In such a hypothetical world, I could see sports where physical prowess is the major determinant of performance, being pulled from school sporting programmes and funding reduced, in favour of sports not reliant heavily on this aspect. Inter-school lawn bowls and curling will be huge!! Golf, perhaps should be strongly encouraged to abolish anything longer than a par 3 hole?Giardiasis said:Summed up perfectly. I think the end goal will be to end competitive sport as they will argue that it isn't fair that some win and some lose.
Hypothesised examples aside, don't get me wrong, I'm not a heartless prick. People are allowed to live as they wish. And if Hannah wants to live as a woman and it makes her happy, so be it, it's none of anyone else's business and she should be allowed to do it. However there is one major condition. It cannot unfairly impede others. And in my view, this is one area where it is unfairly to the detriment of women, who were conventionally born female.
We can't pretend that making a decision on these issues only creates winners. There will most certainly be winners and losers. The choice you have to make though is, should we take the utilitarian route to the benefit of 50% of the population, meaning less than 1% lose out. Or should we make a decision to the benefit of the less than 1%, with 50% losing out? The political climate we live in seems to have the loudest, shrillest voices coming from those in favour of the less than 1%. With anyone not agreeable tarred with the hateful bigot brush.