ssstone said:i totally agree with you remote .but can you tell me what taxy bracksy did last election that is so differant?pollies no matter what side of the fence are all the same .
Correct both sides of the fence treat us like a necessary nuisance.
Anduril said:You forgot R & D Remote. When the mining boom slows down we are going to be in real trouble. (At least Bracks is OS developing some bio partnerships on the back of some interesting R & D here in Vic..... patches for diabetics; new, less invasive tests that pick up cardiac problems earlier for example.)
And the $700 tutor allowance for children in years 3, 5 & 7 experiencing difficulty, not new. Take up rate was 30% last time. Wouldn't it be better to put in back into schools? No wait, if you do that then you'll no longer be able to castigate teachers and people might notice you've been at it for over 10 years now and according to you nothing's improved in standards and start blaming you instead of the professionals doing the best they can on a shoestring in most areas.
R and D isn't that something the large American Corporations do for us under the Free Trade Agreement - Australian R and D died about 11 years ago.
Teachers - primary and secondary education - there is another necessary nuisance - keep the masses dumb and you can feed them any information and they will believe it! Education is only for those who can afford it or those that are prepared to go deep into debt for it - anyway how does educating the young increase productivity and build the economy - who is going to do the sh!t jobs if we are all educated for heaven's sake?