I wouldn't be worrying too much about the history of this region going back much before 2014, because it's largely irrelevant to whats happening now.
- West vetto'd peace talks in 2022
- Putin has openly stated that he wants to negotiate peace, and that has been his position right through the war until Kursk got hit.
So how any why did this start?
60 days before the coup on the Ukranian Govt in 2014, Victoria Nuland is speaking at a State Dept event sponsored by Exxon Mobil and Chevron Oil, the number 12 and number 2 oil companies on the globe.
Chevron in 2013 had signed a 10 BILLION dollar deal with Nafta Gas, the largest state owned oil co in the Ukraine. Under the deal it would become privately owned.
The newly elected Ukrainian Govt didn't like the deal, no surprises here, as there was little in it for the Ukraine. But in the Ukraine it's very easy to pay off corrupt officials to get any deal you want.
Basically Nafta Gas was being sold off to Western Stakeholders, $10 billion from Chevron, $10 from Shell and billions from Exxcon Mobil.
Victor Janekovic refused to agree to the deal. As soon as he did this, the west launched their coup on his government (yes, we did that, the protectors of democracy)
So this sponsored event of the State Dept, has Victoria Nuland on the podium BRAGGING about how they've managed to over throw an elected Govt, and she's doing this with Exxcon Mobil and Chevron banners behind her, two major beneficiaries of this action.
What they didn't anticipate was the eastern part of the Ukraine, to have a counter coup where the Dombas and Crimea broke off with a reffurendum agreeing to join the Russian federation.. The problem with this is that ALL of these oil reserves are in the DOMBAS and off the coast of Crimea, so suddenly the billions of investments looks like returning duck eggs to Exxcon Mobil, Shell and Chevron.
This is what makes peace talks so hard now. All these reserves are out of our reach.
So CIA gets involved in the paramilitary re-conquest of this region. Kiev's paramilitary, trained by the CIA and Brittish forces murders 18,000 Ukrainains in this region which is when Russia stepped in.
When Trump got into office in 2017, his first appointment for head of state was Rex Tillerson, effectively removing the middle man. The head of Exxon is right there making the thug decisions on the Ukraine. Before you all start declaring what an arse hole Trump is for this appointment, understand that he had to make 60,000 appointments when he came to office. Also bear in mind that he didn't just beat the Democrats, he also beat the epublicans who didn't want him leading their party. RFK junior summarises this when he states that the political establishment preyed on Trumps lack of political experience and swamped him with bureaucrats whose job wa sto control him and his administration. It wasonly when the whole Russia Gate hoax fell apart in 2019 that Trump was able to get on top of this and start sacking these types. He also started to unshackle himself from large corporate doners.
This is likely why the Democrats are so focused on Project 2025. TRump says he hasn't read it. My guess is that he may have, but a lot of Project 2025 farticulates the schedule "F" technique to rid the bureaucracy of political appointments, or fat cat bureaucrats who are controlling the Govt. So we can believe him or not in relation to Project 2025, but a lot of what that document talks about is the same stuff Trump has talked about doing anyway, and i don't see that as a bad thing. The President should have power, not unelected fat catrs sponsored by large corporations. A second Trump term will not be so naive, particularly with RFK junior advising him. James Comey the FBI director even bragged of the way they dupped Trump when he was first in office.
Back to the war......................
Putin did not put troops on the border to invade. He did that to force a strong negotiation hand. When he invaded, a peace deal was drawn up and signed off on by both countries. They even popped the champaign corks, until Boris Johnson and the US got involved.
Had they stuck to the deal, the Ukraine would not have lost any land, and the status of the Dombas would have been decided by direct meetings between Putin and the *smile* puppet guy.
So now we are going to allow long range weapon use by the Ukraine, Russia knowing full well that the weapons are guided by satilites that the Ukraine doesn't have. So who is guidung these FRench and US missiles? Well that would be the French and the US, so it becomes a lot more than a proxy ar when Russia knows full well that it's basivclaly France and the USA bombing them.
Whether we like it or not, the only person showing any common sense or dae i say it 'statesmanship' is actually Putin. The west keep pushing this further and further towards a full on knetic was with Russia.
That Republican F*&kwit Lindsay Graham summed it up perfectly when he said of the money being spent "It's the best moeny we've ever spent. We're killing Russians, and haven't lost a single US serviceman"!
He omits to say that a whole generation of Ukranian youth has been wiped out. That Ukranians ar ebeing kidnapped off the streets and thrown into buses to be taken to the front. That comment by that NEOCON is pure evil.
As Trump said during the debate "I just want peole to stop dying"!
That wasn't enough for the moderator, they had to keep asking "But do you want the Ukraine to win the war"?
Trumps best response would have been to throw back to this idiot and ask "What do you mean win the war? What constitutes a victory"?
The only way we get to voctory is to leave the palnet a smouldering mess, because i doubt Russia is going to go away into the night without hitting the red butto nas a last resort.