Let's lok at the last 3 charges on Tom Lynch
The first, a "Strike" on Witts after Witts comes in on Tom Lynch who is remostrating with Collins who'd just punched him to the guts.
No mention of the strike by Collins that had probably 5 times the force Lynch's strike had on that same player.
As for the strike on Witts, to be honest, i'm struggling to even see which action was considered a strike, andwhether any of Lynch's actions on Witts had more force than what Witts did to Lynch.
The strike on Collins looked more like a pushing action as Lynch leavered off him to get a break on the lead.
The strike on Hurley was a pushing action after a real strike was thrown into Lynch's broken hand.
So i guess my question is:
1 - Where is the striking offence against Collins (3rd qtr)
2 - Where is the striking offence agaisnt Hurley, after all we were stamping this action of targeting injuries from the game a few weeks back.
3 - In light of the staging fines we've just copped, where is Collins fine for the biggest staging act this decade?
My advice to Collins is that if that Tom Lynch action caused that much physical distress, give up the game of football before a stiff breeze causes your fragile frame to bust under it's own weight and fall down like a pack of cards.
Lastly, where is the psychologist to consult Collins who, judging by post game footage, has some serious mental issues that need to be dealt with.
I'm seriously sick of all of this media crap revolving around our club. It just shows where Australian journalism has got too, where journalists not just in the sporting sphere but also in politics have become no more than an activist group. They've turned a job where good research was key, into the easiest gig in the world. Trawl social media, beat it like an egg, and go to print.