Djevv said:
I think Gen 1 is pure divine revelation. God was there, we weren't. I don't think you need worry too much about faith/belief - just take it at face value. The prose is generally straightforward. The stories have layers of meaning, literal, metaphorical, spiritual. Do you have to believe the whole thing to enjoy the read?
No, but if all that is contained within the OT is not right and true how can anyone know what is meant to be believed and what is not?
As you say in Gen 1 God was there, we weren’t - if I accept this on face value then I have by default subordinated logic and reason to the telling of the story or to faith for the remainder of the text. And this in itself isn’t a problem – I love reading fiction - it’s only claims that the OT is right and true that muddies the waters for me here.
I guess I’m just trying to establish the integrity of the text according to christians like jay and yourself which will in turn perhaps assist me in how best to interpret the stories.
Is everything in the OT to be believed or not?
Is any one event more or less believable than any other event?
Can any one interpretation of events in the OT be more valid than any other if neither interpretation is supported by the text?
I am by the way enjoying it – it’s great.
Djevv said:
Yes it is about the creation of light, but the idea is God SPOKE by faith into nothing and it came to be. Creation by and through His WORD (Jesus).
You mean God willed it to happen, right. When God speaks/ when his voice is heard is it always through vision, dream etc never a whisper in the ear?
Just trying to get some reading ground rules sorted.
Djevv said:
Personally I think Moses put together the writings of previous generations at well as his own revelations and worked into a whole - the Pentateuch.
Anyway keep reading!
When you say the writings of previous generations can you be more specific? Who?
evo, come across a bit of begattin, and I must confess I skipped a bit there. Read one begattin, read them all.