has never before pursued a publisher or journalist under the espionage act. Was it spying?
Technically no, because the information was for everybody, including the USA.
Nobody in the revealed documents has been caused any harm - maybe some political and military pride? Ha
Remember it was John Howard who sent our troops into 2 wars that were an exercise in futility, death, and continued angst for Australian soldiers and it's people. The same wars the revealed documents referenced.
The Swedish sex story is so full of holes you could use it as a colander.
Belmarsh Prison is a heavy place.
The plea bargain was just a way to end it.
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In a nutshell Assange was the motivator to encourage US Army Private Chelsea (Bradley) Manning to sell out his country by filching Secret Classified US Defence Documents. Ya just do not walk up to a guy like Manning & get him to betray his pledge to his country forthwith. It takes grooming & Assange was more guilty than a somewhat perplexed Manning as to who he was. No wonder the US of A were after Assange's cherries.

I’ve never understood how an Australian citizen could be prosecuted under the US espionage Act.
By the way he served far more time in prison than the US citizen who actually leaked the information
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In a nutshell Assange was the motivator to encourage US Army Private Chelsea (Bradley) Manning to sell out his country by filching Secret Classified US Defence Documents. Ya just do not walk up to a guy like Manning & get him to betray his pledge to his country forthwith. It takes grooming & Assange was more guilty than a somewhat perplexed Manning as to who he was. No wonder the US of A were after Assange's cherries.

And so says the Daily Mail!

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And so says the Daily Mail!

You forgot one haha !!. You know something haha Julian just spent the best years of his life couped up in a gage like a battery chicken. It aint like living at the Ritz is it ?.
Firstly none of the confidential info was his to be spreading around and putting other people and sensitive dealings at risk.
Secondly and way more importantly.
The people he n his mates chucked under the bus by stealing and blabbering this information are dealing with those blokes and others just like them that I mentioned in my previous post. They play the world game far dirtier n sneakier than anything our side does with no oversight, comeback or righteous hand wringing from the plebs in the street. There's ugly reasons this kinda *smile* needs to remain secret for a hundred years.
So war crimes against innocent civilians need to be kept a secret?

Assange is a convicted criminal and a precedent has been set. Other journos will now think twice before doing the same.
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Terrible precedent - a citizen of a country other than the USA can be tried for a crime they committed outside of the USA. The USA should not have any jurisdiction over what happens outside their country unless it is to haul in one of their own.

As for this notion that leaking info is somehow a problem for the military and agencies of various governments, it is always the citizens who are the last to know and the opposing militaries and agencies who are the first to know.

Exposing the abhorrent behaviour of various militaries in various places is a public service not a crime.

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Oooh gotta love that last message at the bottom of the WANK logo.

You talk of times of peace for all, and then prepare for war.

Haarrgh. It's humans FFS that's what we're best at, been warring with one another from day one n we'll be warring with one another until there's none of us left.
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So war crimes against innocent civilians need to be kept a secret?
So what planet you living on Harry? It's only the western societies that constantly run around confessing their sins or having them exposed by the righteous do gooders n then get all convoluted n tangled up in their *smile* pile. The other mobs just bury their secrets.
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Terrible precedent - a citizen of a country other than the USA can be tried for a crime they committed outside of the USA. The USA should not have any jurisdiction over what happens outside their country unless it is to haul in one of their own.

As for this notion that leaking info is somehow a problem for the military and agencies of various governments, it is always the citizens who are the last to know and the opposing militaries and agencies who are the first to know.

Exposing the abhorrent behaviour of various militaries in various places is a public service not a crime.

Wrong an ex US of A air force jet jockey has been held in remand in an Oz prison for sometime at US of A's request as he trained Chinese air force pilots after exiting the Defence Force. I think he might have been extradited to Us of A.