Azza said:
You haven't answered 2 of my questions Livers -
Which specific natural events account for the increase in global temperature since the industrial revolution? Surely these are listed somewhere in all the anti-AGW literature?
If it just comes down to 'we don't know, but it can't be emissions, there's not enough', how many years do we keep looking for natural causes before we decide to accept AGW?
Firstly, "science" states that they can only get any accurate readings of the earth's temperature since 1850, so anything before 1850 is not as reliable, however:
as you can see there are still fluctuations over the last 1000 years with very few of them related to any type of man-made pollutant.
You asked for "natural events"...and I have named a handful that have changed the axis of the planet, events that have changed the temperature of the planet, and events that blast the earth with sun radiation.
All can cause long-term affects to the climate.
They aren't "background noise" as you decided to label them...they are sudden cataclysmic events that have caused long term changes.
You can't douse the planet in the biggest solar flares ever recorded, have an earthquake which changes the axis of the planet, have a volcano that changes the temperature of the planet by more than 1 degree a year later, and tell me that this is only 'background noise'.
Only a small read but maybe will give you an idea of what I'm on about:
And these are only the major events that have happened in the last 150 years or so...what about the last 500 years...the last 1000 years....and other major events that have not been scientifically recorded so we don't know what this has done to the planet and its related climate.
Its why I said it was "arrogant" for people to jump to a conclusion based of the opinions/views of some scientists that it is man-made pollutants that are causing global warming.
Mother Nature is far more powerful and destructive.