Thanks to the stimulus package both my shops have hit their April Targets already and it is only the 15th of the month. Plus there are many more in my geogrphic area who are still waiting for their cheque. It is saving jobs in my shops as I have not had to lay a staff member off because of lack of revenue.
Had to sack one girl for smoking a joint during smoko though! Silly girl!
Plus I have a number of small businesses as my customers and they are frantic at the moment quoting on various projects for local schools (public education buildings are infrastructure - but you conservatives don't believe in public education - "if its not private its no good"). Being a member of my son's school P & C Association we are currently spending $200,000 on small projects to get instant money into local businesses plus we have requested our $3.2m be spent on extending the school assembly hall and covering the school quadrangle. Plus we have been given approval to spend further money on finally tarring our school car park. Thats a lot of money into infrastructure IMO.
Livers - instead of getting your facts from right wing leaning newspapers - go and see what they are spending there Federal Government Grant on at your children's school - you maybe surprised.
1eyedtiger said:
Rosy, I'd hate to agree with Livers on political issues (just kidding ;D) but if people spend this money to pay off existing debt, then there is no benefit. They are paying for goods and services already received. It may hold off the banks from foreclosing on home loans for another month. But that's all. Even if everyone did go out and spend the money like the government would, it would be on foreign made products and the benefit would cease immediately after the money was gone. This is a short term measure only, and an expensive one at that. What we need are long term strategies to keep jobs in Australia and keep our own economy going.
Short term measures like this will not halt or reduce unemployment long term. Next year, the unemployment figure will not be affected to this years spending spree.
Experience shows those that pay off their debt now - will then use the money they earn later on spending rather than paying of their debt then. Which spreads the stimulas further.
I tend to agree with the overseas goods scenario but it could also help those countries economies to strengthen due to their exports to Australia which in turn will enable them to buy our minerals and so our economy benefits again.
Every economist I speak to up here in Canberra - even the conservative chaps all say we would be in a far worse condition had the Rudd Government not provided stimulas - if it had only provided tax cuts we would have again not achieved what the stimulas packages are achieving.
Being in the retail sector I know the stimulas is working - the bakers, the jewelers, the newsagent and the big stores in my shopping plaza are all telling me their sales are up when compared to April last year. Next we expect the bigger school infrastructure projects to kick in and we are sure we can get through to Christmas which is when most are predicting the economy to turn and begin to show signs of growth again.
The only precedence we have for this situation is the Great Deprssion which was made far worse by Governments removing money from the economy and through tariffs and thinking they were supporting their own workforce. It failed yet the blood Libeals under that feeble Turnbull trotted out the same - I was so much hoping he would be a great leader - but the Liberal backroom boys are fixing him up......
Don't worry we are in for a very rough ride - but it could have been a lot worse right now and therefore for far longer without the stimulas packages.......