Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
Liverpool said:
Others on here claim they are more or less "swinging voters" yet their posts and articles they post are very skewed one way.
That makes their views more grey than my own, I think.

My political views are pretty grey. Most probably because the parties themselves have melted a lot closer together than they once were & now I can't really stand any of them because i no longer really understand what it is they stand for! Just seems a lot of mudslinging these days.
Have voted Liberal in the past and voted Labor. Never brought myself to vote green.
I think my current stance is because I cannot possibly bare the thought of Tony Abbott as our Prime Minister.
If the Libs think he's the man for the job then my distaste follows through.
Tigers of Old said:
I think my current stance is because I cannot possibly bare the thought of Tony Abbott as our Prime Minister. If the Libs think he's the man for the job then my distaste follows through.

Yeah. I'm anti-Abbott but not Anti-Liberals. I just hope every good Libs policy is a party policy and not an Abbott policy. Conversely I hope every stupid ill-conceived Libs policy is an Abbott special and not a party one.
MB78 said:
They probably are between ALP and Greens ;D

Spot on mate :fing32

Baloo said:
Well, you're still shuffling. The question was anti-ALP or Anti-Gillard regardless of their policies. Now you're quoting policy reasons. Stop wriggling.

I'm not wriggling...I think I have made myself pretty clear and if you are still confused about my political persuasion then I see little hope for you.

I'm anti-ALP and anti-Gillard and before that, anti-Rudd.

The party policies are opposite to what I believe in personally in a lot of cases and I also found Rudd a me-too phoney and Gillard a socialist sexist-card incompetent liar.

An example today:

Ms Gillard today admitted she didn't know how to fund the $8 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme. The Opposition used the admission to stir up speculation that death duties could return.

Is that clear enough for you now?
Tigers of Old said:
My political views are pretty grey. Most probably because the parties themselves have melted a lot closer together than they once were & now I can't really stand any of them because i no longer really understand what it is they stand for! Just seems a lot of mudslinging these days.
Have voted Liberal in the past and voted Labor. Never brought myself to vote green.
I think my current stance is because I cannot possibly bare the thought of Tony Abbott as our Prime Minister.
If the Libs think he's the man for the job then my distaste follows through.
I don't think there's a party that covers me really. I'm a socialist in general so the Libs are usually well to my right but Labor's asylum seeker stance makes me sick. The Greens aren't really a good fit..too many hairbained ideas though I have voted for them locally. I try to spread my vote around depending on the issues and like to vote below the line in the hope that I can bugger up preference deals.
Liverpool said:
I'm anti-ALP and anti-Gillard and before that, anti-Rudd.

Is that clear enough for you now?

That's all that was needed.

I also found Rudd a me-too phoney and Gillard a socialist sexist-card incompetent liar.

An example today:

Ms Gillard today admitted she didn't know how to fund the $8 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme. The Opposition used the admission to stir up speculation that death duties could return.

But you can't help yourself and use every opportunity to deflect away from yourself and onto the enemy. And you wonder why I'm confused.
Liverpool said:
The party policies are opposite to what I believe in personally in a lot of cases and I also found Rudd a me-too phoney and Gillard a socialist sexist-card incompetent liar.

An example today:

Ms Gillard today admitted she didn't know how to fund the $8 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme. The Opposition used the admission to stir up speculation that death duties could return.

Is that clear enough for you now?

what is your issue with what Gillard said?
Brodders17 said:
what is your issue with what Gillard said?

A Prime Minister, in power for the last couple of years, has the 'worlds best treasurer" has a press conference to announce a policy and admits she "didn't know how to fund the $8 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme".

Whats right with this?
Baloo said:
That's all that was needed.

But you can't help yourself and use every opportunity to deflect away from yourself and onto the enemy. And you wonder why I'm confused.

I said I voted Liberal in the past, will vote Liberal in the next election, and posted a Gillard gaffe.
Whats confusing about this scenario? ???

Anyways, it should be pretty clear so there is nothing else to say about it now.
Liverpool said:
A Prime Minister, in power for the last couple of years, has the 'worlds best treasurer" has a press conference to announce a policy and admits she "didn't know how to fund the $8 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme".

Whats right with this?

why does that need to be decided 6 months before the budget?
isnt the priority at this stage getting the scheme right and then dealing with the states?
Liverpool said:
They have always left the country in a worse financial state than what they found it....this Government is no different.

So you are saying the Hawke-Keating governments left the economy in a worse state than it was under the Fraser government?
antman said:
So you are saying the Hawke-Keating governments left the economy in a worse state than it was under the Fraser government?

Since I was legally able to vote, they have.

What happened in the early 80's when I was an ankle-biter is of no interest to me now.

Brodders17 said:
why does that need to be decided 6 months before the budget?
isnt the priority at this stage getting the scheme right and then dealing with the states?

How can you get a scheme right when you have no idea how its going to be funded?
Liverpool said:
Since I was legally able to vote, they have.

What happened in the early 80's when I was an ankle-biter is of no interest to me now.

So you are basing your statement on a sample of one - the current labor government that is still in office. Pure genius.
antman said:
So you are basing your statement on a sample of one - the current labor government that is still in office. Pure genius.

No, I'm also basing it on the Libs leaving the finances in a better state than they found it too.

Also, both Federal and State governments.
Liverpool said:
No, I'm also basing it on the Libs leaving the finances in a better state than they found it too.

And conveniently leaving out instances that proving you wrong because you "aren't interested in them".

Another masterclass of Liverpool ineptness.
You other posters grilling Livers, do exactly the same thing.

You choose what you want to remember or take into account yourselfs.

Seems to me your failing to rule in the points Livers is bringing up.
More bad news for Tony the Terrible today with the latest Essential poll showing how little voters care about the Gillard/AWU "scandal". And it turns out that of those who did bother to pay attention the majority think it was very poorly handled by Abbott, Bishop and the Coalition. The majority felt the PM handled the situation well, and the ALP's net approval rating actually went up.
U2Tigers said:
You other posters grilling Livers, do exactly the same thing.

You choose what you want to remember or take into account yourselfs.

Seems to me your failing to rule in the points Livers is bringing up.

I started the grilling but I have declared my hand openly.

What am I failing ?
U2Tigers said:
You other posters grilling Livers, do exactly the same thing.

You choose what you want to remember or take into account yourselfs.

Seems to me your failing to rule in the points Livers is bringing up.

Looking forward to Livers posting the :clap emoticon for this post.
antman said:
And conveniently leaving out instances that proving you wrong because you "aren't interested in them".

Another masterclass of Liverpool ineptness.

Since 1992 when I turned 18 and was legally able to vote...what Victorian ALP state government or ALP federal government have left the finances in a better condition than when they found it?

How many Liberal governments, both Victorian state and federally, have left the finances in a better condition than when they found it?

You're talking about Hawke taking over from Fraser in *smile* 1983 when i was about 9 years old and think I should base my political allegiance on that??? :cutelaugh

You are joking now and just taking the *smile*......aren't you???