That prohibited contact one was simply ridiculous.
What did Rioli do? Bumped a player front on, very lightly, after the ball went out of play.
Does that fit any of these:
(a) executes a tackle that is not legal (refer to the definition of Legal Tackle);
(b) pushes or bumps an opposition Player in the back;
(c) makes high contact to an opposition Player (including the top of the shoulders) with any part of their body;
(d) holds an opposition Player who is not in possession of the football;
(e) executes an illegal Shepherd;
(f) Charges an opposition Player;
(g) trips or attempts to trip an opposition Player, whether by hand, arm, foot or leg;
(h) kicks or attempts to kick an opposition Player;
(i) kicks or attempts to kick the football in a manner likely to cause injury;
(j) strikes or attempts to strike an opposition Player, whether by hand, fist, arm, knee or head;
(k) bumps or makes forceful contact to an opposition Player from front-on when that Player has their head down over the football.
Not a tackle, did not bump in the back, no high contact, did not hold the other player, was not a shepherd, did not charge the opposition player, no trip, did not kick the other player, did not kick the football at all, did not strike the other player, the opposition player did not have their head over the football.
It is a big list, but this is a ridiculous interpretation. Yes, they should have been a bit wary of this after last week's absurdity, but how many other times did this happen in the game and no free was paid?