jb03 said:
Tigerdog said:
I keep hearing news reports about record unemployment. But IIRC, the definition of 'employed' was changed by the Howard government. Whereas before 'employed' was considered to be working at minimum 24-26 (maybe it was 20?)hours a week. Now, if I am not mistaken, the definition of 'employed' means someone who works a minimum of 10-12 hours a week.
Can anyone clarify this for me please?
If it is true, it is an example of 'spin'. But the ignorant majority believe it because it was on the news, or in the paper. It must be true.
IT doesn't really matter by what measure you use TD as under Howards reign it is relative. The fact is unemployment rates under Howard have dropped and further, they have dropped since the introduction of Workchoices.
I know we all like to kick Little Johnny but this is one area where he shouldn't be.
But is it a fact? Or is it just the playing with of figures?
If what Anduril said is true and you are regarded as being 'employed' even if you only work one hour a week, what would the figures look like if calculated in the old way of measuring 'employment' status.
Of course they would be quite different. Maybe still marginally improved in a real sense.
But the point remains the same. Most people don't know that the employment figures are calculated differently now and so believe the Government's spin and think 'they must be doing a great job'.
Why Labor doesn't make more of an effort to have things like this countered in public in an effort to educate the voting population, I will never know.